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Everything posted by SCV

  1. Try to find me on IRC and you can tell me some specific stuff. We would not need/want data, but 'other' things about gameplay are fine. If you'd like to write a walkthrough or the general information for some of those, that would be great since that is not something we can extract from the game.
  2. There is nothing to study. As Sabresite said its just a pointer which you can edit and make it go beyond the bound of the array. A code for completing the dex up to that point cannot exist. There are other things after the dex information for the 493 pokemon. The game crashes when trying to go to the entry for these, so called, hybrids, because there is no dex information. No code will change that, unless its a code that does &0x1FF to the species id, in which case you'll no longer have a hybrid. Everything on that bulbapedia page is depressing to look at. It can all be explained, by pointers and what data they are accessing. To recap: There is no substance in this. If you yearn to do some reasearch, there are so many more useful things you could spend your time on.
  3. About weedle: Everything is for platinum right now. I will add a note that says so. About the third gen and other missing info: Yes, we are missing some info, but we prefer to extract directly from the game. So unless you have code or structure notes/offsets for the gba games, we'll have to pass. Also we prefer any guides that we will put up to be made from scratch by the person writing them. We don't want to collect information from other sites, we want to generate our own, even though in many cases it will undoubtedly end up being almost the same. You cannot use ctrl+f ? Or do you mean in navigation at the top of a pokedex page, other than the main page?
  4. The pokedex is now out. Enjoy: http://projectpokemon.org/pokedex/ Discuss: http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?t=778
  5. We have released the first version of the pokedex. For now it only includes data from platinum and we are missing a few things like egg moves and platinum tutor moves. Expect frequent updates. http://projectpokemon.org/pokedex/ Discuss your opinions, suggestions etc here. Please explain with as much detail as possible.
  6. The first incarnation of the pokdex is now out. http://projectpokemon.org/pokedex/
  7. Yes, it will be hard but its not impossible. The problem is I don't think mapping is a priority. I'd rather get scripting done first.
  8. Observing is not discussion. I am locking this thread. Feel free to PM me if you can come up with a specific thing to discuss.
  9. Also most of it is useless, its just putting in 0s.
  10. Eventually, but its not a priority. If someone does the research necessary then I can add it based on that research. But if I will be doing the research, then don't expect it for quite a while.
  11. 0. Why PyQt? When ever one plans the development of an application, an important consideration is the language one will use to code it. Some of the things that can play a role are: Will the application have a GUI Will the application be cross-platform or platform specific. Do you want a high-level or low-level language (or something in between) Nowadays, it is very common to want to develop applications that have a user friendly GUI. For windows only applications C# is a great option. Visual C# Express is available for free from Microsoft and has an easy to use GUI builder. However, if one wants to code a cross-platform application C# is no longer such an attractive option. While The Mono Project aims to allow for C# applications to be cross-platform there are many things missing. C++, a very popular and poweful language, is a cross platform language, but unfortunately it does not have a standard GUI builder. What one must do is decide on a package to use for the GUIs. Some populat options are WxWidgets and Qt. However, C++ is a low-level language. If one prefers a high-level language to stay away from all the complications of programming in C++, Python is a great option. Like C++, it is a cross-platform language. Also like C++, it does not have a standard GUI package. Because Qt is one of the more powerful and expansive GUI packages for C++ and has been ported to python, PyQt is one of the best options for developing GUI applications with Python. The official PyQt introduction can be found here: http://www.riverbankcomputing.co.uk/software/pyqt/intro Or particulat interest is: As mentioned in the official Why PyQt?, Python is an interpreted language, whereas C++ is a compiled language. This can mean slower applications. When speed is a crucial issue, one might choose C++ despite having to deal with the low-level language implications. I. Getting Started Here a few things that you need to get started with PyQt. Python 2.6 http://www.python.org/download/ PyQt4 for python 2.6 http://www.riverbankcomputing.co.uk/software/pyqt/download I started learning pyqt from this book: http://www.qtrac.eu/pyqtbook.html Even if you cannot buy the book or find it at a library it is still useful to get this: http://www.qtrac.eu/pyqtbook26.zip Inside you will find sample code and more importantly Make PyQt (makepyqt.pyw) Make PyQt is a python program that will turn the ui files made using the Qt Designer. II. A PyQt IDE While it is possible to develop pyqt programs with only a text editor, there are many conveniences that once can take advantage of. I would at least recommend using the Qt Designer (comes with PyQt) and Make PyQt (makepyqt.pyw) to generate the code needed for the GUIs. Combined with something like Programmer's Notepad this works very nicely. However, for those who prefer to use an IDE, there is a good option. The Eric4 IDE is a great tool that helps keep one's projects in order. I will be using it for the examples. III. Example (Updated example, comming soon) PyQt programs begin as follows: from PyQt4.QtCore import * from PyQt4.QtGui import * import ui_ppremain PyQt4.QtCore and PyQt4.QtGui are the basic modules that we need to make PyQt Programs. import ui_ppremain, imports the file ui_ppremain.py, which is what makepyqt.pyw outputs when you choose to build in the directory where you have your ui files. and the code that executes the program as follows: app = QApplication(sys.argv) mw = MainWindow() mw.show() app.exec_() the code for the main window would be: class MainWindow(QMainWindow, ui_ppremain.Ui_MainWindow): def __init__(self,parent=None): super(MainWindow,self).__init__(parent) self.setupUi(self) self.updateUi() self.romname=""; def updateUi(self): self.nameLabel.text="ROM Name:" One thing to notice is that indentation is important in python. Structure is provided through indentation rather than braces as in other languages. More concrete examples to come later. Feel free to ask questions.
