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Trainer Records is encrypted by LCRNG algorithm Y0 = seedYn+1 = Yn * 0x41C64E6D + 0x6073Xn = origin data XOR Yn 3&4th bytes offsets: Pt: 61B4~6367 seed: 6368~636B HGSS: 4B44~4CF7 seed: 4CF8~4CFBDP are not encrypted Pt can receive globe and crystals from Mr. Goods accessed GTS: flag 2444 set used another underground count by constant 71, 72, 73, 84: ->100 DP is 70~73 HGSS event flag(unset) 0681, 0682, 0683 = battle tower trophy flag 0239, 0240, 0241 constant 226: ->4(conversation) = all Pokéathlon basement room enterable flag(unset) 0725, 0726, 0727, 0728, 0729 = room items
Version 1.0.0
(All saves have been given the Event missions through the Mission Injection Tool by sinbad.the.saile) Start them in the Main Menu -> Ranger Net -> Play a New Mission Save 1: Beginning: Kellyn has learned how to capture Pokémon on his first day at the Ranger school. His fellow classmates have organised a challenge, in which he must find 4 capture stylers and bring them into the cellar. He has found all 4 capture stylers, but something is going on in the cellar... Save 2: Rookie mission: Soothe Pokémon on the beach! Calm down the Munchlax, Starly and Pachirisu threatening the beach boys' girlfriend! Save 3: Mission 1: Deliver Vien Tribune! Kellyn has graduated and is about to receive his official Ranger uniform and his first mission! Save 4: Strange Machines in Pueltown: After Kellyn has dealt with the terrible fire, that engulfed Vien Forest, he is given the mission to accompany and aid Luana in Pueltown... Save 5: Teacher: Now, that Team Dimsun's first set of plans have stopped, there may be a little time to rest for Kellyn. He has been asked to attend one lesson at the Ranger school to answer students' questions! Save 6: Top Ranger: For all of his recent accomplishments, Kellyn has been promoted to the rank of the 11th Top Ranger, a rank, which only 12 have obtained in the entire world! Head for the Chroma Ruins in the North-East of Almia! Save 7: Blue Gem Guardian: Prove your worth to the Guardian of the Blue Gem! Save 8: Red Gem Guardian: Prove your worth to the Guardian of the Red Gem! Watch out for any boulders! Save 9: Yellow Gem Guardian: Prove your worth to the Guardian of the Yellow Gem! Save 10: Eternal Darkness of Almia: Kellyn must prevent the world from being engulfed by darkness! Defeat Darkrai at all costs! Save 11: Postgame: Capture Area cleared; Ranger Dex completed on Class S; All Quests complete; Door to Regigigas within Haruba Temple has been opened; Celebi has restored Puel Forest; Event missions complete but can be redone without any limit. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: You can technically unlock the Event Missions, with Wi-Fi, right now. YouTube Explanation: (You need Hotspot from a Phone or PC and your 3ds/2ds)-
- 1
- pokemon ranger
- shadows of almia
(and 1 more)
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Version 1.0.0
Hi all,iam new here in this community, so as a joining present i would like to like to share a save file that is more than 10 year old worth in a japanese Pokemon heart gold catridge that i purchased from a website,The save file has lots of stuff and pokemons there like when i examined it has almost all boxes full of legit pokemons i believe it is like event pokemons,collection of pokwalker mons,pokemon transfered from palpark(gen 3),Pokemons from colosseum and xd etc,it even has lot of shinies which iam pretty sure all are legit from what i examined,it even has all 7 evee evolutions legit shinies i believe its from 5 to 4 from pokemon colosseum starter,all kanto and jhoto shiny starters which are all legit from what i can see,lot of competitive pokemons with some i think perfect ivs,lof of traded pokemons from other games DPPT,SS etc The save file is full completed i think like all trainer card stars quest completed,Elite four,post kanto game and beaten Red,pokedex compled etc when i checked oh,also the guy who played this save file was a pokathelon Veteran i think,he has insane amout of records in it and its not cheated,he has spend more that 200 hours in pokeathelon and he has like 493 medalist pokemon(full pokedex),so its not cheated i believe,all battle frointer quest compeleted,the save file play time +800 hours so i think,this guy put some decent amount of time in to this game I dont find this guy cheated on ths save,every quest he completed i guess completed legit and all event pokemons including myticals all are Legit,btw it also has shiny ranger manaphy and shiny jirachi which is either wishmkr or from pokemon channel,its 100% legit when i checked it ths max amout of money can be claimed itscheated but i dont think,from what i see, with amulet coins and remtach trainer facility its very easy to earn max money,so,its not big deal so,when i got this game catridge and explored it completely,i found this website so i want to share it with people too worldwide,i know this game save file is very old gen,but there should people like me who is searching for very old save files like these and Traverse across people play memories, this save file even motivated me to complete my japanese pokemon colosseum and XD that i bought from the website which i will be uploading completed save soon so,yeah Enjoy and have a nice day all!- 4 comments
- 2
- heartgold / soulsilver
- heartgold
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Hello. As stated in the title, I'm trying to modify HoF entries. It's pretty straightforward until block checksum recalculation - I've followed the same path as with general/storage block, i.e calculating CRC16 CCITT for the whole block right until footer part, but it seems that this is not the correct way, as every time I load such modified save, when selecting HoF in PC, there's a message saying that HoF data has been corrupted and in order to fix it, I should enter Elite 4 (or something similar, doesnt matter). I've tried recalculating the checksum and comparing it with one in the footer and it differs. Additionaly, I've downloaded this tool to play around with it a little more and this one does the job - entry is modified as expected and game properly loads HoF. So such modification is possible, how the checksum for Hall of Fame Block in gen IV is calculated?
