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Everything posted by HottSushiz

  1. Yeah I'm still using Techron. Though it just suddenly happened, it started a few weeks ago. I though i could ignore it, but it's starting to get frustrating.
  2. For some reason I'm getting logged out, this usually happens if I'm just staying on one page, like several times i would be posting in a thread, and i would post something big, like I'm explaining how to do something, or helping someone, but i take a while typing it all up, then i post it, but i was logged out, and lose what i type up. And everytime i try and log into the site, as soon as I'm logged in, I'm prompt this message: "Your submission could not be processed because a security token was missing. If this occurred unexpectedly, please inform the administrator and describe the action you performed before you received this error." And i always get this when i enter User CP, no matter what i do. I first thought it was only my Firefox, then i tried Google Chrome it still happens. So i thought it was my options, and my laptop. I tried Project Pokemon on my Mum's computer, and the problem still arises.
  3. Um What's DOA Card? Well DSi Flash Carts are a slightly different then Flash Carts you would use in the Lite. (Copied from Gbatemp.net) Unlike most other flashcarts the M3i Zero comes shipped without a core firmware meaning that you won't be able to use it until the core firmware is flashed to it. Flashing the core firmware is not a hard process at all and doesn't take long to do. In fact all you have to do is to download the f_core.dat file and copy it to the root of your microSD/microSDHC, insert it into the M3i Zero and then plug in the supplied flashing cable into a USB port and the M3i Zero. The M3i Zero should then start to flash with a red light and when it's stopped the M3i Zero should now have its core firmware. What remains is to put a operating system onto it and here you've got 2 choices. Either you choose the old Touchpad operating system or the new M3Sakura. The main difference between the two is that Touchpad usually gets game fixes earlier while M3Sakura features a much nicer GUI. Copy across the operating system of your choice to the microSD/microSDHC and now you should ready to use your new M3i Zero. If you want to watch the video of flashing the core firmware here's a link >>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jV_SKXZszBo&feature=player_embedded <<<
  4. Well that's what your suppose to do with Flash Carts, just edit the .sav file. But if you have an AR then utilize codes.
  5. The speed code doesn't work on my Flash Cart either.
  6. Hello There. That Joker avvie kinda creeps me out. Oh and if you don't like AR's, why are you here? :tongue: since this site does host Pokesav/PPSE.
  7. Granted. But suddenly you gain a fear of large metal birds, oh and you get sea sick. (when your on land) I wish i could live in Japan.
  8. Why the UK? What do you mean by edit? well I'm able to export and successfully edit a (U) Platinum, well the ROM. Perhaps your talking about the retail version?
  9. Um I'm not sure what your asking, but if you want to back up your retail GBA Cart then go here, and follow the provided instructions. >>> http://chishm.drunkencoders.com/SendSave/ <<< Though if you desire to backup your gba roms visit this site. >>> http://gbatemp.net/index.php?showtopic=92102&st=0&p=1229760entry1229760 <<<
  10. HottSushiz


    Ah woops my mistake, the member is 34.
  11. Hey you can post a request here, and list down your requirements. And the people who take the request will make the 2 Pokemon as legit as they can, although they can only seem legal. Even though they seem, no one will even detect them. > http://projectpokemon.org/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=22 < I would take the request myself, i just don't have any compatible Wi-Fi for my DS.
  12. HottSushiz


    Hello There. i use to name myself Zero when i was like 8. After i played Megaman X5 i think. I was obsessed with the name Zero, in LaserForce my name was Zero. oh and i believe we even have a 40+ year old playing Pokemon.:tongue:
  13. Several. Like the Nintendo seal not being there, shoddy picture, some mixed up words. Are you able to post the picture of the case? or game cartridge?
  14. Pokesav is kinda cheating, but it saves a lot of time when trying to train up your Pokemon. And Smogon is a website.
  15. O_O Wait so she is that person with the Megaman videos?:eek: awesome!
  16. Hmm. Possibly Smogon tells you good moves that help you out in competitive battling? But if you want to create a capturing team like i have, which Pokemon has moves that would help greatly in catching a certain Pokemon, like giving Scizor False Swipe, or Status Inducers. BTW with Pokesav your able to have all TMs.:biggrin:
  17. Hello There. Like Wraith said that's amazing, i would love to visit Japan. And lucky!! You get to play Heart Gold/ Soul Silver, and understand it. I really want to learn Japanese.
  18. How are Pokemon suppose to be Sci-Fi oriented? Porygon-Z looks Sci-Fi...ish though Pokemon utilize their body, and abilities. So you won't be seeing stuff like the Squirtle Squad on ships, or Ditto transforming into a weapon, and Machamp utilizing it.
  19. Hello There. Your avatar reminds me of something i can't recall, why won't you try Shoddy to gain more knowledge about the battling side of Platinum. And if you have any questions feel free to PM.
  20. Hello There. Hmm your name is rather unique. How do you pronounce it? :tongue:
  21. Hey when you were editing your Pokes, there's this little button called "All Stats" When you click on it you are brought to a window that displays your Pokemon well stats, so then you click on "Max All" which apply' s each attribute you give like EV's and Level.
  22. The funny thing is Dealextreme has free shipping, and it's around 10$ cheaper, though you have to wait like a month.
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