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Everything posted by Okami

  1. Okami


    Go right ahead. It just adds to my...um...wolfen nature. :] I'MA PUPPY! O___o; I should post an image of my alter-ego puppet Okami....look for it soon in mah albums! Edit: Here she is, my baby! Okami Plushie
  2. Where was the Orb, by the way? I never found it....(And can I get back to the Torn World now?) Offtopic, but I'm curious. You think? It would make sense, I guess. But I could have sworn that on Diamond it was my gameplay time! *scratches head* Hmmmm......
  3. Is it not already obvious? ...... Do I really have to say it again?
  4. *highfives Janime* You and I share similar tastes, I see. As I said in "What Type of Music do You Like" ~ Next to those...Thousand Foot Krutch, Skillet, Seventh Day Slumber I enjoy the harder side of the gospel genre, overall :] (For those of you who have seen GMC [Gospel Music Channel], you would understand why I call even metal bands 'gospel'; that's the Christian label in it's entirety form)
  5. lolol I love you, Fallen
  6. Hey Sabre, I noticed you said that Hidden Power would be an added feature...will we be able to have a drop-down (much like Shoddy) choose what type, and then be given the best IVs to calculate that Hidden Power? I just get so lost when trying to calculate HPIVs...I just want it to be simple on my nonmathimatical brain @___@;;
  7. Green, I have both Myspace and Facebook, and can personally tell you that FB is easier to use and is a lot cleaner and the better site overall for online communications. I use both regularly (I have some friends who refuse to get a Facebook, or else I would cancel Myspace all together) And Facebook is the better go...there's more fun applications there, anyways :]
  8. Anyone got any good ones? I sure do! I'm about 54 or so hours into Platinum now. Yesterday I took the time to defeat the Elite Four and get that out of the way so I could go play around in the Battle Frontier. Well, I picked up the game after saving a while later and looked at the back of my trainer card. Hall of Fame Debut = 11:55 lolwut? I had to have been around 51 or 52 hours at that point. Talk about a good glitch :] And now I'm stuck with it!
  9. <p><p><p><p><p>Hey Dami-omi-no <img src="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/tongue.png" alt=":P" srcset="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/tongue@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" /> How's you doin'?</p></p></p></p></p>

  10. <p><p><p><p><p>Hey Dami-omi-no <img src="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/tongue.png" alt=":P" srcset="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/tongue@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" /> How's you doin'?</p></p></p></p></p>

  11. Well, I just used my team yesterday against a friend (You know, the team I've been making in my "All-Around" thread.) and recorded the battle and tried to send it online and it said something about there being a problem with my team or something. I double-checked it over Legality and whatever else and it's completely legal for the in-game boundaries. I only skimmed through the thread so I'm sorry if this has been answered and I missed it. Any reason as to why this video won't upload? EDIT: I think I may have figured it out. I just realized that two of my pokemon (my Dragonite and my Metagross) were not in pokeballs....they are all 'hatched' pokemon....ugh. I think that is probably the reason. I'm in the process of fixing it now.
  12. Yeah, I figured it out after I had asked the question....*feels foolish now* I got them all onto AR just fine, and had to fiddle for an hour or two with the codes and more them all use L+R to load (for some reason that one line of code...B21C4D28 was off, and I had to correct all six codes so that the last bit read the 4D28 part...) So I got them all checked out, all were legal, and I loaded them on and traded them over! :] They made it through the Elite Four no problem, and I've been playing in the battle tower with them ever since. And I got to do a battle with one of my friends with them and they won their first ever match!
  13. Okay, I've run into a problem. When I try to change my Trainer ID back to "08232," it always reverts back to "8232"....how do I fix this?
  14. Whatever works <3 I'm up to anything at the mo'
  15. Ah, there would be my problem. I suppose I need to recheck all of them now to make sure they've all got the right class Thanks Wraith! I'm up on Shoddy and ready whenever you are!
  16. Would love to :] Now, question. I'm just working to set up my PID correctly, making sure they're all...legit or whatnot. My Alakazam has a PID of 1425435635 Will this match to the ability of Synchronize? And if not...what do I change to make it so?
  17. Just about! I'm so excited for this team. Now to wrap up all the loose ends and whatnot...and test the team on Shoddy! Now that I think of it, that was what the random 'team' file was that I nearly deleted on my flashdrive! Glad I didn't lol
  18. I drag my .pkm file over and all it does is show that there's a file there, but does nothing else. Am I doing something wrong? :confused:
  19. I've tried working the Legit Checker and nothing happens =/ Like dragging my file(s) over it and it shows up, but does nothing else.... Also, because they're all coming from eggs, I can leave the hex values alone, correct?
  20. So then every pokemon should be Met At lvl0, correct?
  21. Hm...that would be easier, wouldn't it? *laughs* Alright, that makes more sense, I guess. But wouldn't the level met at be 1, not 0? Aw shoot, I thought I'd done all the EVs >.> Crap. Time to fix!
  22. Okay, here are the 6 files as the look right now From here I need to make sure that the PIDs are correct and I need to complete the hex values. If any more information is needed, please let me know. Obviously, for the two questions in my above post, those values are left out as well. Oh, and my trainer ID is missing the zero at the beginning. I'm going to fix that when I make the next corrections to the files. Just to let everyone know that I know about that
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