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Everything posted by Kaphotics

  1. Changing the SIDs, yes. Since people can find your real IDs, they can find the shaymin to be illegitimate. This is the Pokemon Legality forum. It's legal, but you didn't catch a shiny shaymin.
  2. No, because you have to have the right ID and SID for the PID to be shiny. That SID makes that PID shiny, but only makes 524287 of 4294967295 other PIDs shiny. So, it will only work for this one
  3. -3
  4. Well, to make it shiny it'd have to be a different PID or a different SID. Since you didn't want the IVs changed, change the SID to 65350. Looks fine otherwise, in legal.
  5. "In PokeGen it's a Cave/Hall of Origin/Giratina, Embedded Tower In Pokesav it's 05 for the 85h. 46h is E8. " --> 3002 for the met (Farawayplace) With PokeGen it automatically sets the 85h and 46/47 + Met. It's soooo good! Just make sure the game it is from is HGSS, and you are good to go Don't save it as an encrypted PKM, and be sure you are using legal.exe instead of trashbytes.exe
  6. You hatched it at the daycare couple?:bidoof: :bidoof: :bidoof: It's 3002 for faraway place in pokesav for HGSS locations instead of 2000 (Daycare Couple), but with PokeGen it is much easier to set it. Other than that, I'm too lazy to check the PID )
  7. It is about the catch rate (a set number) and the ball's catch rate. The battle RNG in B+W is weird, being static. A specific thrown ball's result will be the same if you rewound to a save state and throw it again on the same move. Different balls may have different results, even if they have a lower catch rate # (1.5 v 2). Thats why Great ball was better than Ultra ball (for that turn at least )
  8. You get 1 Karma for signing on and posting once every 24 hours. "Karma Post" For every TOU infraction, you get a Moderated Message. Depending on your userlevel (Karma), getting X # of modded posts results in negative Karma. Some TOU infractions (heavy wordfilter evasion) result in more Karma loss than more trivial (off topic posts). The minimum registration age is 13 iirc. Depending on certain board events they give a Karma modifier (X*Karma, like 1.1*K). The more Karma you have the higher your userlevel is. You can't search until you have 10 Karma, can't delete posts until 15 Karma, and you can never edit posts. 0-75 Karma has a scaling up post restriction. Once you have 75 Karma, no more post restriction. It's a pretty young userbase with tons of idiots who get trolled, try to troll, or are just absolutely retarded. That's why they have Karma. I really don't see it being anything useful if (partially) ported here. -- I like Funkysouls' reputation system. You can thank people for posts, and get thanked for your post. You can see who has thanked a post (underneath the username of the post there's a "Thank You! (#)") Viewing (their/your) user profile you can see how many times they've been thanked, and how many times they've thanked someone. It is pretty close to Smogon and their Luvdiscs, except theirs is topic only and you can't see for a Thank/Thanked ratio. Both are completely optional to use on those communities, but having them in place slightly influences people to make more quality posts.
  9. not that I know of, gotta manually re-enter em into desmume. You can add cheats into desmume at any time.
  10. That's a legitimate method 1(K, seed exists, in DPPt this PID can't exist!) PID, the PID hex is pretty funny too F8F8F8FB You should use Pokegen to create it instead of Pokesav. In PokeGen it's a Cave/Hall of Origin/Giratina, Embedded Tower In Pokesav it's 05 for the 85h. 46h is E8. A better PID is 7942EF72 (2034429810), 31/31/31/31/31/31 Timid That is, so long as you don't care about changing your SID to make it shiny. If you are keeping your IDs, good job figuring out a PID / IV! So long as you don't muck up anything else that should be fine. Be sure to set the correct 86h (Pokeball)
  11. (somewhat off topic, but a majority of method 1/J/K PIDs occur on many seeds, thus dates, so date checking is somewhat inconclusive) how to check, pretty roughly As I told Guested in IRC, there are ways to find a seed in which the egg was generated, but it takes a hell of a long time to check. 86% of all possible initial seeds are humanly impossible (delay 500-10000, shiny egg RNGers go to at max 3-5k, where the egg is the first egg). If it's not a shiny egg, I just change the SID to make it shiny (removes 8191:1 result of PIDs) and find all possible shiny eggs in that delay range. You can further refine it by specifying the gender ratio and ability (removes half of the remaining, and even more with the gender ratio). So you get just a handful of PIDs. It takes a hell of a long time to get them all. Do it for both Normal and International egg PIDs. For it to be useful flawless, it'd have to be RNG'd, so there would be no everstone used. There is a PID algorithm for the egg based on the IRNG method. International Egg PIDs's method is slightly different. Once you have that spreadlist, you can see if that PID occurs. If it was an RNG'd egg (which is the case here), it must be one of those 2. It's flawed in the fact that the Everstone influenced PID method isn't public(ly known), the person can forgo checking their initial seed and just manually test eggs until they are the desired result. There is a PID method, it's hard as hell to check currently... on topic: Just don't use a method 1 PID. If you really don't think someone would be so hellbent on checking it, you can go with a random PID. Usually snagging one from RNG reporter is fine.
