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(Battler 1 v Battler 2) Shoddy Warstory Battle between two in-game teams Rules: Evasion Clause, Freeze Clause, OHKO Clause, Sleep Clause Pokemon: (In order of appearance) Chanticleer Pertelote
I was wondering if there is a program to move the seen/caught data of the pokedex from Platinum to Diamond so that I can use this Diamond save with My Pokemon Ranch. I already know how to change the trainer ID and move the pokemon over, I just wish I could move the pokedex info over too.
So we got three new amazing Dragon types with some awesome secondary types. Out of the three which is your favorite? Dialga, Palkia or Giratina?
Okay, I have thsi cheating addiction now with the games DPP. I really liked the game Diamond before I started cheating, but after a week of playing it for the first time, I started cheating on all of them. Like, here are codes I use: - Cloning - All TMs & HMs - WPM - Max Battery - Walk Through Walls - And More... So, how do I quit cheating or at least reduce it?
I don't have access to two DSes, so could someone help me do this: 1. Set the date to September 1, 2007. 2. In my Diamond save, create a group and name it "Cadaeic". 3. Mix records with my Pearl save. 4. Make both Diamond and Pearl be in the group "Cadaeic" with Zowayix (Diamond) as the leader. Alternatively, if someone could tell me about a DS emulator that can do link functions, that would also work. However, I'm not sure if one exists. Thanks. 1015 - Pokémon Diamond (U).sav 1016 - Pokémon Pearl (U).sav
Can anybody make a code that make your all party pokemon shiny permanently please ? I dont want the short code that only makes your pokemon shiny for a short time . Thank you
Can someone convert this code and trade me the pokemon? Should be a Gliscor in box 17.
Request for 3 PKMN Please use PID/IV generator and let me know if any changes Please make three codes, one for each PKMN since I enter it by hand and it's easier to check Thank You
I want the pokemon in my second team slot (It's a ludicolo) to have the ability rain dish, a calm nature, and the following EV spread: 252 HP, 252 Sp def, 4 def.
i want to insert faces as part of an OT but I don't know how to on pokesav. can anyone help me out with this? thanks ps. for those who don't know, the faces i'm talking about is the little face characters on the typing pad on the "Others" tab ---------- Post added at 06:02 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:59 PM ---------- this is a reference picture for you guys.
In the course of trying to edit every aspect of a pokemon for ROM hacking purposes, I've made some findings that may prove useful. Note that no tools exist to do this (yet), so I will just provide some insights on how each file works and those of you competent with a hex editor should be able to figure out the rest. The relevant file is (/data)/application/zukanlist/zkn_data/zukan_data.narc in a D/P ROM's internal filesystem. Unpack the narc (I used kiwi.ds's NDS Editor) and you'll get a folder with 58 binary files. Files 00 through 10 contain information pertaining to the height an weight comparison features of the pokedex, 11-58 contain lists of pokemon index numbers in various orders for use by the pokedex's search feature. Following is a list of each file, what information it holds, and notes on how it is structured. 00 I wasn't able to figure out anything about this file. Editing it did not seem to result in any changes in the pokedex -- maybe the information is related to the dex but actually used elsewhere. Of note is that it is the same length as 01, indicating 4 bytes per pokemon. 01 - Weight 4 bytes per pokemon. The number stored, divided by 10, equals the weight of the pokemon in kilograms used by the "weight check" feature. Note that numerical value in kg/lbs expressed by the pokedex IS NOT calculated from this. It is stored separately in msg.narc along with most other textual data in the game. I haven't taken the time to find the thresholds on which the animation used by the scale changes; if somebody wants to do this it would be appreciated. 02 I wasn't able to figure out anything about this file. Editing it did not seem to result in any changes in the pokedex -- maybe the information is related to the dex but actually used elsewhere. Length indicates 1 byte per pokemon. 03 - Trainer Scale Divisor (for female player) The number stored, divided by 256, equals the divisor used in scaling the trainer graphic in the height comparison feature. For example, if the divisor is 2, the size of the trainer will be half its unscaled size. 04 - Pokemon Scale Divisor (for female player) The number stored, divided by 256, equals the divisor used in scaling the pokemon graphic in the height comparison feature. 05 - Trainer Scale Divisor (for male player) The number stored, divided by 256, equals the divisor used in scaling the trainer graphic in the height comparison feature. 06 - Pokemon Scale Divisor (for male player) The number stored, divided by 256, equals the divisor used in scaling the pokemon graphic in the height comparison feature. 07 - Trainer Y-position (for female player) The higher this value, the further down the screen the trainer graphic used in the height comparison feature is. Default value is 8. 08 - Pokemon Y-position (for female player) Pokemon graphic used in height comparison feature is moved down by as many pixels as the value stored specifies. Values prefixed with FF instead of 00 will actually be moved up by 0xFFFF - x + 1 where x is the value stored. 09 - Trainer Y-position (for male player) The higher this value, the further down the screen the trainer graphic used in the height comparison feature is. Default value is 9. 10 - Pokemon Y-position (for male player) Pokemon graphic used in height comparison feature is moved down by as many pixels as the value stored specifies. Values prefixed with FF instead of 00 will actually be moved up by 0xFFFF - x + 1 where x is the value stored. 11 - National Dex order Listing of pokemon index numbers in the order that they appear in the National dex. In this case that is just the numbers 0-493. I have tried adding a 494th entry but unfortunately it did not result in a new pokedex entry. 12 - Sinnoh Dex order Listing of pokemon index numbers in the order that they appear in the Sinnoh dex. Pokemon that do not appear are omitted. 