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Mewtwo Ex

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Everything posted by Mewtwo Ex

  1. [sprite]109[/sprite] [shinysprite]109[/shinysprite]
  2. I suppose that people's choices are based on looks. I am picking Dialga. I do not need a Pokemon that has no offense powers. And not being confirmed if it will be able to transform. My decision will most likely favor the Time Deity.
  3. I saw a picture of the Team Rocket's head operatives. Some look surprisingly like Galactic. The Female admin for instance had a remarkable resemblance to that of commander Mars. And the grunts looked like ones from the Sinnoh syndicate. I probably should not be surprised however, given the fact that we have begun leaving the Diamond,Pearl/Platinum saga.
  4. OK here has gotten quiet and this game is very creative and fun. So lets start again. A Pokemon that has been helping people with its light. Hint #1 - Its from Johto.
  5. Latios [sprite]381[/sprite]
  6. #107 Hitmonchan [sprite]107[/sprite][shinysprite]107[/shinysprite]
  7. Well yes. It is about time they made another RPG game. Darkness was released in 2005. Then in 2007 came Battle Revolution. So i would say it is time to make another one. I personally did not like Revolution. However given the fact that Nintendo developed so many Mystery dungeon games and Scramble! i feel sorry to say that i do not see any Pokemon disc related games in the near future...
  8. Its a shame to make a registration to ask, but i am hearing this from you. I apologize for the useless post but i am unable to help you.
  9. <p><p><p><p><p>Is wraith said welcome back. I haven't seen you in a while so i stopped to check to see how to you are doing.</p></p></p></p></p>

  10. Well i guess. I don't know how they would update it in any case the best chance is to sell another disc and update in a way i cannot think of at the moment. The other possible thing is to have them sell a new game - PBR2. I find it more likely to have two battle revolutions than a newer version of the current one.
  11. My Wii could not connect with Platinum. I updated since then the system OS but i don't think that has anything to do with the actual game. I have not been able to connect, but i have red that you should be able.
  12. I basically do not care. I pick male everytime.
  13. Well it takes time to find suitable images. Furthermore i intentionally held for egg so i can pick the coconut. [sprite]105[/sprite] [shinysprite]105[/shinysprite]
  14. Here is the link for the images. http://www.pokemon.co.jp/whats/reference/zukan/index.html Download them from here. Thank Karoosu for this. http://www.liquiddeath.com/downloads/Pokemon%20Art.zip
  15. [sprite]103[/sprite] [shinysprite]103[/shinysprite] Your executioner!
  16. That is true. You do have to have a Pokemon that matches the everyday generated number. The secret id is not necessary, the first and second half (that means the whole PID) for this i am not sure. I have been to the island. Once only. Knowing that i have more than 1400 minutes of game-play in Hoenn. The chances are quite slim, and nearly impossible. You have a better chance of finding a shiny or two. My tip is to have different ID's of you pokemon, and make every trade in=game and others if you have.
  17. [sprite]384[/sprite]
  18. The strange thing is that i think my Shaymin from Diamond transformed. However when i tried today it was unable.
  19. [sprite]099[/sprite] [shinysprite]099[/shinysprite] Kingler and i am glad to have him.
  20. <p><p><p><p><p>Thank you.</p></p></p></p></p>

  21. [sprite]094[/sprite] [shinysprite]094[/shinysprite] Not for the faint of heart.
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