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Everything posted by ShiPrime

  1. I hover to but prefer to beat the game without cheats first then i have my fun=] But i still think they are all useless other than surf and fly
  2. Ahh what about my 2? <<<<< vvvvv
  3. [sprite]187[/sprite]
  4. Ahhhh another HM aka "Pain in the rear" I hate Hm's enough already
  5. It also introduced alot of what makes the games good today..it was the best era of new pokemon and people loved it now i guess they are hmmm flabbergatsed? [shinysprite]101[/shinysprite] Duke Nukem =]
  6. [sprite]475[/sprite] [shinysprite]475[/shinysprite]
  7. Haha i did when i was 13 14? im almost 17 now=/ but its still slowly sucking 5$ out a month of my precious money.
  8. Well Mewtwo looks like its just me and you on this one.. [sprite]304[/sprite]
  9. Before i get to my favorites...[shinysprite]101[/shinysprite] Does this guy remind anyone else of duke nukem ? Favorite =] [shinysprite]101[/shinysprite][shinysprite]121[/shinysprite][shinysprite]157[/shinysprite][shinysprite]160[/shinysprite][shinysprite]250[/shinysprite][shinysprite]380[/shinysprite] [shinysprite]381[/shinysprite] And of course the best one [shinysprite]213[/shinysprite] Ews Alll GREEEN pokemon =] Ex::[shinysprite]062[/shinysprite]
  10. ShiPrime


    Shelom! or however they say it Im kind of new to except i know how to do the forum stuff
  11. I didnt do number 1 xxx i just did [s prite]xxx[/s prite] Stupid mistake But anyways Exeggutor =D [shinysprite]103[/shinysprite]
  12. Hmm im original no? Squirtle For some reason when i put the sprite in it doesnt appear=/ [sprite]07[/sprite]
  13. Rattata[shinysprite]19[/shinysprite]
  14. Ahh Totodile is my 3rd favorite and Typhlosion is 4th=/ I dont like totodiles later forms guess Cyndaquill for me :kikkoman:
  15. [shinysprite]381[/shinysprite] [shinysprite]380[/shinysprite] The most amazing Dragons They could undoubtedly beat any other duo=]
  16. I use photoshop =] I also refer to telos's places
  17. Ahh But what if a Pilpup follows you??? Its description says it falls all the time! How funny a little drunk penguin stumbling behind you:grog:
  18. It would be great if someone could make a avatar That had a shiny latios on one side and a Shiny latias on the other with a line in the middle as if they were battling =] oh and ShiPrime at the botttom
  19. Thanks telos,will put your credit
  20. Could i have a black Sig with a shiny latios on one side and a shiny latias on the other with ShiPrime in the Middle with White Lettering=] Only if thats possible thanks
  21. This doesnt have to be legal at allll just going to be my amazing one
  22. If i could please get the Event Pikachu colored Pichu Not the code for anything specific But the Code for the man in the mart. Thanks
  23. Shiny kingdra is purple and defeats the BAMFness of being a kingdra=]
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