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Everything posted by soulsilver

  1. here comes some more just post right after i do so that i dont get in trouble for double posting thanks
  2. here are some more of my sprites
  3. please dont yell for triple posting this is the only time that i will ever do this i hope you like them now i have to go until tomorrow bye
  4. please no one yell for double posting but it only allows me to upload 10 images at a time here are 10 more making 20
  5. oh finally an article that actually says that there will be an event for arceus in the us i will have to travel back home to get it or download it here
  6. well why dont you use an ar code to get some luxury balls here is a code for 999 luxury balls on platinum just press l + r and they will be in your ball pocket platinum code 94000130 FCFF0000 B2101D40 00000000 E0000D00 0000003C 03E7000B 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 D2000000 00000000
  7. i can try and make them picture files it will take a while i will upload that tomorrow when i have more time edit well i got a little more time on the computer so here are 23 out of the how ever many i have lol
  8. here is ISuckVolts i did not have enough time to do the others it passes legit with flying colors i hope you like it it shows up in slot 1 box 1 platinum code 94000130 FCFF0000 B2101D40 00000000 E000CF44 00000088 D111D2F4 F8420000 9C3D1029 DB3140F2 F7948A9D EE675AA2 11455867 FDA7598F 36F1CDFA 45DFB074 CE4CC28C 354CD34D C546B9A4 95E18A45 79D9650E 98C44D71 978233E2 A2E75247 00A40FFA 34DA4B0A A6F22DBA 54E1FC63 0FEE5CB5 B693B2CE 4119956A C6822F15 51E7A5F1 568C0DA6 17FB0A0F BA3E16F3 778EB388 9B2D5E95 C6F62202 8C58139A D2000000 00000000
  9. i will help with the sprites these were meant for my game but you can use them since i got rid of the idea for my game you can edit if you want Sprites.zip
  10. i hope that they make them more tough the old ones in g/s were too weak
  11. i wish that i could help with the sprites but i am starting my own game sorry i would help if i could
  12. you hacker!!! lol i use it sometimes also lol
  13. 따라서 시원하고 사이트에 한국 회원 현재 위치
  14. my first level 100(s) yellow - pikachu gold and silver - alakazam diamond - infernape pearl - garchomp platinum - lucario
  15. what is wrong with buying a game that is already complete
  16. i noticed that you do not have an infernape on your .pkm database on the main site so here is mine from my japanese platinum for you to put on the site it is 100% legit i checked it myself
  17. this game is a good idea i like it that you are bringing back the shadow pokemon
  18. i organize my boxes by their national pokedex number
  19. wow someone else actually bought one of these too i bought the pokemon emerald customizable all pokemon lv 1 shiny and it was for $10
  20. totodile because that is the only starter i did not choose in the old games
  21. this save editor is great i love using it not to rush you but when can you get the edit function done keep up the good work
  22. i was wondering if you could add the score edit option to pokesav platinum like you have in d/p pokesav
  23. ah ok this will help i was about to edit my game and the overworld sprite thanks
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