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Version 1.0.0
All 386 Pokémon are available and legal, with a few shinies. Bags are always filled with 75 of the most important items. Additionally, 750 of those items are on the PC. I cannot get the Old Sea Map event to work. A legal event Mew is in the PC. Additionally, I cannot get the Mystic Ticket or Aurora Ticket to work, although they worked in FireRed. Pokémon Emerald: Save 1: Beginning: Ready for a new Pokémon Emerald adventure! (Starter obtained) Save 2: Steven: After having defeated her father in the gym battle, May continues on her journey through the Hoenn Region. She is about to have her second encounter with Steven Stone, the former Hoenn League Champion... Save 3: Vs. Team Magma!: Team Magma is about to reawaken Groudon from its' ancient slumber! May must prevent Groudon's reawakening at all costs! Save 4: Vs. Team Aqua!: Team Aqua is about to reawaken Kyogre from its' ancient slumber! May must prevent Kyogre's reawakening at all costs! Save 5: Saving Hoenn!: With the help of Wallace and Steven, May has found Rayquaza atop Sky Pillar. Awaken it, and fly back to Sootopolis City! Save 6: Champion! May has become the Hoenn League Champion! She could now travel to Southern Island or the Battle Frontier! Save 7: Silver Battle Frontier!: May is one participation away from challenging each of the Battle Frontier Brains! She may be able to win all the Silver Symbols! Hoenn Battle Frontier Brains in Gen 4 Style by duncapham Save 8: Gold Battle Frontier!: May is one participation away from challenging each of the Battle Frontier Brains! She may be able to win all the Gold Symbols! Hoenn Battle Frontier Brains in Gen 4 Style by duncapham Save 9 (Save 10: Kosher) Pokémon teams based on: Headcanon Pokémon Teams and Timeline and Pokémon Protagonist Teams (Useful Batch Editor tips In PKHex go to tools->data->batch editor->copy paste the text below: .OT_Gender= (0 for male; 1 for female) ; .OT_Name= (your name) ; .OT_Friendship=255 ; .IsNicknamed= (true/false) .Language=(1=Japanese, 2=English, 3=French, 4=Italian, 5=German, 6=Spanish, 7=Korean) (be aware of some event Pokémon being of a certain language; mostly English) -
Hello, so I'm currently playing pokemon ruby on an emulator ... now I wanted to pick up a Pokemon, but somehow it doesn't work. I play on "Retroarch" where the files are saved as ".smr". This was already in Pokemon Gold that I played. There I solved it so that I simply renamed the ".smr" file to a ".sav" file and then dragged it in. But now when I do that with Ruby the following error message comes up: Attemted to load an unsupported file type / size. This could be caused by loading a different generation Pokemon file on an unsupported generation or youre file is courupt. File loaded: \ User \ [My name] \ Desktop \ Pokemon Ruby.sav File size: 139264 bytes 139264 bytes (0x22000) It may be important to mention that it is a randomized rom, which was the case with gold and still worked there edit: Yeah, that smiley sould ba an C_: xD
As we all know, if you want to migrate pokemon from Ruby/Sapphire/FireRed/LeafGreen/Emerald to Gen4, you need to use Pal Park to migrate. You have to insert Diamon/Pearl/Platinum/HeartGold/SoulSilver into slot1 of NDS(L), and insert Gen3 cartridges into slot2. Then from the start menu of Gen4 game you can find an option to migrate pokemon from Gen3. What needs to be noted is that: 1.For jap/eng/fra/ita/ger/spa Gen4 rom, Gen3 rom must have the same language as Gen4 rom to migrate. 