As we all know, if you want to migrate pokemon from Ruby/Sapphire/FireRed/LeafGreen/Emerald to Gen4, you need to use Pal Park to migrate. You have to insert Diamon/Pearl/Platinum/HeartGold/SoulSilver into slot1 of NDS(L), and insert Gen3 cartridges into slot2. Then from the start menu of Gen4 game you can find an option to migrate pokemon from Gen3. What needs to be noted is that: 1.For jap/eng/fra/ita/ger/spa Gen4 rom, Gen3 rom must have the same language as Gen4 rom to migrate. 2.For kor Gen4 rom, it can migrate both from jap Gen3 rom and eng Gen3 rom. So is there anyway for Gen4 rom to migrate from any region of Gen3 rom? The following are several methods for Gen3 Region Unlock (Reading this Guide requires some basic knowledge of hexadecimal and RomHack experience): Method 1: Hack GBA Rom header (Emu or GBA flashcart) Principle: Changer the Language code of Romheader. Practice: Take jap Gen4 & eng Gen3 as an example. 1.Open the eng Gen3 with a hex editor, you can see ‘POKEMON RUBYAXVE’ at address 0xA0. Below ‘AXVE’ you can see ‘0x41’ at address 0xBD。 2.Change language code: Since jap Gen4 is where we need to receive pokemon, we should make eng Gen3 rom like jap Gen3 rom. The ‘E’ of ‘AXVE’ is language code, so we change it to ‘J’-‘AXVJ’. 3.Change header checksum: While ‘E’ changed to ‘J’, it hex value also changed from ’0x45’ to ‘0x4A’, which 0x45 + 0x5 = 0x4A. So we need to change header checksum at address 0xBD, let ‘0x41’ minus 0x5, which 0x41 – 0x5 = 0x3C. So change checksum from ‘0x41’ to ‘0x3C’. 4.After that, this hacked eng Gen3 rom can be recognized by jap Gen4 rom through emulator or flashcart. Here are other language code (note capitalization): Japanese-J, English-E, French-F, Italian-I, German-D, Spanish-S. Method 2: Hack NDS language value (Emu or NDS flashcart) Principle: Let the language values which NDS use for checking GBA rom all change to the values matching NDS language. Practice: Take jap Gen4 (Diamond) & eng Gen3 as an example. 1. Use CrystalTile2 to open Diamond rom, search for ‘AXVJ’, you can find several columns of similar characters, 5 Gen3 versions, and 6 languages. Versions: Ruby-AXV, Sapphire-AXP, Fire Red-BPR, LeafGreen-BPG, Emerald-BPE. Languages: Japanese-J, English-E, French-F, Italian-I, German-D, Spanish-S. Combine a total of 30 corresponding Gen3 game codes. The following analyzes the structure of this table, using ‘AXVJ’ as an example, every 8 bytes in groups: ‘41 58 56 4A 00 00 01 00’ The first 4 bytes are the Ascii code corresponding to ‘AXVJ’, and the second half only needs to pay attention to the 7th byte, ‘0x01’, here as the language value Japanese to judge. The correspondence of language values: Japanese-0x01, English-0x02, French-0x03, Italian-0x04, German-0x05, Spanish-0x07。 When the Gen3 cartridge is inserted, the NDS side compares the first 4 bytes of the game code with gba haeder, and when it finds a value that matches, it returns the 7th byte (language value), and only when the language value matches the language value of the NDS game, the Migration option will be opened. 2. According to the above, you can know that as long as all the language values returned by 30 game codes are changed to the language values of nds, then Gen 3 games in all languages are compatible. In this ezample, the Jap Gen4 (Diamond) needs to change all 30 language values to 0x01 Japanese. 3. After saving edit, you can make this Jap Gen4 (Diamond) recognize the Gen 3 cartridge in all languages. It should be reminded that in the Rom of Diamond/Pearl/Platinum, these game code and language value are uncompressed, while in HeartGold/SoulSilver, this part of the content is compressed and cannot be directly searched to find, you need to decompress ‘overlay 9_0074.bin’ file (this file name is unpacked from CT2, the name may be different if you use other tools to unpack) to find the corresponding data, and after hacking, you also need to compress it. Method 3: Hack NDS asm code (Emu or NDS flashcart) Principle: