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Endless Eden

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Everything posted by Endless Eden

  1. <p><p><p><p><p>So you searched the net for episode's with bulbasaur got the move set,weight,height</p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p>and other thing's in game stuff like that?</p></p></p></p></p>

  2. <p><p><p><p><p>So you searched the net for episode's with bulbasaur got the move set,weight,height</p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p>and other thing's in game stuff like that?</p></p></p></p></p>

  3. <p><p><p><p><p>Did you know all that data for the in depth pokedex youself?</p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p>Or did you research it?</p></p></p></p></p>

  4. <p><p><p><p><p>Did you know all that data for the in depth pokedex youself?</p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p>Or did you research it?</p></p></p></p></p>

  5. Here's mine it's not that good i was distracted by my wiki research i am sure narwhal will make a better one, @ narwhal a ghost in the ghostbuster's!!?? are you secretly spying for wraith? because i will find out!!
  6. Okay wraith Is that challenge for me? because i accept sire :wink:
  7. No!!!!!!!!!!! Narwhal you can't be a ghost!! don't make me send the ghost buster's after you too.............
  8. Silentfox is russian wraith89 and carolina liar - all that $h!X is gone Sorry for the language it's the name of the song O_o
  9. As in a pokemon you have caught in-game? sure Just open the pokemon in pokesav and it's 4 move's will be in the middle of the box,click on one of the move's then you can pick whatever move you like obviously if you pick a move the pokemon doesn't naturally learn then it is no longer legal if you want to find out what move's your pokemon can learn look here, http://projectpokemon.org/pokedex/plpokedex.php Hope i helped
  10. Why didn't i spot this before... oh well i am groudon because i move mountain's!!!!!!!! Ok seriously that test said i was scyther,absol and porygon ( yes i did it 3 time's i was bored O_o) i have trait's of all these so i thought it was pretty accurate
  11. Ignore the ghost e will be caught someday!! hi i am telos pleased to meet you good sir *bow's* :kikkoman:
  12. Wake up naru-chu! That sig is so cool kunai gradient flare right?
  13. The first two option's are availible in the normal pokesav your using the compact one aren't you. And if you want the pokemon to register put it in an egg then hatch it make sure you put the steps left to 1 so it will hatch fast
  14. I have made me 2 new sig's! but i can't use 2 (stupid sig cut off ) So which is better :confused: or So which one guy's???
  15. I see thanks naru-chu :wink: EDIT; just a little update i joined the group and posted my progress there please gimme some feedback thank's
  16. Yeah i got holiday's from school :tongue: Your getting better. Practise makes perfect, i make at least one sig or avatar a day just to practise and get better
  17. Numbers 1 - 151 are done now who will tell me how to add a table of contents?
  18. On it paddy i will do dylans to EDIT; heres paddy's EDIT 2; here's dylan's,
  19. But karate is taught as a form of self defense isn't it so your dad is abusing his teachong also?
  20. I have made a start on the evolution guide i have numbers 1 -101 done more tomorrow :kikkoman:
  21. I will join when i have a bit more done...and if you do decide to do the evolution guide i will help okay?
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