Nobody has posted how to flip it off for ALL online supported versions (XY/AO/SM/UU)
Including 'support' would have to clutter up the UI even more
Can currently be mitigated by restoring a backup before the timeout
Deals with evading online restrictions (making this easier makes it easier to waste people's time, as the knowledge can be ported to a memory changing code for automated trolling outside that doesn't even need PKHeX).
It's not something I'm interested in supporting, especially if it's a single byte toggle as the following snippet of code shows:
bool __fastcall Savedata::GameTime::IsPenaltyMode(int a1)
return *(_DWORD *)(a1 + 0x40) != 0;
signed int __fastcall NetAppLib::Util::NetAppEntryChecker::CheckTradePenalty(int a1, int a2, int a3)
signed int v3; // r4
int v4; // r0
v3 = 0;
v4 = gfl2::base::SingletonAccessor<GameSys::GameManager>::GetInstance(a1, a2, a3);
if ( !sub_4C4324(*(_DWORD *)(*(_DWORD *)(v4 + 0x24) + 4) + 0x4F330) )
v3 = 1;
return v3;
Remember, PKHeX may be a full featured program, but why does PKHeX always have to handle small save edits? This is something that a small standalone tool can do, or a simple hex edit.