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Everything posted by Okami

  1. *shrugs* Just contributing in the ways that I can, I suppose ^^ If I have to remind you guys every time that there needs to be genders, so be it, I will Yes, I understand. Creating good skins takes patience and effort....and lots of forgetting of the little things No prob, Fallen. Anytime!
  2. Okami

    Q and A

    Well, when a mommy lettuce really loves a daddy lettuce....
  3. A place for discussion of my story, Caroline Tag: The question “Why” just never seems to get answered. And when it does, we do not accept it. The mysteries of life—that of pain, hate, and numb—Tobee wants to know why. He wants to help save a girl gone astray. He wants to show her hope. Please keep in mind that this is a personal favorite piece of mine. It is rated Teen because of it, borderline Mature in spots. I want this to be a place for a positive, healthy discussion, not for flames or bad critique. Constructive crit is welcome, however. I hope the reading experience will be an enjoyable one for you all. This work truly gets a piece of heart and soul, showing what's been called my 'riveting poetic style.' Reviews are cherished on this piece, because I hold Caroline with such honor.
  4. Oh yeah! Now that I remember, I once ran into a shiny Voltorb. I remember trying to catch it, but it exploded on me....
  5. Ooh, the second looks good, Wraith. I'm enjoying the Aura Sphere, Dark Pulse, Psychic, Dragon Pulse mix. I think I forgot to go to Smogon for this one. So let's see. This makes, so far: Vaporeon, Dragonite, Metagross, and Lucario. Next up, I need a flying type. Or a pokemon that will be able to use Fly. (I don't want to constantly have to switch my team around just so I can go back to Jubilife!) *spends most of her after-game time in Jubilife* Looking at Aerodactyl. I've loved him ever since that one episode in Kanto....which was epic.
  6. As for my Lucario's moves, I'm thinking Aura Sphere, Close Combat, Dark Pulse, and Dragon Pulse. Now to work on the EVs. :]
  7. Okami

    Q and A

    There is an AR code that can tell you by switching your money into your Secret ID As for me, why is everyone here so obsessed over Kikkoman?
  8. I didn't. I'm just saying it was Ice because of all the ice moves it had Hey, it was for the little brother ; I was just following what he wanted for him. That's crazy. I've never been able to put up a hacked pokemon on the GTS. I've tried and tried. But have always failed. I'm working right now to make legal hacks to see if those can be traded off.
  9. Wow, I'm impressed, SCV. I'm not a math person by any means, as it's been my worst subject for as long as I can remember. I ended up with a C in the semester that I took of Geometry...which I then switched for Psychology. I'm much more of a human-interests person That's so cool, though. I've always wanted to understand math like that, but it just has never clicked, as much as I've wanted it to. Sorry to deter from the conversation. Please, by all means, continue. :]
  10. Basically, yeah ^ I remember about eight months back, I created a totally-hacked Ice-Umbreon per request of my stepbrother...with wonderguard. He used it against his friends in battle, and they all freaked and cried like little girls. It was quite hysterical, to be honest. I haven't created a hacked pokemon quite like that, since ;
  11. Suicune and Vaporeon. I had a Suicune obsession some time ago. I'm getting too old, I can't remember years past.
  12. *laughs* Then you guys ought'a make sure you do it before I have to remind you
  13. Family ties are personal in my life, therefore to say would mean disrespecting them. Which I won't do =]
  14. Well...you aren't an admin or a mod, so therefore member 11
  15. My grandmother has a DSi.
  16. Basically, everything in this entire thread has become an issue of respect, not only between Rinky and his father and his family, but also between us members of the PP Forum and so forth. We need to be respecting of others' beliefs and such, while also trying to help Rinky in his situation, which will generally involve our own experiences and beliefs to help resolve the problem. Therefore, it's an endless cycle of respect here. But we need to draw the line. Please, no debates over who is right and who is wrong. We've all got our upsides and downsides, right? I'm sure we can all see this. Again, respect.
  17. More. Fun. Everything looked good until that point. Sorry to burst any bubbles. That's just one thing I don't tolerate very easily. :kikkoman:
  18. This is nice, but the gender issue comes up again....I'm not seeing them in this skin Will we ever be able to change the "Member" underneath our name? (Not our Munchlax status, member, the one above it!) I enjoy little quotes there. Just wondering... And I LOVE the dropdown when you click someone's name, how you can automatically go to one's homepage. Perhaps now people will read my stories? *laughs*
  19. Nine! How is everyone today?
  20. In defending PF, I agree. God does say to respect and obey one's parents. I was not brought up to believe this (We were the kind of people to go to church on Christmas and Easter...if that) but I have learned it through growing up and experiencing life. To emphasize, please see Ephesians 6:1-4 about children and parents; how a child is to obey, but how a father is not to provoke anger within a child. But that's as far as I will go, because I don't want this to become a large debate. And I agree, but perhaps it could also be turned around? By saying things about the father behind his back or even to his face is disrespect. (Like, 'and so I told him he was gay and like anal.') How can you expect to gain respect from a parent if you're being disrespectful right back? As for me, I am Switzerland in this matter. I have expressed my views. I personally believe a child should have a certain amount of fear in their parents, they ARE the boss. Remember that back just a couple hundred years ago in America, children were property of their fathers....*sighs* We've come a long way. The fact that your father treats you like a slave in doing these tasks is cruel and unusual punishment. There's only so much one can take. If it gets worse, get CPS involved. Being respectful and obedient does not always mean to bow down and meet their every want, but just always holding that loyalty and love. No matter what....a parent is a parent. They raised you, so you should honor that they at least tried.
  21. You and I were obviously raised under different standards, Zafur. I was brought up to always respect my parents, no matter what the situation. Obedience and submission were key in my upbringing.
  22. We do have a fanfiction topic floating around here somewhere. I have mentioned my writership there, as well. And yes, I do frequently visit user profiles, because I enjoy learning more about those I share this forum with. That's what I was saying, why don't we just use the Off Topic? Because we don't have such a large database whereas to clutter the space, as long as people are reasonable, and most here are.
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