Hack the function mechanism of Migration judgment. Practice: 1. At the beginning of the guide, it was mentioned that jap/eng/fra/ita/ger/spa Gen4 rom can only receive the same language of Gen3 rom, but Kor Gen4 can receive jap&eng of Gen3 rom. Therefore, there are essentially two Migration judgment mechanisms in Gen4 game. In Gen4 ROM, the file where the Migration judgment function is located is: Diamond/Pearl: overlay9_0083 Platinum: overlay9_0097 Heart Gold/Soul Silver: overlay9_0074 (1) Codes for Jap/Eng/Fra/Ita/Ger/Spa version (taking the pret project Eng HeartGold as an example): see this file and line number ‘/asm/overlay_74_thumb.s #L832’ (the following is the assembly code, If you don't understand it, you can skip it directly, see the description below). ——————————————————————————————————————— _0222767E: 0x0222767E 1C20 add r0, r4, #0 0x02227680 FF16F5F2 bl sub_0201A4B0 0x02227684 68A8 ldr r0, [r5, #8] 0x02227686 FF69F602 bl Pokedex_GetNatDexFlag 0x0222768A 2800 cmp r0, #0 0x0222768C D00B beq _022276A6 0x0222768E F99BF00C bl PmAgbCartridge_GetLanguage 0x02227692 4905 ldr r1, _022276A8 ; =gGameLanguage 0x02227694 7809 ldrb r1, [r1] 0x02227696 4281 cmp r1, r0 0x02227698 D105 bne _022276A6 0x0222769C FF98FF00C bl PmAgbCartridge_GetVersionInternal 0x0222769E 1C40 add r0, r0, #1 0x022276A0 6268 str r0, [r5, #0x24] 0x022276A2 FCE7F00E bl ov74_02236074 _022276A6: 0x022276A6 BD38 pop {r3, r4, r5, pc} .balign 4, 0 _022276A8: 0x022276A8 020F5670 .word gGameLanguage ——————————————————————————————————————— The code here roughly means about migration: 1) whether to obtain the national pokedex, if passed, go to 2, and if do not pass, ends; 2) Check whether the GBA Rom language value is equal and compare with the NDS Rom language value, if it is equal, go to 3, and if not equal, ends; 3) Check the GBA Rom version, which is displayed in the menu when migrate. (2) Codes for Kor version (taking the Kor HeartGold as an example, some function naming is modeled on the naming of the pret project) :(the following content is assembly code, if you can't understand it, you can skip it directly, see the description below). ——————————————————————————————————————— _0222807E: 0x0222807E 1C20 add r0, r4, #0 0x02228080 F9E2F5F2 bl #0x201a448 0x02228084 68A8 ldr r0, [r5, #8] 0x02228086 FBB3F602 bl #0x202a7f0 ;Pokedex_GetNatDexFlag 0x0222808A 2800 cmp r0, #0 0x0222808C D00D beq _022280AA 0x0222808E F9A1F00C bl #0x22343d4 ;PmAgbCartridge_GetLanguage 0x02228092 2801 cmp r0, #1 0x02228094 D003 beq _0222809E 0x02228096 F99DF00C bl #0x22343d4 ;PmAgbCartridge_GetLanguage 0x02228098 2802 cmp r0, #2 0x0222809C D105 bne _022280AA _0222809E: 0x0222809E F993F00C bl #0x22343c8 ;PmAgbCartridge_GetVersionInternal 0x022280A2 1C40 adds r0, r0, #1 0x022280A4 6268 str r0, [r5, #0x24] 0x022280A6 FCDFF00E bl #0x2236a68 _022280AA: 0x022280AA BD38 pop {r3, r4, r5, pc} ——————————————————————————————————————— The code here roughly means about migration: 1) whether to obtain the national pokedex, if passed, go to 2, and if do not pass, ends; 2) Check whether the GBA Rom language value is 1 (i.e. Japanese), go to 4 if it is equal, and go to 3 if not equal; 3) Continue to check whether the GBA language value is 2 (i.e. English), if it is equal, go to 4, and if not equal, ends; 4) Check the GBA Rom version, which is displayed in the menu when migrate. 2. So what we need to do is to change ‘if not equal, ends’ to ‘if not equal ,continue’ . In two cases above, you only need to change 0xD105 to 0xD1FF, that is, you only need to change one byte 0x05→0xFF. After that the region restriction will be unlocked. The following is a list of the addresses where 0x05 needs to be changed to 0xFF in each language version of Gen4 rom: Version language ROM address RAM address Assisted search code Diamond/Pearl Jap 0x0030169A 0x0223083A E0 04 24 00 E0 03 Diamond/Pearl Eng 0x002F1718 0x0222D6D8 (ibid) Diamond/Pearl Fra 0x002F1918 0x0222D8D8 (ibid) Diamond/Pearl Ita 0x002F1918 0x0222D838 (ibid) Diamond/Pearl Ger 0x002F1918 0x0222D898 (ibid) Diamond/Pearl Spa 0x002F1918 0x0222D8F8 (ibid) Diamond/Pearl Kor 0x002F2D1C 0x0222D83C (ibid) Platinum Jap 0x0038D918 0x0222A378 (ibid) Platinum Eng 0x0038F518 0x0222AF78 (ibid) Platinum Fra 0x0038F318 0x0222B158 (ibid) Platinum Ita 0x0038F318 0x0222B0D8 (ibid) Platinum Ger 0x0038F318 0x0222B118 (ibid) Platinum Spa 0x0038F518 0x0222B178 (ibid) Platinum Kor 0x0039051C 0x0222BE7C (ibid) HeartGold/SoulSilver Jap 0x00235D09 0x02226BD8 (ibid) HeartGold/SoulSilver Eng 0x00236B0E 0x02227698 (ibid) HeartGold/SoulSilver Fra 0x00236B10 0x022276B8 (ibid) HeartGold/SoulSilver Ita 0x0023670E 0x02227638 00 04 24 00 E0 03 HeartGold/SoulSilver Ger 0x00236910 0x02227678 E0 04 24 00 00 E0 HeartGold/SoulSilver Spa 0x00236B0F 0x022276B8 E0 04 24 00 E0 03 HeartGold/SoulSilver Kor 0x00237113 0x0222809C E0 04 24 00 E0 00 * Assisted search code is used in fan translated ROM which the address may changes to help find the location of the migration function and 0x05 more quickly. Method 4: Cheat code hack NDS asm code (Can use for Cartridge) Principle: Same as Method 3, but don’t need to change the ROM while this method change the RAM. Practice: 1. For codes of migration function will be loaded to RAM, so we can use cheat codes to edit RAM without edit ROM. It means we can apply this region unlock hack on Real Gen4 cartridges by using tools like Aciton Replay, NitroHax etc. (see video link Jap HeartGold migrate from Eng Emerald (Pal Park region unlock) ) I’ve made the region unlock codes written in Action Replay format for NitroHax and can also be used for emulator. You can download this file ‘cheats.xml’. Pal Park region unlock code: Diamond/Pearl: Platinum: HeartGold/SoulSilver: cheats.xml
Version 1.0.0
All 493 Pokémon are available and legal, with a few shinies. Bags are always filled with 750 of all items. Pokémon Platinum: Save 1: Beginning: Ready for a new Pokémon Platinum adventure! (Starter not chosen; Rival named Barry). Save 2: The New World!: The fate of the entire Pokémon Galaxy rests upon Dawns shoulders! Stop Team Galactic and their creation of the new World at any cost! Save 3 Champion!: Dawn has become the Champion of Sinnoh! Barry seems to want to show her something, Professor Rowan has a new Pokédex, a child lies in an endless nightmare in Canalave city, a girl named Marley waits at Route 224 and Team Galactic Commander Charon has set plans in motion at Stark Volcano... Save 4 Postgame: With the Battle resort accessible and Cresselia roaming the Sinnoh Region, Dawn directs her attention toward the Letter she received by Professor Oak and the Invitation to Harbor Inn in Canalave City.... (Save 4: Shaymin and Darkrai Event unlocked) Save 5: Silver Battle Frontier!: Dawn is one participation away from challenging each of the Battle Frontier Brains! She may be able to win all the Silver Symbols! Save 6: Gold Battle Frontier!: Dawn is one participation away from challenging each of the Battle Frontier Brains! She may be able to win all the Gold Symbols! ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: You want Gen 4 Online Features to work right now and receive Gen 4 Event Pokémon? YouTube Explanation: (You need Hotspot from a Phone or PC and your 3ds/2ds) Pokémon teams based on: Headcanon Pokémon Teams and Timeline and Pokémon Protagonist Teams (Useful Batch Editor tips In PKHex go to tools->data->batch editor->copy paste the text below: .OT_Gender= (0 for male; 1 for female) ; .OT_Name= (your name) ; .OT_Friendship=255 ; .IsNicknamed= (true/false) .Language=(1=Japanese, 2=English, 3=French, 4=Italian, 5=German, 6=Spanish, 7=Korean) (be aware of some event Pokémon being of a certain language; mostly English) -
Version 1.1.6