  12. That doesn't sound right, the guard is talking to you... You also have a trio badge! Come and go as you choose! You have the trio badge! Come and go as you choose! You also have the trio badge! Come and go as you choose! I don't know Japanese but these would be a plausible response from the guy after he knows you have it.
  13. All I had to do to generate egg PIDs in the current RNG Reporter (8.31) was 1. open RNG Reporter 2. select DPPt Egg PID (Normal) 3. press generate 4. ???? 5. PROFIT!!!receive possible PIDs I opened it straight out of the RAR I downloaded it in. All the Seed does is moves you to somewhere else in the list (it's longer than it is displayed) edit: 54FC9B83 is the first Brave Male Ability 1 (not 0, so it's a 2 in legal) egg PID. It's at frame 300, so if I was doing a harsh legality check this would set off a flag for me. There's no way you would hatch 300 eggs without turning off your game.
  14. PokeGen doesn't have an Egg PID generator, neither does Pokesav, so you have to fake one (illegal) or use a legal one (RNG Reporter). Egg PIDs don't follow the same PID method as a wild pokemon / event would. Select DPPt Egg PID (Normal)/(International), and put in the seed I posted above. Select the egg PID you want, and you've got a legal egg PID. even if you leave the seed place blank, it defaults to the seed of 0, which still gives results. @IV to PID There is no egg IVPID relationship, that is only used to find the PID of a shiny pokemon based on the IVs.
  15. 09
  16. It's not an egg..... you're doing it wrong
  17. Currently you have to have a retail japanese cart of gen 4 (no flash cart). That + Flash/Retail of B/W = Pokeshifting. It's region locked.
  18. Yes you can with the 42h being flagged. See post #8! Since there haven't been any dream world pokemon given out by global link yet, I'm unsure whether or not changing to a dream world ability will change the IVPID, or will just flag it. (I hope it just gets flagged). If you want to breed dream world Pokemon, have a female (mother) with the 42h flagged+ability and breed it with a compatible male, and it's ~50%. That way you can get a legitimate PID and get the DW ability legitimately (sort of ;D)
  19. Not random per se (IRNG), but pretty much yeah the fact that a method 1 PID was chosen implies that it is not an egg PID. Some hardcore legality checkers like me try to find the seed+PID of the egg since there aren't many initial seeds for which that egg frame is in the <10,000 frame range for the IRNG. Use 52140289 as an initial seed [seed Hex] and pick out an egg PID that suits your need. You can use another, but it's a pretty common one I hit when I'm RNGing (Modest Flawless method 1/J/K, that's why) Since it isn't a shiny PID, you can pick any random PID you so choose and find one where Rhydon's species' gender ratio results in your wanted gender. Ability as well (You can see what Ability # corresponds to what ability in Dex / IV check). DPPt/HGSS Egg PID Generation
  20. Not this early. When the RNG is cracked you will get the IVPID relationship, but problems with no$ =
  21. Currently there is no program to synthetically evolve a non nicknamed Pokemon for gen 5 outside of a save editor. All you would have to do is just change the Pokemon's species ID hex to the evolved forme's, and change the name of the pokemon to the new species' name. If you don't have it nicknamed, you'd have to wait until PokeGen is updated with the new character set. I do think that Pokesav might have the new character set, but I prefer using Pokegen. If it is nicknamed, you can do it right now in Pokegen.
  22. Except sabre hasn't been around for awhile. I think it is an unknown type, but that's just my opinion. Meh, I just use my shiny bold flawless blissey RNG bred in emerald with mimic->wish
  23. Nobody here develops Pokesav. In generations 4 and 5, the game will always hatch an egg at level 1. You can't get around that.
  24. No OT Improper nickname (those characters are not present in an English SS game). Improper PID type for the egg. Look at RNG Reporter to find a suitable Egg PID. You chose a Method 1 derivative PID. Egg Recieved date is after egg hatched date. Possible, but improbable.
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