2.For kor Gen4 rom, it can migrate both from jap Gen3 rom and eng Gen3 rom. So is there anyway for Gen4 rom to migrate from any region of Gen3 rom? The following are several methods for Gen3 Region Unlock (Reading this Guide requires some basic knowledge of hexadecimal and RomHack experience): Method 1: Hack GBA Rom header (Emu or GBA flashcart) Principle: Changer the Language code of Romheader. Practice: Take jap Gen4 & eng Gen3 as an example. 1.Open the eng Gen3 with a hex editor, you can see ‘POKEMON RUBYAXVE’ at address 0xA0. Below ‘AXVE’ you can see ‘0x41’ at address 0xBD。 2.Change language code: Since jap Gen4 is where we need to receive pokemon, we should make eng Gen3 rom like jap Gen3 rom. The ‘E’ of ‘AXVE’ is language code, so we change it to ‘J’-‘AXVJ’. 3.Change header checksum: While ‘E’ changed to ‘J’, it hex value also changed from ’0x45’ to ‘0x4A’, which 0x45 + 0x5 = 0x4A. So we need to change header checksum at address 0xBD, let ‘0x41’ minus 0x5, which 0x41 – 0x5 = 0x3C. So change checksum from ‘0x41’ to ‘0x3C’. 4.After that, this hacked eng Gen3 rom can be recognized by jap Gen4 rom through emulator or flashcart. Here are other language code (note capitalization): Japanese-J, English-E, French-F, Italian-I, German-D, Spanish-S. Method 2: Hack NDS language value (Emu or NDS flashcart) Principle: Let the language values which NDS use for checking GBA rom all change to the values matching NDS language. Practice: Take jap Gen4 (Diamond) & eng Gen3 as an example. 1. Use CrystalTile2 to open Diamond rom, search for ‘AXVJ’, you can find several columns of similar characters, 5 Gen3 versions, and 6 languages. Versions: Ruby-AXV, Sapphire-AXP, Fire Red-BPR, LeafGreen-BPG, Emerald-BPE. Languages: Japanese-J, English-E, French-F, Italian-I, German-D, Spanish-S. Combine a total of 30 corresponding Gen3 game codes. The following analyzes the structure of this table, using ‘AXVJ’ as an example, every 8 bytes in groups: ‘41 58 56 4A 00 00 01 00’ The first 4 bytes are the Ascii code corresponding to ‘AXVJ’, and the second half only needs to pay attention to the 7th byte, ‘0x01’, here as the language value Japanese to judge. The correspondence of language values: Japanese-0x01, English-0x02, French-0x03, Italian-0x04, German-0x05, Spanish-0x07。 When the Gen3 cartridge is inserted, the NDS side compares the first 4 bytes of the game code with gba haeder, and when it finds a value that matches, it returns the 7th byte (language value), and only when the language value matches the language value of the NDS game, the Migration option will be opened. 2. According to the above, you can know that as long as all the language values returned by 30 game codes are changed to the language values of nds, then Gen 3 games in all languages are compatible. In this ezample, the Jap Gen4 (Diamond) needs to change all 30 language values to 0x01 Japanese. 3. After saving edit, you can make this Jap Gen4 (Diamond) recognize the Gen 3 cartridge in all languages. It should be reminded that in the Rom of Diamond/Pearl/Platinum, these game code and language value are uncompressed, while in HeartGold/SoulSilver, this part of the content is compressed and cannot be directly searched to find, you need to decompress ‘overlay 9_0074.bin’ file (this file name is unpacked from CT2, the name may be different if you use other tools to unpack) to find the corresponding data, and after hacking, you also need to compress it. Method 3: Hack NDS asm code (Emu or NDS flashcart) Principle: Hack the function mechanism of Migration judgment. Practice: 1. At the beginning of the guide, it was mentioned that jap/eng/fra/ita/ger/spa Gen4 rom can only receive the same language of Gen3 rom, but Kor Gen4 can receive jap&eng of Gen3 rom. Therefore, there are essentially two