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Everything posted by HottSushiz

  1. Because DealExtreme are known for their great prices, and services, but horrible shipping speed. Like Darkrai204 ordered is M3i Zero i believe around a month ago, and he received it i think yesterday. Oh. And i suggest you read some reviews, about each Flash Cart your keen form because with the new Akaio Firmware released which was massive, the Acekard maybe becoming better then the M3. And possibly Cyclo. Hey if you have a Wii with games like Pokemon Battle Revolution, or Pokemon Ranch, maybe even Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles. I recommend the Acekard 2i. because since the latest Akaio Firmware being released. it solved tons of compatibility issues. and it also solves the Flash Cart to Wii connectivity. With that being said, the thing good about the Cyclo is the reliable RTS.
  2. Hmm depends on the mistake. It's a clone Flash Cart, so it may not work as well as other non clones like the Acekard, M3, or Cyclo. Seeing how you wanna play Heart Gold and Soul Silver, I'm sure it should work, because they finally made Mario & Luigi: Bowsers Inside Story to work on the R4 clones. Oh. And if you want to try the English patch KazoWAR is working on. Visit this thread, and the thread also contains the Anti-Piracy Bypass. >>> http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?t=4534 <<<
  3. Well usually when i get told to go to bed years ago, i would turn off the lights, hide under my covers, and start playing on my GBA, and begin leveling up my Pokemon. And usually i would be exhaustively tired, so i would wake up and my GBA would be dead, then i would stare at the dead GBA because of the progress I've lost.
  4. Hey are you able to upload the pkm file?
  5. Damn Right!:kikkoman: I don't have a clue with Photoshop, or Gimp. When i opened up the program so many buttons, and words i don't understand. So i uploaded an image, then went all spaztic, and click on random things......Then i got bored so i uninstalled it.
  6. HottSushiz


    Hello There. Crap i think i saw a tornado when i was walking my dog. I got such a fright, even if it's not a tornado, that gigantic cloud swirling to the ground made me sprint my fasted home.
  7. HottSushiz


    Hello There. Awesome sig! I love Scizor, though I'm assuming that's not your sig. :tongue: Have you tried Shoddy yet? Try challenging me sometime, I'm not that good, so I'm basically learning.
  8. Hello There. Have you been online Shoddy yet? Very fun. and who is ShadowBlade?
  9. Cool! With the first image i thought those were TWEWY Pins.
  10. Hello There. erm. Yo, or Soup, maybe Soap? ........Howdy?
  11. Hello There. There is kinda a sig limit. If it's big enough the sig will just cut off, simple as that.
  12. Hello There. Yeah I'm usually on Shoddy, so challenge me anytime. Soup/Soap <--- My alteration of Sup.
  13. Hello There. (cool you live in Japan I'd love to go there) Well I assume your using a Flash Cart. If so what type? and are you using the (J) Pokesav Platinum?
  14. Um PSPiso is a website, and the graphics they produce are amazing.
  15. Granted. But your computer explodes because of the EXTREME! speed it's at. I wish i had a can of Coke Zero right now.
  16. Hello There. We have a few members that are from France, though not sure if they're active.
  17. ^ ^ So you really have those, er.. Weapons in your household?
  18. Hello There. Killer sig you have there. And i believe i saw you on Shoddy.
  19. Hello There. Hmm not much to say, though my favorite animal is now officially a Panda.
  20. Hello There. Too bad it's coming out in 2010, though I might try a short burst of the (J) one. With KazoWAR's patch.
  21. Whoa! O_O I think I'm in love. they look like sigs made from Pspiso.
  22. ^ ^ Yeah that's very head stuck..able? the chorus keeps repeating in my head. Careful - Paramore.
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