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Endless Eden

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Everything posted by Endless Eden

  1. hhmm i might just pick chicorita now you guys are kinda convincing me... i love a challenge
  2. mine was totally random... telos
  3. I think all of them will have the same nature, personality value etc. I am not sure though
  4. My first ever....it is either red gyarados or ho-oh in gold version cant remember which came first... And magmortar was my first in platinum i love that guy
  5. "add the sig"? like the spoiler in mine? Just put at either side of the image If you whould like a sig made for you ask here,(or just PM me) http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?t=956
  6. Sorry i missed that last i will redo it if you like but, ^ Hows this?
  7. How about i try charizard and darkrai?? I will get right on it
  8. Yeah maybe a reward from oak/elm for reaching certain milestones on the pokedex whould be nice like, 200 caught get treeko from elm and bulbasaur from oak 300 caught get torchic from elm and charmander from oak 400 caught get mudkip from elm and squirtle from oak And then when you have all 493 you either get the starter that was never picked at the start or you get to pick a sinnoh starter. ^ This whould be a major incentive to complete the pokedex for me anyway...O_o
  9. Hello kaori i am telos its a pleasure to meet you
  10. My turn.This pokemon is also known as "the bully of the sea" I know its easy i cant think of a good one now...O_o
  11. Obviously if a pokemon is following you and you dont want it to you can put it back in the pokeball that is rather simple to figure out... And yes this will be the best pokemon game ever!
  12. Farfetced?,cubone?,marowhak?
  13. what about mine?i will do it myself..(i though you were doing that whole post em all thing..) Heres mine, And wayne7's,
  14. Did you try winrar? that can be gotten freely and is the same as winzip.
  15. Ahh the light house i forgot about that..they seem a bit close together for it to be a lighthouse though and the light house is south not east... I think those 2 will probably be in victory road,mt.mortar or mt.silver? i dunno..slugma on cycling road lol that was so stupid
  16. Now that ^ seems more probable It appears the train that goes from goldenrod to saffron goes underwater! cool! Either that or it is incomplete... And also further to the left of that new park area (port?) i can see a church of some sort....Arceus anyone?..O_o I can see mt.silver though it appears unchanged...O_o And i can see a bit of the lake of rage too!Gah i am too excited i want this game!!!!!!
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