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Everything posted by HottSushiz

  1. Hello There. Uh isn't this the part where you make an introduction? like where you live?....Um what colour underwear, or pillow? Or maybe what marshmallow colour you prefer, if you like marshmallows that is.
  2. Hello There. Awesome! I loved the Megaman Battle Network series, and there is only one in the DS which is a shame. And the only thing close is Starforce. *angry face* Though did you hear? they confirmed they are making another Starforce, but it's gonna be a cross over with the battle network!!!
  3. Hello There. What a wickedly awesome, dark.... Mewtwey Avvie, and sig. Oh and here we don't get that much major events either.
  4. Granted. But my dog eats your assignments. I wish it was really sun but cold winds tomorrow.
  5. Holy Chocolate Muffins!!! I already posted here? And i saw a video of this in Youtube weeks ago, and thought the game looks awesome, especially the design of each Pokemon. Also I've been attempting to download the game, but I'm unable to read Japanese, so I'm not so sure what to click.
  6. ^ ^ I had a feeling you would come here. You are the person who introduced me into this game.
  7. <p><p><p><p><p>lol! I had a little laugh, i can't do any form of art. <img src="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/laugh.png" alt="xD" srcset="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/laugh@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" /> So someone did make it for me.</p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p>Though i do wanna try out Photoshop, and just mess around.</p></p></p></p></p>

  8. Granted. Though it's something you hate, and you would of rather did something unoccuping? Since I'm not sure what you dread, you will be ticked .......Forever...........Then you die.......>.> I wish it wasn't cloudy. (it makes me sad)
  9. ^ ^ Uh i just did that yesterday. or today? maybe both! I stayed up at like 4am-5am, and it was our first day back at school. Stupid Kingdom Hearts, and Pokemon Mystery Dungeon. Every time I'm sleepy, the day just goes soooooooo sloooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwww.
  10. Ahhhh! i haven't lost until Social Studies, and i can't believe you actually created it...... You monster. I think i may avoid Project Pokemon.... and you for a while.
  11. Visit this site and download the latest file. >>> http://www.forwardcoding.com/projects/snezzids/snezzids.html <<< Try Google for the instructions I only had 3 hours of sleep and well obviously I'm just about to pass out.
  12. Ending of Bleach: Fade to Black - Koyoi, Tsuki ga Miezu tomo. I don't know who's the artist.
  13. Granted. It's not haunted, but there are creepy and disturbing dolls, decoration, posters, and mice/rats everywhere! I wish I feel no physical pain.
  14. HottSushiz


    Hello There. Most or not all people here have, or played a DS. Either emulator, or physical console. And i assume you have an R4 variant, i do too, though mine is original.
  15. What is Halo ODST really? because there's kinda too much content for it to be an expansion, and it's too little content to be classified as a full retail game. hmmmm.
  16. Man this program is getting so awesome. I would love to use the program, except my current firmware for some reason doesn't load homebrew, but if i do switch into my normal firmware I'm unable to play a specific game. This is really covenant, seeing how lazy i am me, getting up, taking out the MicroSD Card, and such, put it into the computer, ya de yada. Just to edit Pokemon. Now i think i don't even need to use the computer, except for updating files, and backing up saves.
  17. Um......*looks at the strange comment* The animals that possess the above er rabies? eventually bites you back, which reverses the effect. I wish i had no asthma.
  18. Why must more members leave us. *tear* I'll miss you.
  19. Halo isn't really worth the price, though it's heck fun. Get 3 people and you WILL stay up playing Firefight. But i agree with th above.
  20. Granted. But the liquid is Liquid Nitrogen, and froze the mug, plus anything that touches it. So your able to carry it with ease, but it gives your hand frost-bite, and it's frozen stuck to your hand. I wish the Holidays were slightly longer. (1 more DAY!!)
  21. Eek! don't say China my Mummy and Daddy are there!
  22. I wish i could see some gameplay. LOL this may attract Pikachu haters.
  23. Hmm i use to prefer OU, but it's getting boring seeing Scizor in nearly every battle. I'm beginning to prefer UU because of the variation, and it's something different, and more fun. Though right now I'm not following tiers, except I'm not gonna use any uber. I'm gonna have a combination of OU, BL, and UU. Because if i go strictly UU I'm unable to use my favorite Pokemon (Jolteon) which can OHKO Togekiss 80%.
  24. Hello There. Aw i was so gonna say that!! ^^
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