13 - Alphabetical order Listing of pokemon index numbers in alphabetical order. As with height and weight, editing the name of a given pokemon will not automatically update this. 14 - Heaviest to Lightest order You get the picture by now. 15 - Lightest to Heaviest order 16 - Tallest to Shortest order 17 - Shortest to Tallest order 18-26 - Subsections of Alphabet Each file contains a listing of pokemon index numbers with names that start with a letter in the given subset of the alphabet. Within each file the order is alphabetical. For example, file 18 contains an alphabetical list of all pokemon that start with the letters A, B or C. The letters associated with each file are as follows: 18-ABC 19-DEF 20-GHI 21-JKL 22-MNO 23-PQR 24-STU 25-VWX 26-YZ 27-43 - Types Each file contains a listing of pokemon that are of the given type; dual-type pokemon are listed in the file for each type. Within each file the order goes by national dex number. The type associated with each file is as follows: 27-normal 28-fight 29-flying 30-poison 31-ground 32-rock 33-bug 34-ghost 35-steel 36-fire 37-water 38-grass 39-electric 40-psychic 41-ice 42-dragon 43-dark 44-57 - Body Styles Each file contains a listing of pokemon that are of the given body style. Within each file the order goes by national dex number. Body style information is used exclusively in the pokedex and to the best of my knowledge these list are the only thing that makes a pokemon one style or another. The body style associated with each file is as follows (names for the different styles are never provided, so I'm using the actual graphics for clarity): 44- 45- 46- 47- 48- 49- 50- 51- 52- 53- 54- 55- 56- 57-
I have made a new thread for version 3.0 and its called Pokemon Mystical Diamond version 0.3 in progress, the project has been revived after one year! its gonna have over 9000 new sprites! here's the first one to celebrate: i might use the imagedex to add different and new pokemon sprites since there arent a lot of sprites in v 0.2 of pokemon weird. (i mean like people that are pokemon) and Thanks a lot CodeBrain for your awesome Tutorial! ___________________________________________ well i came accross this website and thought i'll post my hack too: This is a project from summer 2008, i spent a lot of time on it, well here it is! note: most of the tools that are available now, werent available back then, so i tryed my best with the tools i had back then. Download: official site: Videos of game play: The videos show how awesome this hack is. Pokemon Weird Hack Of: Pokemon Diamond (U) Play as Pikachu or Pachurisu :3 in the world of talking pokemon! defeat your rival , jiggypuff, catch all the 493 pokemon without gba games and become the ultimate poke-master! Find the legendary pokemon that hide in sinnoh and catch'em all, catch the all original pokemon weird starters later in the game, and make the ultimate team with the ultimate pokemon. The player turns into Shaymin while riding a bike, and when saving, he/she turns into a magikarp! The three lake spirits aren't lame anymore: Uxie has high defense stats Mespirit has high speed stats Azelf has high attack stats And there is the SUPER DIALGA that is very strong! SUPER DIALGA can learn any TM and has high HP and attack stats. Catch all Regis and when you have caught all three catch the MEGA Regigas that was high Defense and high speed and he's kewler! The Starters know false swipe for catching wild pokemon! Giratina is much stronger! Credit goes to TheDarkFighter92 (that's me) and marrilland's pokedex New Features: Arbok evolves into Seviper New evolutions You can catch all 493 pokemon And much more! Starters: Mew as turtwig Phione as Chimchar Special Castform as Piplup view the complete pokedex of pokemon weird: Easter Eggs: Easier Lugias: Catch castforms and level them up as they level up they will evolve to Lugia. Unlimited evees: Go to the lost tower to the third floor and catch as many evees as you want and power up your team
idea Suggestions for end-game Leader Pokemon?
RobbieNewton posted a topic in ROM - NDS Discussion & Help
Hey No rules, which means that you don't have to stick to a type theme (for the most part, One pokemon has to be of the leader's speciality type), and legendaries are allowed. This can also count for the E4+Leader. I want to give myself a challenge, and currently have several interesting ones, like Wake's team is designed to lower attack (Stantler, Staraptor, Gyarados, Masquerain), then Politoed and Porygon-2, for example. -
ive looked everywhere for a code that makes all pokemon shiny, including eggs, and makes it permanent, even when the ar isnt plugged into the ds. now i have one that works for platinum, but i cant find one that works for diamond. ive found one; a real short one that only works with wild pokemon; i need shiny eggs. ive also tried the one supplied on this forum, and about four others, and they dont work. can anyone either generate one for me or share one that works please?
Hi umm so my event pokemon with classic ribbons suddenly change form A ribbon that proclaims love for pokmeon to a ribbon obtained at a mystery location please help me Thank you <3 <3
I have the AR code for the pokemon I want, but my AR won't work. Could somebody please use their AR and pokemon Diamond to get the pokemon, and then tread them to me? This would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. Here is the code, and I set it to having one pokemon in party, so put one bidoof in the party or something. I posted this on another thread too, not sure where it should go.
i am sorry if someone already asked for this or if i am asking for this in the wrong place but can some hacker or anyone please make this code for me a speed modifier that mods how fast your main character runs. like multiply it by these #s 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 i really want a code/codes that do that please someone help me. so i want a code that makes the main character run crazy fast(or make his speed multiplied by 2,4,6,8 and 10)
I am attempting to remake event ledgendary birds from platinum for diamond and pearl. they are roaming shinnoh. All bold non-shiney Moltres and Articuno 94000130 FCFF0000 B21C4D28 00000000 B0000004 00000000 E0007610 00000018 000F8000 829EF174 00010092 00010032 00000000 00000000 D2000000 00000000 Zapdos 94000130 FCFF0000 B21C4D28 00000000 B0000004 00000000 E0007610 00000018 000F8000 829EF174 00010090 00010032 00000000 00000000 D2000000 00000000 tell me if there is a problem