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Everything posted by Okami

  1. Joe, this is not the appropriate place to request pokemon. I would suggest going HERE to make that request.
  2. I've gone deeper still, friend.
  3. Although it would be nice to see a space for us writers, I must say, what's so wrong with just using the Off Topic section? Is Role-Playing not off topic? Same with writing. Besides, anyone who honestly wants to read my works can just click the link in my profile.... Not that I'm shamelessly advertizing or anything
  4. I wish I would have gotten to this thread sooner. Rinky, remember that no matter how bad the situation gets, your dad is still your father, and you have to obey his rules and respect him. It does sounds like psychological abuse...you're treading shallow water here. Stay on your guard, be careful, and if it gets any worse, tell a teacher or school counselor or your principal. Those are the easiest options towards getting some help. Don't be afraid to get help, either.
  5. What happened to Zero?? =/
  6. Exactly. That's what I was wondering, so thank you I have to clarify on everything I see a need for, you know *laughs* And remember, I wasn't on the old forum very long before we switched here....so I'm still like a young toddler learning my ways around the higher-end of the pokemon battling spectrum! I'm currently looking into Lucario as another add-on for this team. Is this a good choice or no? I've been researching his abilities with speed and attack combined, along with EVs and so forth. I just need to create a decent moveset. Just a thought.
  7. I believe I once was "Okami Keisoh" back on GFAQS. And then the rabbit hole incident happened. *shudders* Stupid Anime & Manga Social Board....I've never been quite the same since.
  8. What would be an example of believeable IVs, like maybe only two in the 31 and fluctuate just below that for the others?
  9. Well, how's the weather? Cold, wet, and rainy where I'm at. Much like Route 215.
  10. Just post the next number, 14
  11. Looking good so far, SCV... Congrats. My suggestion would be to make sure it looks good on both Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox primarily, and then move onto other browsers such as Opera and Safari. Just to make sure it's nice and accessable by all standards, so as to say you don't prefer one browser over another. Keep it Switzerland.
  12. Warning: This post herein lies the fangirliness of Okami. Click the spoiler if you wish to see the obsession. MIGHTYENAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AHEM. *coughs* You just HAD to choose dark, didn't you?
  13. Had to fix it, sorry. It was bothering me. That's how I get the next game I want. :] Not all people have the money to just go out and buy games and hoard them. Sell them while they're newer, and you get more money for them. Actually, now it's story time. Since then, I have traded in all of my games after playing them and beating them (sometimes it's not even that! They're just too disasterous...like Sonic Unleashed. Not bashing, it just wasn't my kind of game. Too fast and too slow, if you know what I mean. And the cameras were ODD...my eyes couldn't take it!) And I try to keep at least $45 in my Edge account at all times. You never know when you're going to need it! (After turning in games to go get my copy of Pokemon Platinum, I owed a whole $7...edge card. So it was like free for me!! ) The fact is, games are fun, but sometimes other things are more important, and I just need to move on. Also, the only DS games I currently own are my copies of Diamond and Platinum, along with Jump Superstars....which is buried somewhere because I've never figured out if I can actually trade it in or not...yes, it's been beaten, not entirely but I got annoyed because I didn't want to be looking up guides for translations all the time and I hated the fact that it was in Japanese. Kanji makes me very angry if I am trying to decipher it for too long.
  14. I am glad that I am reasonable in my response, and actually agreed upon. I wasn't expecting that, so thank you. And I must say I agree with the adding politics in there with that. Both have the potential to be very controversial, but there's nothing actually wrong with them, as long as they're fair discussion.
  15. I got my key at 6 this morning....went through Cynthia (lost, of course) and went back to a Mart so I could pick it up. Darned key made me lose to the elite four!! >.<
  16. ^ I personally knew that one n_n I have been researching my banned pokes, I have! Also, again I feel this should be emphasized...this team is not primarily for competative battle, more of play-battle with friends and elite-four training (probably going to use them to train my poochyena pups when the time comes) but this team is also my first full-blow attempt at POKESAV'ING a legit/legal team with corrected stats in everything. These babies aren't going to be bred...hecknaw, I don't have the time. I have seven weeks until my life as I know it is over. :] I'm still young to the ways of competative battle and all, so I don't feel this need to win. I just want to have fun! I personally don't know much about roles, and nor do I care as much as their on the offense. And like I said, these pokemon aren't going to bred--pokesav'd Also, thank you, Guardian, for actually posting some pokemon to look into. I will look into them! ^////^
  17. Vaporeon! I love her!
  18. I disagree, johnsom. If there is a thread where people are intelligently discussing religion, or spirituality in general, I don't think that should be banned. However, if someone is bashing and flaming someone for their beliefs, that should be banned. It's a topic of respect, in my opinion. :] Because there ARE people out there who believe very strongly in their views of God and such, and would want to be able to talk about it openly, honestly, and intelligently. You can have conversations like that without being rude and/or shoving beliefs down anyone's throat. n__n Hope I come across as understand. I do realize what you are saying, I've seen religious discussion get way out of hand, some people are just holier-than-thou and unruly and mean. But there are also very generous people out there, who mean no harm by saying "Hey, I like to worship, do you too?" And trying to discuss the finer points of their beliefs, like why they enjoy it and such. But, everyone does have their own personal opinions and such, just expressing mine (Because I am such a very opinionated person like that!) Also, I agree with swearing in moderation. Casual, as Pory said. Personally, as long as it's not derogetory in nature, or the F-bomb, I'm fine with it. I hear enough crap in my peer group, that I'm fine with a little. Too much burns my eyes.
  19. Indoors all the way. I get burnt way too easily for me to go outside often, especially in the summer!
  20. Arcanine has always been my fave. <3 Charmander is rad, too!
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