  12. First of all narc files are not encrypted. They have a header then a table of begin and end offsets. These offsets are with respect to the end of the size of the the GMIF section. P.S. you have to be patient. Also can you repost what you had. Also it would be a great help if you can give an outline of what each byte stands from between the beginning and end of each file in the GMIF section.
  13. No. You will need an EZ 3-in-1. (Google) This makes for easier backing up of games and saves and allows you to pal park using rom. This was a great help for me since now I don't have to carry 8 cartriges around, just the EZ 3-in-1 in the bottom slot and an AK2 in the DS slot.
  14. Probably pretty boring. This is what I use to do my programming.
  15. Yeah, changing pointers would garble the sprites while you move. I've seen it happen Also I did have the pokeTEX english in the upload bin, but that was back at pokesav.org. We no longer have an uploadbin. We will get that on the list of programs later today. I will also come back and outline how you would make a list.txt for english platinum. So far no one has been brave enough to di it.
  16. Like I said, if you can focus on the wiki that will be a great help. The game has all the information that we need and is much more trustworthy than other fan sites. I can get all the moves in two seconds. Trust me, once you see all the info we can get in a few days you will be amazed. So to recap: 1) Don't worry about getting info for the dex I have all three of the 4th gen games and can get all the data from there. 2) If you can focus on the wiki, that will be awesome.
  17. Well, something on the level of the most popular sites will take a couple of weeks. Maybe you can give me some advice or let me know your preference (other can too of course). I can: 1) Put up dex information in stages This would be adding, name information, descriptions, moves, base data in the next few days. Then adding complete move information and evolution data by next week. Then keep adding info. 2) Get everything done and then put it up all at once. This would not take longer than a month. Hopefully two weeks or less.
  18. Don't worry about the Pokedex for the site. It is coming very soon. I am getting all the data we need directly from the games. But feel free to add pages on each pokemon to the wiki. The Pokedex on the site will be automatically generated but I can't do that for the wiki.
  19. Hi all, this thread will be to discuss the development of PPRE. PPRE is currently being developed by Alpha and SCV. Special Thanks: Special thanks go to loadingNOW, pichu2001.loadingNOW's thepoketext system is an integral part of PPRE and provided me the address to the game's script handler when I was getting started with studying scripts. pichu2001 has helped tremendously in trying to figure out script commands. History: PPRE started out as a program with a whole new concept. The first versions of PPRE were based on the code for Nitro Explorer 2, written by Treeki. This allowed for reading DPP roms using the NDS file system. One thing that I did not like was that I was using C# to code PPRE and had used C# to code PPTE (Project Pokemon's Trainer Editor). While C# is a great language. I wanted to try to support all of Linux, Mac and Windows. Also an integral part of PPRE will be loadingNOW's thenewpoketext system. thenewpoketext is written in python. Rather than learning python to translate thenewpoketext, I decided I would learn python and use PyQt to code PPRE. New versions of PPRE will work like thenewpoketext in terms of reading the rom data. That is, it will use ndstool to unpack and rebuild the rom. For Linux usage depends on wine. I have not tested on Mac but it should work the same way. Official Versions supported: Diamond (USA) Pearl (USA) Platinum (USA) However, many of the features will work for other versions and if something doesn't and there is enough demand I will add support for it. Latest Release: Windows: PPRE beta 0.14 (includes loadingNOW's thenewpoketext with platinum support and xdelta patching tool.) (go to: http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showpost.php?p=33961&postcount=112 for more information.) Mac/Linux: PPRE beta 0.06 Need Python 2.6, Qt4 AND PyQt for python 2.6 thenewpoketext (updated with platinum support) Planned Features: Pokemon Editing: Main Pokemon Data TMs/HMs able to learn Level Up Attacks Map Editing: Script Editor Event Editor Text Editor Encounter Editor Trainer Editor for the specific map Trainer Editor: General Trainer Editor This list is very imcomplete, but the general goal is to be able to edit as much as possible. I added some pictures of some of what I currently have. Main Window Main Poke Edit Moveset Editor Evolution Editor Move Editor Script Editor
  20. The sprites that the game uses are not editable by PokeDSPic. You can use any standard tile editor. Eventually though, I will try to make something that will work like PokeDSPic for those.
  21. Yes, that's in hexadecimal and % is modulus.
  22. Look there, I put some links to tutorials. http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?t=2
  23. I am using the ROM which I backed up from the game that I bought. You should do the same. Also read the rules if you want to know what they are. "I don't know if it's against the rules but ..." does not excuse you from an infraction.
  24. Yes, I am pretty sure Game Freak was going for always having 4, but in cases like the one you found there can be less than 4, but should always be 3 or more. This happens in the case when: Let WWYY be the Secret ID and YYZZ be the Trainer ID. WWXX YYZZ If ZZ%15 = WW%14, XX%15=ZZ%15 +1 YY%15=ZZ%15 +2 My guess is that they overlooked this situation (I did as well) when trying to figure out an algorithm that would always get 4 munchlax tress.
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