Migration judgment mechanisms in Gen4 game. In Gen4 ROM, the file where the Migration judgment function is located is: Diamond/Pearl: overlay9_0083 Platinum: overlay9_0097 Heart Gold/Soul Silver: overlay9_0074 (1) Codes for Jap/Eng/Fra/Ita/Ger/Spa version (taking the pret project Eng HeartGold as an example): see this file and line number ‘/asm/overlay_74_thumb.s #L832’ (the following is the assembly code, If you don't understand it, you can skip it directly, see the description below). ——————————————————————————————————————— _0222767E: 0x0222767E 1C20 add r0, r4, #0 0x02227680 FF16F5F2 bl sub_0201A4B0 0x02227684 68A8 ldr r0, [r5, #8] 0x02227686 FF69F602 bl Pokedex_GetNatDexFlag 0x0222768A 2800 cmp r0, #0 0x0222768C D00B beq _022276A6 0x0222768E F99BF00C bl PmAgbCartridge_GetLanguage 0x02227692 4905 ldr r1, _022276A8 ; =gGameLanguage 0x02227694 7809 ldrb r1, [r1] 0x02227696 4281 cmp r1, r0 0x02227698 D105 bne _022276A6 0x0222769C FF98FF00C bl PmAgbCartridge_GetVersionInternal 0x0222769E 1C40 add r0, r0, #1 0x022276A0 6268 str r0, [r5, #0x24] 0x022276A2 FCE7F00E bl ov74_02236074 _022276A6: 0x022276A6 BD38 pop {r3, r4, r5, pc} .balign 4, 0 _022276A8: 0x022276A8 020F5670 .word gGameLanguage ——————————————————————————————————————— The code here roughly means about migration: 1) whether to obtain the national pokedex, if passed, go to 2, and if do not pass, ends; 2) Check whether the GBA Rom language value is equal and compare with the NDS Rom language value, if it is equal, go to 3, and if not equal, ends; 3) Check the GBA Rom version, which is displayed in the menu when migrate. (2) Codes for Kor version (taking the Kor HeartGold as an example, some function naming is modeled on the naming of the pret project) :(the following content is assembly code, if you can't understand it, you can skip it directly, see the description below). ——————————————————————————————————————— _0222807E: 0x0222807E 1C20 add r0, r4, #0 0x02228080 F9E2F5F2 bl #0x201a448 0x02228084 68A8 ldr r0, [r5, #8] 0x02228086 FBB3F602 bl #0x202a7f0 ;Pokedex_GetNatDexFlag 0x0222808A 2800 cmp r0, #0 0x0222808C D00D beq _022280AA 0x0222808E F9A1F00C bl #0x22343d4 ;PmAgbCartridge_GetLanguage 0x02228092 2801 cmp r0, #1 0x02228094 D003 beq _0222809E 0x02228096 F99DF00C bl #0x22343d4 ;PmAgbCartridge_GetLanguage 0x02228098 2802 cmp r0, #2 0x0222809C D105 bne _022280AA _0222809E: 0x0222809E F993F00C bl #0x22343c8 ;PmAgbCartridge_GetVersionInternal 0x022280A2 1C40 adds r0, r0, #1 0x022280A4 6268 str r0, [r5, #0x24] 0x022280A6 FCDFF00E bl #0x2236a68 _022280AA: 0x022280AA BD38 pop {r3, r4, r5, pc} ——————————————————————————————————————— The code here roughly means about migration: 1) whether to obtain the national pokedex, if passed, go to 2, and if do not pass, ends; 2) Check whether the GBA Rom language value is 1 (i.e. Japanese), go to 4 if it is equal, and go to 3 if not equal; 3) Continue to check whether the GBA language value is 2 (i.e. English), if it is equal, go to 4, and if not equal, ends; 4) Check the GBA Rom version, which is displayed in the menu when migrate. 2. So what we need to do is to change ‘if not equal, ends’ to ‘if not equal ,continue’ . In two cases above, you only need to change 0xD105 to 0xD1FF, that is, you only need to change one byte 0x05→0xFF. After that the region restriction will be unlocked. The following is a list of the addresses where 0x05 needs to be changed to 0xFF in each language version of Gen4 rom: Version language ROM address RAM address Assisted search code Diamond/Pearl Jap 0x0030169A 0x0223083A E0 04 24 00 E0 03 Diamond/Pearl Eng 0x002F1718 0x0222D6D8 (ibid) Diamond/Pearl Fra 0x002F1918 0x0222D8D8 (ibid) Diamond/Pearl Ita 0x002F1918 0x0222D838 (ibid) Diamond/Pearl Ger 0x002F1918 0x0222D898 (ibid) Diamond/Pearl Spa 0x002F1918 0x0222D8F8 (ibid) Diamond/Pearl Kor 0x002F2D1C 0x0222D83C (ibid) Platinum Jap 0x0038D918 0x0222A378 (ibid) Platinum Eng 0x0038F518 0x0222AF78 (ibid) Platinum Fra 0x0038F318 0x0222B158 (ibid) Platinum Ita 0x0038F318 0x0222B0D8 (ibid) Platinum Ger 0x0038F318 0x0222B118 (ibid) Platinum Spa 0x0038F518 0x0222B178 (ibid) Platinum Kor 0x0039051C 0x0222BE7C (ibid) HeartGold/SoulSilver Jap 0x00235D09 0x02226BD8 (ibid) HeartGold/SoulSilver Eng 0x00236B0E 0x02227698 (ibid) HeartGold/SoulSilver Fra 0x00236B10 0x022276B8 (ibid) HeartGold/SoulSilver Ita 0x0023670E 0x02227638 00 04 24 00 E0 03 HeartGold/SoulSilver Ger 0x00236910 0x02227678 E0 04 24 00 00 E0 HeartGold/SoulSilver Spa 0x00236B0F 0x022276B8 E0 04 24 00 E0 03 HeartGold/SoulSilver Kor 0x00237113 0x0222809C E0 04 24 00 E0 00 * Assisted search code is used in fan translated ROM which the address may changes to help find the location of the migration function and 0x05 more quickly. Method 4: Cheat code hack NDS asm code (Can use for Cartridge) Principle: Same as Method 3, but don’t need to change the ROM while this method change the RAM. Practice: 1. For codes of migration function will be loaded to RAM, so we can use cheat codes to edit RAM without edit ROM. It means we can apply this region unlock hack on Real Gen4 cartridges by using tools like Aciton Replay, NitroHax etc. (see video link Jap HeartGold migrate from Eng Emerald (Pal Park region unlock) ) I’ve made the region unlock codes written in Action Replay format for NitroHax and can also be used for emulator. You can download this file ‘cheats.xml’. Pal Park region unlock code: Diamond/Pearl: Platinum: HeartGold/SoulSilver: cheats.xml
I've been digging into how it would be possible to edit the checksum on my Pokemon Sapphire savefile so that it ends up at A030 for a shiny (naughty) Jirachi from the Pokemon Colosseum Bonus Disc. Sites such as JirachiCalc have been useful in helping me figuring out my current checksum but that's about it. I've read a lot of older posts about using hexeditors and such but I always end up more confused and ultimately give up in the end. I'd apricate any help and possible explenations so I can understand and maybe generate other types of Jirachis down the line. My current checksum is at 3C71. Savefile is attached below. POKEMON_SAPP_AXPE01.sav
- 3 replies
- wishmkr jirachi
- sapphire
(and 3 more)
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Version 1.0.0
Tested on Dolphin 5.0.17995. Warning! This will overwrite your existing save. Please backup your existing save elsewhere. Pre-requisite:- - Enable 'Allow Memory Card saving with Saveastates' (Right Click the game -> Properties -> Patches -> Checked 'Allow Memory Card saving with Saveastates' -> Close) Steps:- 1. Extract the savestates (GC6E01.s01) to ...\Dolphin-x64\User\StateSaves\ 2. Load the savestates (Emulation -> Load -> Load the State -> select Slot 1) 3. Continue the scene until Ho-Oh obtained and saved. 4. Trade to GBA or Extract via PKHex. 5. Repeat Step 1 to replay to obtain different IV. -
Was trying to copy over the attached spread (see below) onto a Channel Jirachi from the encounter database but received an Encounter Type PID Mismatch error - was there something I overlooked here or could it be some sort of SID correlation (was thinking this could be the case as it seemed to be the only non-constant between different legal Channel Jirachi pk3's I found on here)? Have also attached the relevant Jirachi pk3 file for reference. Appreciate any help! 385 - JIRACHI - 1BA865165E26.pk3
