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Endless Eden

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Everything posted by Endless Eden

  1. I know my E4 was 50+ And i think the pokedex was over 200 seen and i cant remember the rest...
  2. Well i am working on a platinum guide if anyone whould like to help me (as i have been quite busy and not gotten to it in a while ) then please dont hesitate to ask Also i think an evolution guide whould be good you know when a pokemon evolves,weather certain tasks must be accomplished for evolution that kinda stuff.If one is needed i can do it/help to do it?
  3. Yes thats really strange considering i just tried it and it works fine...O_o Did you by any change put something in wrong? Stand outside the pokemart and press L&R then go in thats what your doing right i wonder why it wont work it just did for me...
  4. Very nice it blends with the background quite well. It might not be 3D but its still great :wink:
  5. ^ Its in my albums you can find everything i do there just copy it from there
  6. I used a gradient tool for the background i already had the images of the poke's saved (< rather luckily ) And i used a custom font for the name. simple really.I am glad you like it
  7. Hidden hex values correspond to how the pokemon was gotten e.g. tall grass,spear pillar .etc Do you mean party members? Thats how many pokemon you have in your party obviously a number between 1 and 6
  8. No.I made his sig. but i told illithian to try one but he's not on yet..
  9. Try putting him to sleep or give breloom a berry to weaken psychics power Magmortar learns psychic to!! My magmortar and electivire both know it Both currently lv77 I am working on flygon now he's lv82 ahh he's the best
  10. Looking around i saw no one with a manaphy avatar..why?!?! So i made one for me!! << Look at him hes so cute
  11. i now have my blaziken at lv100! yay me
  12. <p><p><p><p><p>What are you doin online??!!! it must be about 7 in the morning!</p></p></p></p></p>

  13. <p><p><p><p><p>What are you doin online??!!! it must be about 7 in the morning!</p></p></p></p></p>

  14. Kunaidude got his laptop back but it has been wiped so hes out of action a bit longer i am sure he will be hanging around though. Illithian, You can join the social group if you like i am kinda the boss there and if your avatar making is anything like your sig making your more than welcome to join :wink: You can submit any random work you make there and then it will be at our mercy There for us to comment on. A test okay try making silentfox's :wink:
  15. Hello i am telos hope you enjoy your time here and yes i whould like pizza
  16. Thats a nice new avatar also floot is right your being modest I am going to make myself a new one too now who will be in it.....
  17. Thank you Illithian Wait i just realized today is your Bday isnt it? :kikkoman: !Happy birthday! :kikkoman:
  18. I must look for some more myself its really cool. and thanks that link will help in the future i am sure :wink: (wait...resident evil darkside chronicles!!?? i must investigate *whoosh!*)
  19. Wow! really cool where did you get that electivire image?!?!?! Its so cool!!!! Are there other images like it??!! On a side not canadiensfan do you know your sig is cut?
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