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Everything posted by Tbird

  1. Tbird


    If you battle through playing shoddy then I see no reason not to.
  2. Tbird


    The project pokemon server of course . Seriously though, you should really edit your posts as opposed to double/triple posting.
  3. Tbird


    I do indeed, if you do too you should pop in . EDIT: Watch out for double posting, people don't like it all that much so make sure you just edit your original post
  4. - Unknown GBA Pokemon - Hacked & Hatched pokemon from GBA will show up as unknown. Pokemon from XD/Collo will also be unknown. It depends on if your pokemon fits any of that criteria, if not then no it's not legit.
  5. Matodo comes back as Unknown GBA type.
  6. Tbird


    There isn't an english version The english version is merely the japanese version (which is basically Pokesav Diamond) with the text translated. Send Riolu Aura sphere now the code in a PM and I'm sure he should be able to transcribe the code for you .
  7. Tbird


    Hey Mr. Celebi, In regards to the code that is playing up with you, this might sound like a silly question but have you translated the code generated from pokesav into an english code? Because the default code is generated for the Japanese versions of the games. I'm not sure if this is the problem as I know niothing about all of the AR stuff, however it does seem to be a common problem... Anywho, welcome to the site .
  8. <p><p><p><p><p>Happy birthday Alpha <img src="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/biggrin.png" alt=":D" srcset="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/biggrin@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" /></p></p></p></p></p>

  9. That first hat is so awesome that I may actually get it. Good picks .
  10. Hi, welcome to the site . I gotta say I quite love Umbreon too . Anyway, if you need help or anything feel free to ask.
  11. Zubat = Easy Speed EV Training Tentacool = Easy Sp. Defence training That's the way I see it so I don't get angry at them My new hated pokemon has to be [hgsssprite]215[/hgsssprite]. Because I did enjoy sneasle I decided to make one part of my team on crystal. It knows Screech/Quick Attack/Faint attack/ Ice punch. In all the hullaballoo of training it I completely forgot about the Special/physical differences back then
  12. Pet - A perfect circle ♪ Swinging to the rhythm of the new world order! ♪
  13. For AR have a look in the RAM section. A lot of smart people in there .
  14. I remember there was a person who had massive issues with shoddy when trying to run it on a mac. However the download site does give instruction how to run it outside of windows - Taken from - http://shoddybattle.com/downloads "Alternatively, if the download link does not work, and you are using Windows, choose Run from the Start menu and enter the following before clicking OK: javaws http://shoddybattle.com/client/shoddybattle.php If you are not using Windows, enter the same at a command terminal and then press enter. Refer to this page to download or browse the source code of Shoddy Battle." I don't know if that is of any use. There maybe somebody around that is more knowledgeable about this than me, hopefully they might pop in.
  15. Welcome to the site . I am also on the project pokemon shoddy server a whole lot, not quite as good as MewtwoEx, but if you decide to pop in I'd be up for a battle or two. Hopefully see you soon.
  16. "Be considerate of other members and Pokémon fansites. This encompasses many of our rules. Specifically, do not offend other members and/or Pokémon fansites in the IRC or forums. Do not flame or write slanderous comments regarding any other websites and/or members. Keep in mind that CAPS LOCK is generally considered shouting and should only be used accordingly. You will be penalized if you do not follow these rules." Taken from the site wide rules. I imagine this encompasses the issue at hand.
  17. Well actually, just crunched me some figures and you can OHKO azelf without the boost, you must have just got a low roll on the RNG. I would say in this situation you usually want to throw up a sub asap, as azelf should be switching out, then you bulk up behind the sub, and attack the next turn. I'm a try and work you a good EV set for that gallade so that you can get a bulk up in most situations (if possible). I'll be back in about ten mins with it. Gallade (M) @ Leftovers Ability: Steadfast EVs: 92 Atk/100 Def/104 Spd/212 SDef Jolly nature (+Spd, -SAtk) - Bulk Up - Substitute - Night Slash - Brick Break Ok with this you can switch into a lot of things. Pretty much anything locked into pursuit (such as scizor and tyrnitar) become epic set up bait for you. If you have stealth rocks up, (this may mean chaging your lead to somethng like aero) you can bulk up throw heatrans flamethrower/dragonpulse/earthpower and OHKO with brick break (most of the time theres like a 10% chance that you won't) .. however watch out for fire blast. Jirachi locked into iron head is your best switch in hiowever, the initial iron head won't OHKO, and the second after bulk won't either, however if it flinches you get a +1 speed boost along with your bulk up boost, making you really quick dominant. I would however, leave gallade for late game. While it can set up in the face of big hitters, it doesn't want to be bombarded by them. You also want to have removed gliscor and forretress from the opposition, lest you get walled out. Give it a try, if you don't like it then stick to the old set. I was just feeling creative . And I haven't actually tried it out, but on paper it works wonders.
  18. Do you mean you can't find it or your unsure how to play it? It's right at the bottom of the list in the shoddy drop down box thing. I don't think the rest talk set is the best for this team, as snorlax is already doing this. The EV spread should work though. I would recommend putting will o wisp over rest, give it choice scarf and put trick as the last move. you may want to consider shadow ball over blizzard 1) for better accuracy 2) so you don't get walled by other rotom. Actually scratch what I said about the EVs, go for 252 special attack, and leave the rest the same (no HP EV's)
  19. Ok well, if you have electivire, and you're quite new to competetive battling you could put gyarados in over kingdra. They provide great synergy with eachother, electivire makes use of the thunderbolts directed at gyara, and gyara levitates over the ground attacks aimed at electivire. So try that out that should work well. Gyarados will do the same as kingdra, only arguably better. I'm not a fan of dusknoir on this team. I fon't think the set works personally, however the ghost typing does provide a nice immunity for snorlax. So you could use a rotom appliance here and use it as a support/spin blocker/physical wall to complement snorlax. I'd go over to smogon and check out any set for the two recommended pokemon that suits you best. If you'd like you could come over to the Project pokemon server and try it out over here for a bit and I can help you with any holes that are blatantly obvious.
  20. Liquid ooze is more useful for the ever abundant leach seeders.
  21. Give a little description as to how you play each poke, makes it a little easier to help you if we know what you're trying/doing.
  22. Big - Dead letter circus Very powerful and energetic song. Damn those Aussies know how to play.
  23. Ah I see. Well if the speed is doing it for you then by all means keep it that way . I'm just thinking I haven't seen that many Ttars in lead position... Over run by scarftars at that moment ... in which case the speed is wasted. Hydro Pump vs Surf is the age old power vs reliability shabang. I'm a reliabilty guy personally :L. I was thinking about ice beam again, btw, and I actually think it would be more of a hindrance on this set, and I think the current set is very Workable, just maybe a tweak in the nature and EV's, like I said.
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