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Everything posted by Kaphotics

  1. Gen1 stores the pkm's catch rate when it is captured and is unused. Transferring to gen2 converts it to an item if necessary. If you remove the item, the value is 0. You can't trade Gen1->Gen2->Gen1->Gen2 to constantly make items. Probably was edited/modified prior. Loading a gen1 save with tradebacks disallowed shows your Pigeot as invalid (as the catch rate data needs to be valid, which isn't, because the held item was removed at some point).
  2. Held item of that pkm has already been removed. Catch Rate in gen1 is stored at 0x7, which in that pk1's case, is 0. Transferring over an untouched Pigeotto->Pigeot pk1 yields a Berry. 018 - PIDGEOT - E3D1.pk1
  3. In the first prompt, select the second option.
  4. Playing on your 3DS solves the problem without using PKHeX; not having a 3DS and playing the games is piracy, which we do not support. Save files are not ".3ds" files. That's a ROM, which you dumped & decrypted from your own cart/3DS digital copy. Closing the thread as it is clear you do not own the games you are playing.
  5. Play the game on your 3DS to have the game naturally progress past the crash point. You aren't loading the correct file, anyway.
  6. banned Light of Ruin and Plasma Fists: https://github.com/kwsch/PKHeX/commit/90260187f7428f7aa9965a80b66a12caedbc5081
  7. Thanks, should be fixed in the latest commit https://github.com/kwsch/PKHeX/commit/dccad6c2f496c0a9c98287a753407c4c3313e579 The game uses half width / full width characters for different languages; some logic was behaving incorrectly causing it to fall back to the incorrect variant.
  8. Per Batch Editor FAQ: To set a date (Met / EggMet), use yyyyMMdd for the string. Example: ".MetDate=20160409" will set the Met Date to April 9th, 2016.
  9. now sets the first form encountered if none were prior: https://github.com/kwsch/PKHeX/commit/1e388fb85aeae3a466113e7094c92eb9b5e462d9 added with help from the crystal disassembly: RAM structure: https://github.com/pret/pokecrystal/blob/c2a7216d9b8689591ede817015bf96f263396bb8/wram.asm#L2714-L2722 Unlocked wild handling (extra): https://github.com/pret/pokecrystal/blob/73db02d3cdaf81a214ec6faa5462195618a80a48/battle/core.asm#L6695-L6761
  10. PKHeX saves files with the same extension that you put it in. You can always change the extension manually in Windows Explorer/etc. File extensions are just a part of the filename, and don't change anything in the underlying data. It's just a hint for the computer to double check the name before reading the contents.
  11. Save it to your desktop instead, and double check your SD card is not locked (switch).
  12. PKHeX is a computer program, not homebrew.
  13. https://glitchcity.info/wiki/Glitch_Unown
  14. how do i hak pogeymon
  15. A crash dump is saved to the same folder the exe is in. When in doubt, delete the exe and dll and re-download the latest zip.
  16. it means it's hacked.
  17. PKHeX does not check receivability per games; not within the program's scope at this time as this data is not stored in the gift templates. Working as intended.
  18. thanks, fixed in latest commit https://github.com/kwsch/PKHeX/commit/9429bc69612c6d3acc4f9b39c5a4757b99305089 for now, just ignore the error (continue) or specify the ability it will have in gen3 (having no ability specified is what caused the issue).
  19. https://www.serebii.net/omegarubyalphasapphire/patch.shtml
  20. remove any installed patches, the patch's romfs overrides your edited base rom files.
  21. added https://github.com/kwsch/PKHeX/commit/92638568456a8fcd7b1d9250005343e83694248d
  22. Other programs already support editing these things (PokeStock can do all the above), hence it is not a priority for me. Current generation games end up taking most if not all of my time devoted, but I do accept pull requests / revisions if anyone else wants to add the functionality themselves.
  23. Language is shown for fixing name values, and is derived from matching the current Nickname string against any language. English is the first one it matched. Spanish pkm names are the same as English ones, with the exception of Egg (and Type: Null in Gen7). I'll add it in as a permitted gen1/2 language ID (Egg name being different was overlooked). https://github.com/kwsch/PKHeX/commit/b5640de538cd54b58edf6cb8c79230159b90795c
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