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Mewtwo Ex

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Everything posted by Mewtwo Ex

  1. Pokemon R/S/E Remix: Abandoned Ship by PokeRemixStudio
  2. Espeon helped me more too bad that Umbreon if more of an defensive type. Espeon was always 3 levels more, because it got me out of tight spots the moonlight Pokemon got defeated in. I actually left them in my first save in Colosseum and deleted them.
  3. What were you expecting, the Jagged-Ear Pikachu.:rolleyes: I am surprised that someone thought that it will evolve. I guess there was a possibility but i never thought it was available for evolution. :o:o
  4. too slow - well on topic here:
  5. The answer is that he couldn't hold his emotion when speaking with the olner of serebii.net.
  6. On first look Entei looked really well and in a pose fit for its character(at least from the movie). However the more i look at it the more i get disappointed: 1 The front right looks bigget than the one that is closer 2 Its sprite is like with the graphics from R/S/E. The pixels are made so that is looks like is had static. Lugia is really well made on the other hand compered to entei's. The sea guardian has the best so far i have seen. Not like the ones from the past generation. Ho-oh, another sprite taken from the other games with no significant changes implemented to it. R/S E FR/LG D/P PT and finally Gyarados - the sam as wraith said except for milotic part. It has the serpent look that it actually is supposed to have. I will skip some this time: E FR/LG D/P PT HG/SS
  7. I do have 4 complaints. The icon for a new post hardly differs from the old post one. I have trouble accessing the main forum page through the banner. Still cannot find the link to my profile. I have to search for a link somewhere. When logging in i did not see the remember me button. Over all i quite like it.
  8. The thing you said before. About using that software. It does not work for me.
  9. <p><p><p><p><p>What do you think of the video link i sent you?</p></p></p></p></p>

  10. This is a limited edition onyx black DS lite. It was being an offer from Pokemon.com with various extras regarding Mystery Dungeon Darkness and Time.
  11. I supposed it is not deleted, but i could be wrong since there is an event page were as the name says Event Pokemon are posted. Here: http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?t=72
  12. That did not work for me. I guess that it does not work for R4...
  13. Mewtwo Ex

    Pokemon XD

    No i was saying that specific Pokemon have darker images than others. Example - Groudon, Rayquaza, Mewtwo (The best shiny for a console game if anyone asks me).
  14. You are not the only people that were convincing greeny for the creative badge. Actually a lot of people in the chat were saying he deserved it however the choice is for greeny to decide and not us. I was dissapointed but that is non of my business.
  15. <p><p><p><p><p>Well game freak is not all bad (hush i know you have a list with their flaws and mistakes and errors <img src="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png" alt=":)" srcset="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" />) I hope that it will be open. It is kinda of a struggle trying to send one from Leaf or Fire to diamon/platinum or pearl.</p></p></p></p></p>

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