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Endless Eden

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Everything posted by Endless Eden

  1. that area next to the park looks like a port of some sort..In the johto map there was all water to the right of the park my guess is that its a ferry to a new area! Ha that steelix looks funny that doesnt look like larvitar to me more like keckleon..O_o And goldenrod looks way different
  2. Hello i am telos pleased to meet you Thats a really cool name Kai,sounds really cool!... I wish i had a cool name...O_o
  3. When adding a new item like this make sure you pick one of the spaces with "none" on it my guess is that you had the v.s. seeker highlighted and changed it by accident. Just go down till you find a space with none written on it change that to the v.s. seeker and problem solved
  4. Hello i am telos pleased to meet you:D
  5. I whould love to!... but i made the avatar so narwhal can do this :wink:
  6. Oh now thats bad i hate the dentist you can still make one for wayne7 he hasnt come back to pick yet..
  7. That seems like a lot of legendaries and to good to be true if you ask me... But if they really are all in their they have to include the sevii islands or somewhere new i mean were will they put em all?
  8. Hehe i am glad you like it Sorry if i was a bit long my internet connection is being very slow
  9. Hey Roflskippy!you know me by now :wink: pleased to meet you
  10. I can do this skippy Also your avatars will be posted later (were waiting on someone) you will have 3 to choose from
  11. Ha i will help with this to I am assuming you downloaded one from the site so heres what you do, Open pokesav and go down to "storage" and you will see all your box information Now notice the 3 buttons next to each pokemon load,save and edit pick load and pick the PKM file you downloaded and it will appear now start the game and the pokemon will be in your PC
  12. I dunno i restarted my platinum rom so i will have to wait until i get to that part of the game to try this myself..If i find away around it i will let you know :wink:
  13. They will always hatch as level 1 but when they hatch just use pokesav to make it Lv100 straight away :wink: using No$gba makes using pokesav nice and fast. you know how to make a pokemon in an egg though don't you? When you tick the little box that says "is egg" there is a counter next to it set that to 1 and the egg will take 1-2 minutes to hatch quick and simple,you chould hatch 5 eggs in a few minutes using this metohd
  14. Put them in eggs and put them in your party when they hatch they be in the pokedex and you will have them
  15. Hello kiraphantom i am telos pleased to meet you :wink: you seem very like me lazy and unwilling unless i am intrested
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