This application can generate TID/SID pairs that can be used with the Cute Charm Glitch in Gen 4, and even outputs an Action Replay Code. You can: Choose the Cute Charm Lead, Shiny Group, and even specify a Trainer ID Even let the program choose the Shiny Group for you (if you want the shiny natures to be a surprise) Choose the button combo that activates the Action Replay Code (for those with broken buttons. Yes, I'm talking about you, shoulder buttons!) Add an Cute Charm Pokemon to be hacked in Compared to RNGReporter (one of the other programs that can calculate Cute Charm ID pairs), this program is: More user-friendly; there isn't all the RNG abuse stuff to get confused about (I still recommend RNGReporter if you plan on RNG Abusing for IDs) Built with everything you need. You no longer need to go online and find your 'Desired PID', etc. Able to output a Action Replay Code Able to choose Shiny Group for you Able to give you a Cute Charm Lead through the AR Code For more information visit the project's GitHub Page. -
You have to become the Champion and see have seen all 151 Pokemon in the Sinnoh Region Pokedex to get the Poke radar What you Need -Poke Radar and the the poketch app 20 (the Poke Radar checker) -A good shiny hunting team (pokemon with stats move and false swipe are good) -Healing items -Pokeballs (like quickballs and repeatball) -Repels (Max is good) How to get the Items The Poke Radar you can get after seeing all of the sinnoh pokemon and going to Professor Rowan laboratory then talking him You can the Poketch app 20 from Professor Oak in Pal Park after beating the game and getting the national dex You can find Healing item, Pokeballs and, repel in Pokemarts Rules -DON'T run away you must catch or defeat the pokemon -Always go to the same type of grass -Grass patch must be 4 steps away from your characters position How to Chain Before we start you want to and register the Poke Radar and get all the items I showed before Ok now let start! First, find a big grass patch and save the game then use a repel then press Y. Some grass should be moving and you want to walk into one of those grass patchs. When you encounter a pokemon that you want you to chain catch or faint it. By catching it there is a 10% more chance of seeing that pokemon. After that keep on going for the same grass patch and follow the rules. If you don't see a good grass patch you walk up down not running into the grass patchs and reset the poke radar. The Chain might just randomly break for no reason After a chain of 40 you want to keep reseting the Poke Radar until you find a shint patch. You have a 1/200 chance of a shiny patch appearing. If your chain breaks reset the game and get your items back Chain Breakers -Getting on your bike -turning off the game -Changing maps -Encounting a random pokemon -Running from battle -Going underground
Back in the day when I was very young I played so much Pokemon diamond it was insane, I was there for the void glitch, the OG action replay stuff, and sadly the GTS glitch as well. I exploited the glitch (putting a pkmn on the gts and turning off your DS would dupe your pkmn) until my game straight corrupted and I was never able to save again after that. I lost my save and any time i tried to play after that I would try to save, it would save in about .5 sec and then next time I launched it up I would be at the very beginning of the game again. Today I was able to somewhat fix it and get access to it though my CFW 3DS and I extracted a corrupted .SAV file and I was hoping someone could help me out as nothing should have been written over since I couldnt make it past the 1st gym really. Pokemon Diamond.sav
