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Endless Eden

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Everything posted by Endless Eden

  1. Bulbasaur!!!! He was my favourite pokemon for a very long time
  2. Hello! i am telos pleased to meet you :wink:
  3. Hello! I am telos pleased to meet you :wink:
  4. And i will try this wayne7 EDIT; here you go, (sorry chouldn't fit mew in)
  5. Ok i will do garchomp for roflskippy and arceus for wayne7 Lots to do today
  6. <p><p><p><p><p>Ok i will go change it now :wink:</p></p></p></p></p>

  7. <p><p><p><p><p>Ok i will go change it now :wink:</p></p></p></p></p>

  8. I am quite convinced now you are very young evandixon..:wink:
  9. Ok wraith Candice never caused me any problems though and medi never caused a problem nothing i wasn't prepared for (thank you staraptor) But that fatina took a good few tries poor monferno keep falling asleep
  10. Ha! hes' here proton pack activate *sucks wraith into the little tiny box* I said it before fatina is hard if you dont have the correct moves & pokemon
  11. Gah no!i have to catch him!!!! (i got me a proton pack of ebay i am gonna use on him )
  12. Hey!! was wraith here!?the ghostbusters are looking for him Hello joqu!I am telos pleased to meet you I whouldn't worry about not being familiar with the site,this site was my first time ever posting on an online forum and i got it pretty fast i am sure you will have no troubles
  13. I use G.I.M.P. its basically a free photoshop and i am glad you like it oh and i will tell you how to use spoilers, Click on "quick links" then "edit signature" then put in, [spoiler*][img*]http://projectpokemon.org/forums/picture.php?albumid=25&pictureid=421[/img*][/spoiler*] Without the * and it will look like this,
  14. Ok fine check back in about 10-20 minutes and i will edit it into this post EDIT;here you are Kerz if there is anything you don't like i will edit it,
  15. I will give this a go how about i have him flying in the sky with the soulsilver logo? I will do it the way you want ^just a suggestion
  16. that sounds nice Okami did you see the vaporeon avatar i made its in my albums tell me what you think of it will you?
  17. i dont know about the code making side of pokesav i just use it with emulators.. Sorry i cant help you here
  18. i dunno can you make them,but i think you can download wonder cards here, http://projectpokemon.org/games/eventdownloads.php I never tried them so i dont know how they work..
  19. open pokesav and go to "storage" then "load" then pick a shaymin and it will appear in the box.
  20. As i said above my beauty blaziken (nickname "blaze" yes very imaginative i know) got me through a lot of contests his moves where, blaze kick overheat fireblast sky uppercut (not a beauty move i know O_o but you chould use it to decrease the excitement) and max beauty stats of course You may find this a stupid set up but he never let me down he had a lot of ribbons.
  21. All hail the overlord lol i am telos pleased to meet you :wink:
  22. Wait! i got in.using my blaziken from ruby he had all the hoenn ribbons(i dunno do they count) but i never got all the sinnoh ribbons master rank is the one i never got,and i had a few league champ ribbons and i got in how did you guys never get in?
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