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Everything posted by HottSushiz

  1. Granted. Though the wish you could wish that was a wish you wished wasn't wish, but if it was still wished it, would be corrupted? *confuse face* I wish my DS's Hinge wasn't broken.
  2. Hello There. I think it's kinda lucky not thinking about the DSi/LL, or Heart Gold, and Soul Silver. Because the year is going soooooo slooooowww, knowing that it's right around the corner.
  3. Hello There. Dayummm... I want to play with a Fire Extinguisher.
  4. HottSushiz


    Hello There. Your avatar looks funneh. Man i so wanna job, it looks kinda fun, and the idea of making money makes it more fun, damn my young age!
  5. Yeah i also recommend watching a Youtube video it's more easier to understand then words, and it's also a way to avoid some. "wall o texts"
  6. Dayum! That's a pretty PC, I am loving the Melee weapons of Left 4 Dead, especially the Kantana.
  7. Hello There. Hmmm you ask. "What is Up?" I answer the truth: "The Ceiling" :tongue:
  8. Pass Out - Chris Brown. (Fav out of the album)
  9. ^ ^ That sounds pretty cool I'm able to type pretty well with a blindfold. Though once i make one mistake, i make more mistakes.
  10. Ah i see thanks, for clearing that up.
  11. Hello There. Ohhhh I'm Pinoy too! Though I'm only half, so i can't really speak tagalog, but i am able to understand it well.
  12. I find it way harder in Versus mode now that there's Charger, Spitter, and the ever so annoying Jockey. Seriously either i suck (most likely) or people have gotten better being infected, they have such coordinated plans. Like a Boomer would be hinding in a corner then puke on us, then the horde comes, we usually clump together when one of us gets puked on, but then the Spitter comes out, and hurls out her acid puke, we are nearly dead and usually a Jockey would come and drag one of us further out to their doom.... But nope a Charger comes out and kills 1 survivor. The horde finally dying out we forgot about the Boomer who booms us again..... *tear* Though it's aweeesome. And since I'm kinda young playing this game, I'm not so freaked out because that some of the game chapters are during the day.
  13. Hello There. Aren't you an active member before? Or maybe someone else has the same avatar? Hmmm.
  14. I don't think a firmware update would fix the Cyclo's compatibility with the DSi. I believe it's an hardware issue. The answer to your question is slightly complicated. Well what are you looking for in a Flash Cart? Cheap and does the job, well the Acekard 2i is perfect. Need something that will run on the DSi? i guess the Acekard or M3i Zero.
  15. Hello There. Ohhhh i have never seen a Hamster though, they look so so so adorable..... Well on Hamtaro they do but that's an anime. Journalism you say, my sister is going to be a news cast journalist when she's older.
  16. Vanilla Twilight? That's actually the only song i don't like.... Sowwi if it offended you. I thought they made the song "Monster" was it showed humans are capable of great evil, and great good. And that even the most righteous person can have a little monster inside. Well that's in my opinion anyway. Tip of the Iceberg - Owl City. That is ceriously the most awesome Owl City song.
  17. LOL your underscored kinda suit you.... well with your avatar L FTW!!! Uhm so I'm assuming the Supercard DSTwo has enough RAM to play GBA Roms, though it's not even out, and I'm guessing Pingouin7 doesn't want to wait. :tongue:
  18. Did you know they are a Christian band? It shocked me. though it kinda explains the lack of swearing...... Which i prefer. Those Nights - Skillet.
  19. Yeah it was pretty cool. BUT! They so ruined Arceus with the voice gah!! it was annoying. And i always pronounced Arceus. (Ar-See-Us) But the way they pronounce it. (Ar-Kee-Us) Sounds so strange or is that how you officially pronounce it.
  20. Uhm....... Welcome to Project Pokemon......Again.......Read the rules to prevent any hassles. Yadda, yadda, yadda, you know the drill.
  21. Count Your Last Blessings - Sum 41 Hmmmm i wonder why.
  22. Hello There. That statement had no drop of randomness. Hmmm i was born when Pokemon was created, so 1995 not exactly but same year. >_>
  23. Hello There. Odd person beaver thing you have...?
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