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Everything posted by Tbird

  1. It was between normal and bug... and I prefer more normal types than I do bugs so I voted normal
  2. I believe this is it http://translate.google.co.uk/translate?hl=en&sl=pt&u=http://s6.invisionfree.com/pokemonbr/ar/t60.htm&ei=C8jtS8WXNYPu0gTqkMXrBw&sa=X&oi=translate&ct=result&resnum=2&ved=0CB8Q7gEwAQ&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dpokereader2%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Doff
  3. Probably white. I've never cared much for the colour black lol. Might change if I see some awesome version exclusives for black, but as it stands I reckon white.
  4. Hey Victor, There's loads and little you can do here really depending on where your interests lie lol. There's the competetive battling section, go and check that out, go look at some teams posted up and read some of the warstories, see if you learn anything new. Similarly you can download shoddy (if you haven't already) and come and battle with us all on the PP server. We'll all be happpy to help you improve your battling skills if you'd like. There's also the game 'hacking' section that deals with all the different aspects of editing roms, generating AR codes and other weird stuff that I'll never understand. Have a look around and see what interests you .
  5. Yeah I know I love the drama factor too . I was just wondering if there was anyway I could do better when I was on top form . Thanks for the comments though everyone.
  6. Grass snake is called Tsutaja The fire pig is called Pokabu And the water ... fluff is called Mijumara (http://serebii.net/blackwhite/pokemon.shtml) Though it's only leaked info it pretty much looks like these are the confirmed Jp names. I like the look of the grass snake though it does look a little like a ripped off version of treeko ... Let's hope that its final evo isn't as ugly as sceptile . There's also two new moves and an ability. The ability is Illusion and it looks to be much the same as tranform only in ability form. Claw sharpen raises accuracy and attack. Trickery is a stat calculated move. Again from Serebii . EDIT: Looking over the pokes, and if what I have heard is true about one of them having a never seen before type combo, I speculate the fire pig could be fire/electric
  7. I think the storyline will be your general pokemon storyline. You're a kid coming of poke-age seeking to be a master and some evil team, gets in the way. I think that's a given. But outside of that there are things that I hope they do differently. Like maybe more side quests that can be done, that have an actual impact on the game ... not just 'Find where I am hiding in this room and I'll give you an item' Something more like, 'My slowbro is getting eaten by a snorlax ... help meeeeee.' And, I dunno, if you oblige to take the quest, people from different towns say stuff like 'oh you're that guy that blah blah blah' and maybe get a ribbon/special pokemon from it. You know? . Like they did with the farfetch'd thing in GSC. Little chance of that happening, but it's something that I'd like haha. I'd also like to see stuff like optional gyms and stuff - again effecting the storyline, getting recognised as a stronger trainer as you complete more optional challenges. I think there will be more towns and what not, so they can show off the fancy 3D thing and milk it for all it's worth. And that in itself gives me high hopes for there being more than 8 gyms. The only difference I can see in the story as opposed to the other story lines is maybe Zoroark is the evil 'team' and instead of hunting down Giovani etc etc you actually have to try and stop Zoroark from destroying the place. But I suppose if they were going to milk the poste-rmon in a storyline in-game they would have already done that with Lucario... I mean this is all wishful thinking, but as far as the story line goes I doubt we'll see any more than we have already seen from previous generations. I believe that is more than two sentences .
  8. You saw the fakemon too, huh? I guess we'll all find out soon enough
  9. Just for the people not happy with the amount of random pokemon ... I just caught a Turtwig + a Chimchar then got owned by a Deoxys
  10. Got a picture of this? EDIT: Just seen what you're talking about... it's a voltorb
  11. After looking again it looks like: the left will be water (big old tail fin and the arm things almost look like they have webbed fingers at the end) Middle will be Grass (Leaves on the head - though they look like ears in the silhouette) Which renders the right to be fire ... though it looks like it has a Beaver tail - which would make it water I dunno... I like the look of the left one the most. But we never know what the final evo will look like. Did anyone expect charmeleon to turn into some beastly dragon looking charizard, or Turtwig becoming some mean ass almost-turtle-like huge scary thing lol?
  12. Ok just been messing around for about 10 mins about to try it out now. From what I can see it is really user friendly . I'm using it to edit the save file as opposed to exporting it to AR ... Gunna see if it's all cool now. (especially thankful for the PID picker-outer)... But yeah, cool tool man.
  13. A new hardest for me... Beldum in the Safari Zone. 92 safari balls... And I don't even like metagross
  14. Not many. I didn't like RSE very much, it was boring on the first run through, but you know, you gotta see if it's any better the second time ... it still sucked . And then I restarted again when I had gotten : Gale of darkness.
  15. I just hope the one on the left is a grass type ... I will be really happy if it is, I mean the only good looking grass type is meganium, and it's not all that great at attacking, so I want a good looking grass type with infernape style everything (because infernape was ugly and again ... the fire type). Grass fighting
  16. Ok So this is actually quite an old battle, but I was looking over my files saved in my 'lalal' folder and found a saved log called 'Best Game so Far.' And after reading it I would probably say this really is the best I've ever played. So I guess the point of this is asking if you would have played any different in any of the situations, your opinion on how I handled situations etc etc... I'll put a score and Commentary Me Team Jackson With on the bench Vs Rain Dance Guy
  17. Well it's not on the list of balls in the Guide ... so I'd say 00 or 19? Give it a try.
  18. You could also run Kabutops over Electivire as a late game sweeper. He loses the thunder coverage but covers grass and psychic types alike with the move X-Scissor so that could come in handy. The set would be: [HGSSSPRITE]141[/HGSSSPRITE] Kabutops@ Muscle Band/Life Orb Nature: Jolly EVs: 80 HP/252 Atk/ 176 Spe - Swords dance - WaterFall - X Scissor/ Stone Edge - Earthquake/Stone Edge Oh and the Ambipom set would be [HGSSSPRITE]424[/HGSSSPRITE] Ambipom@Damp Rock Nature: Jolly EVs: 252 Atk/ 252 Spe/ 4 HP - Rain dance - Fake Out - U-Turn - Return/Payback
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