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Everything posted by Okami

  1. But PF, it's just standard that a Moderator needs to accept any and all questions, no matter how noobly they may be. I may not be a Mod here, but believe me, you get used to it....over at Pokemon Adventure where I moderate on Facebook...you get some of the strangest questions, and you've got a duty to answer them. It's part of the role of being a Moderator. :] Of course, it's kind of dead there now, so we all just congregate at the IRC and hang out and stuff.
  2. Is it possible to reformat these so they're not large blocks of texts, Green? Just because I can't focus on them to read past a line or two @___@;;; I want to read it, I really do. It's already hard enough for me to read black text on white, however.... Dx Easiest thing to do is just space again at every new paragraph. Chop it up a bit! :]
  3. Moveset as I'm thinking so far for Aerodactyl: Fly Earthquake Dragon Claw Stone Edge
  4. All of my pokemon are currently HM slaveish...I need to finish creating my true team
  5. iPod. I'm not saying it because they're popular or whatever. A couple years back I decided I wanted something to be able to watch .hack on....so I decided I was going to save up and buy an 80gig. Well, months later with half of the money saved, on December 28th, I was surprised with a 30gig iPod. To this day I have not once had to replace it, or the case it's been in. It's been almost 3.5 years now, and my iPod has maybe 3 scratches in it total. It goes everywhere with me, and has been dropped and thrown and whatever else many many times and it's still in great condition. I don't much like iTunes, but I'm not about to complain because it was a gift. I believe I have maybe 10gig total or even less than that on my iPod so far. (I never did get .hack onto it...my dvd converter does nothing but crash when you try to convert) Anyways, my iPod has sustained many many things and survived. I have friends who go through a new mp3 player every 2 months or so because they die or they break or something. As long as iTunes continues to work with my now-getting-old precious, I will continue to use it.
  6. Sat indeed brings up many good points. Depression does sound like a factor here. I should have recognized it. It also helps to explain the psychological problems, as depression is very very much involved in psych. Drinking, as Sat said, worsens this immensely. Waiting for updates. Take it slowly, Rinky.
  7. I've looked at it and I'm not seeing anything, SCV.
  8. Now with VMs installed (Thanks muchly, btw!) will we be able to create Groups any time soon? (I just noticed this on the new customizable profiles) Just wondering, and too lazy to create a new thread, I figured it could go here!
  9. Exactly! We're all mature young/adults here, right? The only problem would be abusing power and spam. But again, it also shows signs of maturity in the members to keep these things under control without a mod/admin's help. I don't see this as necessarily a bad thing
  10. I honestly never played the remakes. I wanted to...but I'm afraid they'll break the nostagia of my experiences with pokemon for the first time nine-ten years ago....
  11. You know I've already got top vote on a Mightyena-theme, Fallen! Thanks for all the effort you're putting into these skins, man...they're so awesome. *fangirls in joy*
  12. Earthquake sounds like a great move to have, so that'd be a second keeper for me! Sure, I'd love to know more, Wraith
  13. Thanks for opening this up for us! Now I've just got to think of something to put there LOL!!!
  14. I always personally thought the three legendaries there were cats? That's a debate all of itself, though. Ho-oh and Lugia were indeed interesting....I don't remember too much about Ho-oh, though, it's a shame.
  15. *smiles* So next to fly, are there any real keeper moves to put on my Aerodactyl? (Obviously, as non-competative as the move is, as you guys say...it's still necessary for travel!) So this makes Vaporeon, Dragonite, Metagross, Lucario, and Aerodactyl. ONE LEFT! And then I can officially move to RMT! *does as happy excited dance*
  16. *blushes* Wow, you guys really think it's that good? ...I guess it's noticable that my heart was put into it, huh? Oh, and thank you for the edit, Pory! <3
  17. I'd give it about a three. It's too bland, and I feel my eyes can't focus between the two giratinas and the text. The example Greencat gave is perfect for a banner, the eyes can focus both at the same time the font and the Lugia, without having any confusing bounce between them.
  18. Gorgeous. Simply astounding. Italy is a beautiful country!!
  19. So I'm glad my view is agreed upon! Now if only I had the necessary skills to take on this project, I would. But I don't. So I guess I've got to wait for someone else to take the reigns and create an awesome dark skin for PPF!
  20. Heh....yeah, this emo kid needs a depressing skin NAO. Couldn't resist it. No, I just like darker skins....they're much nicer on my eyes, I can focus more on what I'm reading and be on for long periods of time without the risk of a major headache!
  21. Too many P's! @___@ Okay, so here's my thoughts. Could there perhaps be a skin that is made of blacks and greys...neutral colors? Perhaps implementing a Dark Pokemon theme would better tie it to this site :] (Actually, without meaning to, I was thinking the colors of a Mightyena) Gosh, obsession. Just wondering if it would be possible...all of the shades of white and blue is starting to hurt my eyes. And I've tried all of the different skins we've got, nothing makes it better. I just want to be able to be here without getting a headache!
  22. A small taste of Moderation? Thank you, Pory!~ :]
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