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This is the Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky (US) AR Code Thread! To Start off, here are some useful working codes that I've collected or made: Able to View Enemy,Items and Stairs on Map 921BA52E 00000100 221BA621 000000FF 121BA622 0000FFFF D0000000 00000000 Max Money (Select) 9400...
Here are some codes for Pokemon Ranger Shadows of Almia USA 1 Loop Capture, by SCV Browser Complete Max Number of pokemon Modifier, Made by SCV Pokemon Modifier Codes, Made by SCV Corresponding Codes for Pokemon Ranger Shadows of Almia (E) 1 Loop Capture, made by SCV Browser Complete:...
OK Here is the Official AR(Action Replay) Request Thread. Rules: Please look HERE!!! first. To see if the requests have been filled or not. Then post in here. Please post in code boxes the name and description of the codes you are requesting. Current Requests [s]Check a Pokemon EV[/s]...
Hello, I have done some research myself. And after seeing Fenzo666's wild pokemon modifier code for pokemon platinum video on youtube.(for japan version) I was determined to find the code for the usa version. So after about an hour of searching I found it i have used and tested it, for a video on my...
This thread contains all the Master Codes and DMA-Disablers for all language versions of third generation games. They are in ARv3/4 format which is the most used and should be supported by all current real hardware Action Replays and emulators. English French German...
I've been playing around with Pokemon Black the last few days trying to get the gym leaders Pokemon. Since I don't know the offset of the opponents Pokemon in the RAM during battle I decided to mess around with the AR code and try to modify it to catch the Pokemon that aren't in the first slot of t...
hey guys I've tried to put the pdf from Project Pokemon into PokeGen. As far as I got : So now I tried to generate a AR Code for my game (on my 3DS not on an emulator) and then this happens : I don't realy know what to do now, I tried "Wonder Card 1" (Code I got) : 94000130 FFFB0000 02029F...
When I finish my code and drag it into the code manager it doesn't work. and the code coes up like this: 94000130 FCFF0000B21C4D28 00000000B0000004 00000000200002B4 00000001E000A93C 000001000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000...
the title pretty much tells you it i tried to do this on pokesav but i dont got windows xp for code manager and ive tried two different codes and they didnt work i couldnt check the wonder card and the delivery man wasnt there
Can someone please help me with this? I'd like the Toys R Us Darkrai for both Diamond and Platinum. I know it wouldn't be normally available on Platinum but it's a cool collectible Pokemon. x3 Please and Thank You. Appreciatevly yours, Melody
The first line of an AR code can define which buttons activate it. I have been looking into the structure of the AR codes produced by Pokesav and found out the lines of code that dictate how to activate the code. The code below, used to get the Secret Key, I made using Pokesav, and by default is a...
Hi, everyone. I want to try my hand at taking pokemon requests like everyone else has started to do. Right now I'm only doing AR codes for the requests I get, and if you want I can PM or e-mail the codes to you when they are ready. Friend Code: Name: Trainer Name & Gender: Trainer ID: Secret I...
I need help with Pokesav. I want to know what buttons to click when exporting a AR code for the WonderCards. I would also like to know what do to and stuff like that. Here is a pic to help clarify what I mean: And, does it require both the .pgt and .pcd ?
i absolutely need the pokemon, ot and id/sid, game version. beyond that give what you want to give. being run by one person this forum should be less crowded.
Can someone help me, i am trying to put a blastoise in my box 1. I used the pkm file on the web site and uploaded it. I went to ards, then clicked save file, saved it. But when i look in it, there is no code. I put it on my ar and still no code, how do i fix this? Nvm figured it out
Hey, I'm new to the whole AR Code and Pokesav thing, And I'm really searching for a pokerus code so I can EV train my team to it's fullest. Could someone create a code like this? Or at least a code for a pokemon who is infected with the virus that could spread it to the rest of my team? Thank you...
Okay so earlier today I was using the Wild Pokemon Modifier along with the 100% catch rate code and the Max IV code... but now my Wild Pokemon Modifier only works alone and not when I have other codes activated... Can anyone help?
Hello all I'm looking for a few AR codes for US Platinum. Namely; Fast Hatch code (must be tested and working, none of the codes going around work) Rename any Pokemon code (not sure if this is possible or not) I think thats it at the moment, would be really grateful for this
Check a Pokemon EV Infinite/Max Slot Coins Erase Pokemon in Box 1 Slot 1 Instantly make egg of pokemon in daycare centre See Contents of Egg Pofin Lv. 99 All Pokewatch Functions Daycare Egg - Female Natures (Each one of Natures have its own code Daycare Egg - Male Natures (Each one of Natures h...
hey i havent put platinum on my action replay. i put in the game id but the codes are not working in the game. is it the codes or the id that might be faulty. btw i typed the id perfectly
Gengar's Pokésav Request Section. My Information:- Diamond FC - 5284 7580 0009 (This is the FC that you will need to add) Welcome to Gengar's Pokésav request, this section will be used to allow user's of this forum to request for Pokémon on P/D/Pt. I will be doing this in the Pokésav way in wh...
OK, i have a question....i got an ar today, dowloaded pokesav, and put some codes.....but MY L+R dont work T-T is there anyother way to enable codes on my ds? I cant find anything info on it T_T
well... starters i can't use my AR cord, my computer won't install it so i have to... or atleast it says i had to open the file to get the code, but i can't find the file, i tried lookin for it myself, and using the search option on my computer, can anyone help me? where it will be saved? or called?...