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Everything posted by Turtlekid2

  1. :biggrin: :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin: I beat him in Proud Mode at level 56. Mind you, it took me literally hundreds of attempts. But he's really not all that hard to dodge once you recognize his pattern. Also, for the record, my favorite game in the series (still waiting on 358/2 Days) so far is Re:CoM. The cards add an element of strategy and skill and decrease the amount of button-mashing you can get away with.
  2. Galaxy was sophisticated, but Galaxy did it right, unlike Sunshine.
  3. I apologize if you think I'm insulting you or anyone. That wasn't my intention at all. I was honestly wondering where you get your standard for morality if not from the Bible/God. Not what I meant. What I meant was, those 'without God' have no logical reason not to rape or murder. Godless? Yes. Heathen? Debatable. No respect for life? If they were consistent atheists, yes. But they're not (thank God!). Again, I'm not insinuating that they're not decent; only that if they are consistent, they should see no reason for basic human decency.
  4. Ah, my tastes are really eclectic when it comes to music. I like Classical, Rock (preferrably Classic Rock), Techno, Game Soundtracks, and Jazz. Basically anything but [c]Rap, which doesn't even really qualify as music in the first place. As for specific artists, I like Beethoven, The Beatles, Celtic Woman, Yoko Shimomura, Koji Kondo, and several others.
  5. Gay couples will raise children that believe being gay is okay, not neceassarily gay themselves. I'm asking where you get your moral standard if not from God? Not the whole point of marriage, but a big part of it. As for having a relationship like that outside of marriage, without the intent to ever marry, that's a whole other issue. The difference is that there is no father in a homosexual relationship. I'm not assuming that it was invented by my religion, but it was invented by God. Refer to my last point; God created marriage, and therefore his church and only his church should have the authority to marry anyone. You're not speaking of morals, you're speaking of personal beliefs. Also, police defend people because it's their moral duty to do so.
  6. There is no "basic human decency" without God. Where does your decency come from, I wonder? The point is that homosexuals, no matter what age or condition, will never be able to have children, much less raise them in a stable family environment. The difference being that a straight couple was meant to be able to have children. Marriage is a union between one man and one woman designed to imitate the union between Christ and his church. Similarly, people can go to church every Sunday and still go to Hell. I'm not sure how church attendance plays into this issue. They could, theoretically, teach a child good things, but one thing they would teach a child is that it's okay to be gay, which it is most certainly not. 1. You're right, government should not have any part of marriage at all. But as long as courts are marrying people, it's necessary. 2. Who else is going to be the "morality police"? That's what police forces are for: to uphold morality. 3. "Your morals"? "Other" morals? Morals do not differ with the individual.
  7. Dude, if not for my religion, I would be all for homosexuality, along with murder, stealing, and rape.
  8. Again, you're assuming that marriage is a right guaranteed by the constitution or some other such document. Only churches have the right to agree or refuse to marry a couple. It wasn't around before God... who... kind of... founded the church. Relating to my first point, then how do you expect to guarantee homosexuals the right to marry, if you're not going to force churches to marry them?
  9. The country was founded on biblical principles. A more appropriate question would be, "what hell would we be in if this country had never been run according to the Bible?" 1. Christians never stoned people. They were often stoned themselves, but I don't recall Christians stoning others. 2. Again, Christians never sacrificed animals. You're thinking of Judaism. 3. My beliefs say that my beliefs should have a part in government. You can't say that they shouldn't and not say my beliefs are wrong. What rights do heterosexual people have that homosexual people don't?
  10. America is not a democracy. How is it not on the same level as cheating?
  11. And people who are inclined to be gay or attracted to the same sex need to practice their ability to ignore those feelings, just as a straight, married man needs to ignore feelings he might develop for a woman who is not his wife. Saying you'd like to wring someone's neck does not give the impression of being for love.
  12. Homosexuality, just like Heterosexality, is a choice. Straight people and gay people choose to love who they love, With the difference being that straight people aren't choosing perversion. That doesn't mean that external or internal factors don't affect the choice. It means that in the end, when all is said and done, it is still their choice.
  13. CRUD. Well, good luck in all your endeavors.
  14. But it's going to happen more between two men. It's not about whether it's disgusting. It's about whether it's perverted. But when I pass a "sexy" or "attractive" woman, I either don't feel anything or ignore anything I feel. I choose not to give in to the impulse because it would be wrong. While they may be born with that disposition, they can most certainly choose not to be. A creature sinning is not the fault of its creator. Marriage was, is, and always will be an institution of the church and of God. You want legal rights? Fine. Stay out of marriage and get a civil union. 1. What rights have we taken away? 2. Gay people are not of another race. 3. The gay people are the ones committting suicide; they and they alone are responsible for their actions. On a slightly unrelated note, congratulations on bringing to the table another debate that is destined to cause even more tension between forum members.
  15. Blaziken was my first EV trained level 100. It was one short of maxed attack.
  16. When I fought the E4 in Platinum, I used my level 100 EV trained brutes from Pearl, Data (Porygon-Z) and STARAPTOR.
  17. My Giratina, Oblivion. Mind you, I didn't know about EV training then, so its stats were worthless.
  18. How is Misty annoying? Perhaps your brain confused annoyingness and hotness. :tongue:
  19. 358/2 Days is the big one for me, but it wasn't a factor in Nintendo's winning E3 because we already knew about it.
  20. Turtlekid1 was my original username; I've had it ever since I created an account on RuneScape. Anyways, it's fairly simple to dissect. "Turtle" refers to Smokey, the pet turtle I had at the time. "Kid" refers to the fact that I was 11. "1" was just a catchy number I put on the end; to this day I'm not sure why. When the new forums came out here, I changed the "1" to "2." The sequel to Turtlekid1, if you will. Ironically, most turtles I see in games and shows disgust me (TMNT, Franklin, etc.) with the exception of Bentley from the Sly Cooper series (I'm actually using Bentley as my avatar).
  21. Some guys I know would consider that a blessing, not a curse.
  22. Especially since it seems to be the first third-person Metroid game (on a console) since the days of the SNES. I'm... not big on FPSs.
  23. He doesn't really only use rock-types anymore.
  24. I'll say one thing, when this Swine Flu/H1n1 thing first arose, I felt really guilty about winning Pandemic II a few days before.
  25. Cubone is the only Pokemon that can do "cute" and wear a skull at the same time.
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