Hey all, Been using PKHex for a minute, PokeGen before it, yada yada yada. However, I haven't used it since maybe gen 5 and I'm having a bit of trouble. I have my original Diamond save, extracted from the cart, loaded in PKHeX. With it, I can extract the specific handful of Pokemon I want to move over. It saves them as .pk4 files. When I use PKHeX to load up BDSP save, and then try to open to .pk4 files, it naturally gives me the error: "Attempted to load an unsupported file type/size. This could be caused by loading a different generation Pokemon file on an unsupported generation or your file is corrupt." Which is true. It is - I guess through the sheer power of technicality - a different generation. How can I bring my gen 4 Pokemon from the original Diamond into my current Brilliant Diamond save? P.S. I do have multiple hacked DSes and 3DSes and a single hacked Switch and a single unhackked one, so I understand my options are limitless unless there's simply no non-Nintendo-official way. As I understand it now, one option I have is trading them from Diamond to Black, from Black into Pokemon Bank, from Bank into Home, and from Home into Sword or Shield, export that save, export the Pokemon, then import them into BDSP. But I do not want to do all of that. I feel like there (hopefully) is an easier way. Thanks!
Not sure if this is a rom issue or a save issue, but I'm having an issue on my emulated version of Pokémon Platinum version in which certain time based events aren't happening. For instance, the house in the Survival Area in which you can battle different gym leaders each day just stays on whatever the default set of trainers was at the time you first entered. Another example would be the massage lady in Veilstone City only does the massage once and then just keeps telling you to come back tomorrow. Strangely, other events work just fine. Going back to the survival area, the rival battle there that only happens on the weekend works just fine. All of the day/night stuff also works completely fine. Does anyone know what the issue here is and if there is a solution. For reference, I'm playing on the emulator DeSmuMe v0.9.12, and the only edits I've made to the rom were that I put it through the Universal Pokémon Randomizer but only to remove trade evolutions. Thanks.
Edit: I found the button that makes it a spoiler block
- 1 reply
- soulsilver
- cyndaquil
(and 1 more)
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Hello, I have been trying to generate a legit shiny manaphy from pokemon ranger but when i turn it shiny, it says wrong PID. I got my saves from a r4 so i can only mods my save file in these generation. So How do I get a legit PID with shiny
Version 1.0.0
All 493 Pokémon are available and legal, with a few shinies. Bags are always filled with 750 of all items. (Event Pokémon included, so that you can experience event cutscenes as well.) Pokémon SoulSilver: Save 1: Beginning: Ready for a new Pokémon SoulSilver adventure! (Starter not chosen; Rival unnamed) Save 2: Johto Complete; Ready for the Kanto Region! Save 3: Postgame: Ready for the Gymleader Rematch in the Saffron Dojo. Ethan is on Mount Silver, ready to face Red! ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: You want Gen 4 Online Features to work right now and receive Gen 4 Event Pokémon? YouTube Explanation: (You need Hotspot from a Phone or PC and your 3ds/2ds) Vs. Red Sprite by ITheRealPikachuv2 (Enigma Stone Available) Save 4: Silver Battle Frontier!: Ethan is one participation away from challenging each of the Battle Frontier Brains! He may be able to win all the Silver Symbols! Save 5: Gold Battle Frontier!: Ethan is one participation away from challenging each of the Battle Frontier Brains! He may be able to win all the Gold Symbols! Pokémon teams based on: Headcanon Pokémon Teams and Timeline and Pokémon Protagonist Teams (Useful Batch Editor tips In PKHex go to tools->data->batch editor->copy paste the text below: .OT_Gender= (0 for male; 1 for female) ; .OT_Name= (your name) ; .OT_Friendship=255 ; .IsNicknamed= (true/false) .Language=(1=Japanese, 2=English, 3=French, 4=Italian, 5=German, 6=Spanish, 7=Korean) (be aware of some event Pokémon being of a certain language; mostly English)- 4 comments
- 4
- soulsilver
- gen4
(and 1 more)
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If this happens it will be my first time playing a sinnoh game because I skipped it but idk why but yeah I hope it comes out and if it does then YAY also black and white are different from black 2 and white2