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Mewtwo Ex

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Everything posted by Mewtwo Ex

  1. <p><p><p><p><p><span>That is not such a big deal... I figured that it was down. And usually such servers require resetting user information, such as re registrating. </span></p></p></p></p></p>

  2. <p><p><p><p><p><span>That is not such a big deal... I figured that it was down. And usually such servers require resetting user information, such as re registrating. </span></p></p></p></p></p>

  3. Electivire [sprite]466[/sprite] What do you type? - [s prite]number 1-493[/s prite] but without space between s and p.
  4. I cannot believe i am saying this.It was the first to come to mind. I really hate this one -> [sprite]493[/sprite]
  5. <p><p><p><p><p>I cannot connect to shoddy. Is it down? And are you feeling wi-fi. I am online now.</p></p></p></p></p>

  6. <p><p><p><p><p>I cannot connect to shoddy. Is it down? And are you feeling wi-fi. I am online now.</p></p></p></p></p>

  7. Seviper[sprite]336[/sprite]
  8. Like Wraith and i have talked when we have Mewtwo. It will be like it is controlling the trainer.
  9. Considering that i have a 100% real one it would have to be -> and [shinysprite]376[/shinysprite] I don't like almost all shiny sprites.
  10. I once made my boxes with specific types - Ice, fire, electric, and so on. However i do not name the boxes except one for the oldest Pokemon from my first save from Pokemon Sapphire. And as for the other boxes - i keep my Pokemon in a national order.
  11. [sprite]373[/sprite][icon]373[/icon]
  12. You are forgetting that the site has even Wiki section, where members can make the site even better not only the administrator(s). For people who do not know what a wiki is - this is a miniature Wikipedia with all sorts of information regarding everything associated with Pokemon. I still like Serebii.net, but Project Pokemon is starting to seriously grow on me. Considering that this is a newly started site, it is doing great on my opinion.
  13. Amazing. It is full of [sprite]235[/sprite]s. Great work people. I constantly watch this thread to see artworks.
  14. I added everyone. However please post your code don't just say ''It's on sign'' Basically eventually you will change it and it will be a useless post in this thread.
  15. I don't think it is such a big deal. It's only 10 $. And as Greeny said albums are about for 13 $,
  16. I jailbroke mine and the games with emulator are not the same as like playing the real deam. I often did not hit the right button on the screen...:cool: The DS is better for playing in my opinion.:cool::cool::cool:
  17. The apps i have on my Iphone 3g are really well made compered to the Ds(i). I have both but i prefer the DS. After all the phone does not have any Pokemon games which we all like.
  18. Exploud [sprite]295[/sprite] [icon]295[/icon]
  19. [sprite]094[/sprite] [icon]094[/icon]
  20. [sprite]025[/sprite] Pikachu.
  21. I have the channel disc containing Jirachi too. Do we need it for the database?
  22. From one personality test i got Mewtwo. And another told me that i am Mew.
  23. I hope that members will attend the event so the we'd be able to obtain the wounder cards. Let's hope that ProjectPokemon will be able to be selected to receive the distributed events. These are as stated above: Shaymin and Pikachu. (Probably exclusive for the whole meeting.)
  24. It would appear to be quite the movie. Sound's quite interesting to me to have Ho-oH battle Lugia. And probably seeing Suicune, Raicou and Entei will reveal more about their past, and stop our speculating.
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