Hi, this is my first post to this forum (and any forum in general lol) so I hope I'm doing this right. A few days ago i ordered a copy of Fire Red from Amazon to complete a game from each set of games and I looked over some stuff to find out if it was fake following getting it and it looked like kt was almost certainly real. Reading the listing again as well as numerous other things (like the game locking up for maybe a second or 2 while saving and the "the save file is ok" message at the start up) it said it was a 'reproduction', fake, obviously. But looking over it, it seems like a really solidly doen fame to the point where the cartridge looks damn near identical and the listing said in the description it was a reproduction, not hiding it. So if anyone has a copy like this, could you please tell me how your experience with it was. Did it do the typical 'erase after defeating Lance/Blue' like many fakes are known to do. Could it transfer to DPP/HGSS? Thanks in advance cause I wanna know before I dedicate some time to this game only for it to get erased after defeating Blue.
i need help with editing my spinda, i got the pattern i want but no way of putting the pattern values in pkhex... plz comment if you can help
Version 1.0.0
All 386 Pokémon are available and legal, with a few shinies. Bags are always filled with 75 of all items. Pokémon FireRed: Save 1: Beginning: Ready for a new Pokémon FireRed adventure! (Starter not chosen; Rival named Blue), TM Case will have all TMs once obtained) Save 2: Champion!: Red has become the Champion of Kanto!....but Bill is in Cinnabar Island's Pokémon Center and seems to have a request involving the Sevii Islands..... Save 3: Post-Game: After having successfully driven out the last Team Rocket Members of Kanto and having connected Celios machine to the Hoenn Region, Red can only think about the Cinnabar Mansions Entries' about the Pokémon Team Rocket created and the apparent appearance of legendary Pokémon on Navel Rock and Birth Island.... (Bulbasaur and Squirtle are not available in FireRed in Cerulean and Vermilion, unlike in Pokémon Yellow) Aurora Ticket and Mystic Ticket available. Pokémon teams based on: Headcanon Pokémon Teams and Timeline and Pokémon Protagonist Teams (Useful Batch Editor tips In PKHex go to tools->data->batch editor->copy paste the text below: .OT_Gender= (0 for male; 1 for female) ; .OT_Name= (your name) ; .OT_Friendship=255 ; .IsNicknamed= (true/false) .Language=(1=Japanese, 2=English, 3=French, 4=Italian, 5=German, 6=Spanish, 7=Korean) (be aware of some event Pokémon being of a certain language; mostly English) -
Version 1.0.0
I would have filled the PC Boxes with all 386 Pokémon...but you only have 3 PC Boxes! I added some useful Pokémon into box 3 though. 750 the most important items are in your bag. Pokémon Colosseum: Save 1: Beginning: The headquarters of Team Snagem has been rigged by Wes to explode! He successfully infiltrated their ranks and stole the snag machine! Will he use keep it to prevent Team Snagem from using it or will he use it for his own desires? Wes has aided a girl called Rui escape from two kidnappers. Take Rui to Mayor Es Cade! Wes could also train at the pre-gym in the centre of Phenac City... Travel to Pyrite city and snag the distributed Shadow Pokémon from the Pyrite Colosseum Winners! The Pyrite Colosseum's Generator had a gear stolen... Save 2: Knockout Challenge!: Wes has captured the Shadow Pokémon of Pyrite Town and helped find the gear necessary for the Colosseum's electricity! Duking, the owner of the Pyrite Colosseum has asked Wes to participate in the Pyrite Colosseum battles! Win 4 times in a