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Everything posted by Turtlekid2

  1. I am seriously considering getting a PS3 just to play inFAMOUS.
  2. Bah, that update and the other updates on December 10, 2007... well, they didn't kill the game; more like struck it with a chronic disease or maimed it.
  3. I don't think time travel will ever be possible or even feasible, so it's not really relevant.
  4. 1. We wouldn't se it in the fossil record because there is no fossil record anywhere except in textbooks. 2. I believe the Bible clearly states where the ark came to rest.
  5. Regular flu kills more people, actually...
  6. Even if it were accurate, I'm fairly certain it wouldn't be too much trouble for a Being that created the entire universe and all living creatures to make a planet look older than it is. He didn't create Adam as a baby, what's to say he didn't create the earth as "mature" too?
  7. Numerical order. Box 1 is "1-30", 2 is "31-60," and so on. The last box in the PC is called "spare." It's for the Pokemon I'm currently EV training, or Pokemon I use for egg move breeding, or Pokemon that I've gotten from trading online; extra but useful Pokemon, basically (when most of your PC is filled, you can't afford to keep any but the most useful Pokemon).
  8. Yeah, I'm on there. ...shouldn't this thread be in "General Gaming"?
  9. So many variables to consider here... whether I'd use this team for competetive battling... or any kind of battling... or just which ones I like the best. Ah, well. I guess: [sprite]009[/sprite] [shinysprite]324[/shinysprite] [shinysprite]006[/shinysprite] [sprite]474[/sprite] [shinysprite]208[/shinysprite] [sprite]257[/sprite]
  10. Well, if the question is whether it's boring, I can't say, because I've never played it, because... ...if the question is whether it's bad, my answer is yes, because it won't run on my computer.
  11. It's a sterotypical protagonist that players of the target age can supposedly identify with.
  12. When he says "Unto thy hands I commend my spirit," he's doing just that. He said "It is finished" and then the Bible says he "gave up his spirit." I see no contradiction. Exactly, and to mention this would, rather than focusing on what happened afterwards, would give credibility to his prediction. Because he allowed them to write down his words without error or mistake. Yes, that's what I, personally, believe, meaning I can't speak for other beliefs nor do I advocate incorrect ones. But I never said the Bible is open to personal interpretation. There is no middle ground here. Either the Bible is completely accurate or nothing else it says can be trusted.
  13. As Wraith89 pointed out, the authors would have made sure to mention it as proof that Jesus' prediction had been accurate. Not if God is directing them. Why can't they have simultaneous meaning? Personally, I think if a Bible verse talks about lust, it's dealing just as much with masturbation as with adultery. Where do you think he fell from? It sounds to me like no one bothered to cut him down from the rope he hung himself on, and as the rope and his body rotted, the rope broke and when he hit the ground, his... insides fell out (lovely line of thought to be having, no?). But the Bible also doesn't specify "these were his last words." He could very well have said more than one thing. Again, that's why there are four different gospels, so things that stood out to some are included as well as things that stood out to others. This isn't about whether humans make errors. It's about whether God can make errors. Either the Bible is the Word of God, or God had no part in its conception.
  14. They were only passed down by God's mouth to the biblical authors. The stories about creation can't have been passed down by humans because no humans were there at the time. I'm stilll extremely skeptical that they could have been written after A.D. 70; again, they would have mentioned the destruction of Jerusalem by Rome. I think I've failed in making my point clear in the matter. God put in their minds what was later to be written on paper. "Inspired, told," are terms I use interchangeably here. The same dozen or so paassages are thrown around because they directly deal with those issues. It doesn't seem like Acts touches on how he died at all. Because Jesus could have only said one of those phrases before he died? The passage in Isaiah refers to the fact that the consequences of sin will often be visited upon the children. The passage in Deuteronomy is saying that children shouldn't be held responsible for their parents' actions. For example, if a man commits murder, his son should not have to be put to death, but if a man sells his son into slavery, his son is going to suffer because of the man's sin. I just... I guess I just don't see the point of the Bible if it's not literally the Word of God. If it isn't, then what gives it influence over any other book that simply relates "good principles"?
  15. I've never gotten anything but Cherubis and one male Combee. No, I'm not exaggerating.
  16. I finally got around to preordering the thing. I paid the extra $6 to get it delivered on the release date.
  17. Its origin is written word. I think whispering something with little to no enunciation is a lot more prone to error than speaking or shouting something aloud, not that it matters (see my above point). Uh, the New Testament was most likely finished before A.D. 70 (or else don't you think one of the authors would have mentioned the tiny detail that was the destruction of Jerusalem?), but certainly not after A.D. 100. The example you gave is more of an assumption than a bias. Also, there would hardly be a need for 4 different gospels if they all recounted the same events (actually, Jesus' birth is recorded in John, in the passage that mentions the Word becoming flesh). He told them what to write. By virtue of being himself, God can't give flawed information (I still have yet to see any such flaws).
  18. Well, you have to keep in mind that the first Christians/monks/people who copied the Bible were extremely meticulous about copying down the exact text of the source; heheh, you might even say they were religious about it. It was, after all, their whole life. The number of mistakes they made were minimal. You're absolutely right. That's why God inspired the biblical authors directly instead of letting them try to write the Scripture on their own.
  19. I'm not sure, and Wraith89 just said what I was going to say, so I guess I'm just here to agree.
  20. I believe in miracles, yes, and to a certain extent, chance, which some would call luck. A miracle, for me, involves something out of the ordinary, something that defies natural law. Luck has more to do with things like the lottery or the random character switch in Smash Bros. Brawl.
  21. My favorite book? Either Artemis Fowl or Airman, both by Eoin Colfer. That's not to say those are the only two I like...
  22. I never really cared for his music, but he was a major icon for pop music.
  23. I need to get to preordering it so I can get that cover sleeve. ...that was a yes, by the way.
  24. Giratina Origin Forme, Palkia, Dragonite... all such cool Pokemon.
  25. On Proud mode. It took me two tries; I only failed the first time because I forgot to unequip Sweet Memories and use a good keyblade.
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