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Everything posted by Kaphotics

  1. Buy the game; you can always pre-purchase from the e-shop.
  2. Chinese pkm names don't show up because they use a proprietary font and non-unicode values. Need to wait for the PGL to re-open to grab the vectorized font. more features are planned; adding kahuna values isn't a priority as many other event flags would have to be set. Probably not adding the ability to change them for G7 games. UBs are visible by their actual name, not their code-name (UB-XX).
  3. Compile it yourself. It isn't ready for public consumption.
  4. ramsavs support has been removed for many many many months.
  5. https://github.com/kwsch/PKHeX/commit/c1b05e9331e2c3723b4a25bb050cbba664479377 thanks for supplying the info
  6. First two have been fixed; legality checking is still WIP.
  7. Nobody has provided battle video files, so I obviously can't support the unknown.
  8. You cannot load pcdata across generations. Dump the individual pkm files then import the folder instead.
  9. Afaik 11.0
  10. No. Best to install homebrew or downgrade for custom firmware / NTR live edits.
  11. The tool used in the video (KSMT) relies on ROM data for the raw info; not posting until the games come out. it also has a sortable summary table viewer:
  12. >after sun & moon release yes The above fix broke other things, which have since been fixed.
  13. Your compiler needs to support c# 6.0
  14. C-Gear skins are already partially implemented; the planned feature has been shelved for the time being. Past generation auxiliary editors have extremely low priority relative to current generation features.
  15. save states are not save files, they are memory dumps of the emulator. hence why you can't use it on your computer, because it's not laid out for your computer/emu setup. use the file in the battery folder.
  16. If it's still opening it, you haven't deleted it. It's probably still on the SD card. PKHeX detects the latest save file on your SD card when the program starts; you can also re-detect by double clicking the SAV tab -- it'll show where it's loading from too.
  17. Feel free to elaborate on what you think is wrong: https://github.com/kwsch/PKHeX/blob/master/PKHeX/MysteryGifts/WC6.cs#L344-L365
  18. https://projectpokemon.org/wiki/Pokemon_X/Y_3DS_Structure
  19. .HeldItem=0
  20. Thanks, fixed in latest commit. Changed the comparison from checking=WC6 to =MysteryGift. Had to change a lot of things to support multiple generation checking (eventually including gen4/5 origin mons, which isn't a priority atm).
  21. Not a bug, was changed. Alt-Click the box tab instead.
  22. It doesn't change their stat values, it boosts their defenses during damage calculations. Held items either exist or don't exist, there is no legality behind them that would prevent them from working.
  23. Homebrew, custom firmware, or cyber save editor dongle are the only methods.
  24. You choose a folder or your save file, simple as that. If you only want to edit a single box, use one of the filters (=Box=1)'".
  25. The latest release of PKHeX was back in September, before the demo was even out. Your friend likely used cheat codes in Citra, instead of save file edits. PKHeX is still in the process of updating to support the retail games; should be ready by this time next month.
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