row to be the Pyrite Champ! Empty the Pyrite Team Snagem Hideout, and travel to Agate Village to learn more about the Shrine of Celebi... Save 3: Purification: Wes can now purify his Team at the Shrine of Celebi, which is located behind the cave, below the Pokémon Center. Duking has asked for help at Mt. Battle! Prepare to face Cipher Admin Dakim and his Shadow Entei! Explore "The Under", located beneath Pyrite City and defeat Cipher Admin Venus and her Shadow Suicune! Save 4: The Shadow-Lab: Having defeated Dakim and Venus, Wes and Rui prepare to enter the Shadow Lab, where the Shadow Pokémon are being created... Prepare for Cipher Admin Ein and his Shadow Entei! Save 5: Realgam Tower: This Tower seems to be connected to Team Cipher somehow... Save 6: The Final Colosseum: Wes must defeat the true Leader of Team Cipher! Save 7: Orre Region Saviour!: With Teams Snagem and Team Cipher defeated, Wes can now find the last remaining Shadow Pokémon in the Orre Region. Head to The Under, where Nett has the List of remaining 6 Shadow Pokémon... Save 8: Postgame: All 48 Pokémon have been found and purified. Team Cipher and Team Snagem no longer exist. Wes could challenge the Mt. Battle facility.... Pokémon teams based on: Headcanon Pokémon Teams and Timeline and Pokémon Protagonist Teams (Useful Batch Editor tips In PKHex go to tools->data->batch editor->copy paste the text below: .OT_Gender= (0 for male; 1 for female) ; .OT_Name= (your name) ; .OT_Friendship=255 ; .IsNicknamed= (true/false) .Language=(1=Japanese, 2=English, 3=French, 4=Italian, 5=German, 6=Spanish, 7=Korean) (be aware of some event Pokémon being of a certain language; mostly English) -
Hay I need help badly, I've asked on discord but when I look it up on google (like some people have said to do) there are no helpful results... all I'm asking is for help with some competitive move sets for my Pokémon in gen 3, in this case emerald/colo. I need help with three move sets for Salamance for two event eggmoves and one for a normal in game eggmove, ill list them below. Moves: * iron defense * wish * hydro pump some of the most reliable sites were of no help when it came to move sets for these moves. even looking up "competitive (insert listed move here) salamance" resulted in no help at all just info for move sets for gens that are not gen 3 but had the moves in them. (granted smogon did have one for wish but not the set I thought was helpful sents I don't really use moves like protect that much) I really need help with these move sets for gen 3, if anybody can help plz respond im about to give up looking for these sets and just focus on other Pokémon….
hay replaying emerald for the umpteenth time and need some help with a team to basically one shot or help het past all floors in emeralds Trainer Hall. I tried using a team of nothing but legendary Pokémon and it backfired... the team I used was competitive but only got me to floor 3 before I got K.O.ed... team I used will be provided via pk3 files. it seemed op but ended up hurting me in the end.. so I need a better team to help complete the trainer hall. so I'm open to suggestions and would appreciate if someone could help. 386 ★ - デオキシス - 2AC9DDE27F81.pk3 151 - MEW - 244E9FCC5AE5.pk3 245 ★ - CRYSTAL - EF440824CE62.pk3 251 - セレビィ - 51C2C351DEF2.pk3 249 ★ - LUGIA - 8889199D6D49.pk3 250 ★ - HO-OH - A9BD199D6D49.pk3
- gen3
- teams or moves
(and 2 more)
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Does anyone know of an Emulator that supports the Relocator? If not, does using PKHex to move event Celebi and Crown beasts to B/W/HG/SS register as sent through the Relocator? Pal Park same questions.