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Everything posted by Espeon_LGS

  1. can someone switch the sprites so i can play as silver and gold is the rival??? i'm not really the type that can do this kind of stuff so if anyone can help me that will be awesome
  2. thanks for the music mod code its awesome but it freezes everytime i'm getting an apicorn from the trees and the freezing thing is fixed when the code is turned off does someone have the same problem?
  3. i have tryed it but it didnt work anyway thanks for the help mewtwo
  4. is there a in battle music modifier code like the one in platinum and a hold R to rebattle trainers code?if not can someone make them?
  5. my first pokemons on level 100 are red- venasaur blue- blastios yellow- pikachu gold- magnium silver- epseon crystal-lugia ruby- blaziken sapphire- kyogre emerald- ryquaza colosseum- espeon and umbreon at the same time leaf green- i had a level 100 venasaur but then my game got stolen now my strongest pokemon is venasaur again but only at level 67 fire red- i havent played fire red yet i'm thinking of getting it on my psp emulator to cheat it and stuff but i'm trying to get charizard to level 100 first without cheats daimond- empoleon pearl- no started yet trying to get my espeon to level 100 first platinum- epseon lol thats a long list good times
  6. i havnt played the GBA pokemon games a lot latel but i have never been to mirage island i think i'm just unlucky becaus i have played over 250 hours on saphire, over 40 hours on ruby and over 30 hours on emerald i know i have a lot of free time
  7. great app but i'm sorry to say that this was not what i was looking for this is the same thing you have in pokesav to edit your records but was was looking for something to edit the link battles on the back of your trainercard (the number of times linked, link trades and link battle win/lose scores) and your app only edits the battle scores of the battlefrontier
  8. these are on my list Espeon Umberon and some ohter eeveelutions/eevee Chicorita(and its evolution/my starter) Kyogre the 2 event Pichu Arceus Lugia Ho-oh and a lot more i sure hope you can pick a pokemon from any slot of your party like there is an extra option under sumary, switch, give and stuff
  9. cool cant wait (but i have to ) anyway good luck making it
  10. i was looking for something that can do that (but didnt find it) so an app like that would be awesome
  11. ok cant wait to see it. and if i have some free time (what i will have a lot the next 2 weeks) i shal try to make some shadow sprites for you (but i can only do it in paint so you need to convert them if thats ok)
  12. that are some awesome shadow pokemon but issnt there a way to make the shiny encounter rate higher? or you can reaplace the sprits of the male/female pokemon with the lowest encounter rate, if you know what i mean?
  13. if you want shaymin permanently in sky form (like me) make a AR code so when ever it becoms night time and transforms back in land forme you just press L+R and there u go a sky forme shaymin during the night time (the only problem is if you have shaymin like the 6 slot of your party then it has to be there becous the pokemon in that slot wil be reaplaced with the shaymin u used when you made the code so i recoment if your trying this out use a shaymin at level 100 and keep him in the same party slot and turn the code off when you put shaymin in the pc)
  14. sounds great (and with shadow pokemon do you mean the ones like in pokemon colloseum and gale of darkness?)
  15. i still have this game and it was fun it all starded with tetris attack for the snes i played it all the time with mij mom then i got pokemon puzzel league and finaly i got the gba puzzel league i sure spent a lot of time in these games (my fav puzzel game of all time)
  16. i like all of them but espeon takes the first place and umbeon second i allways loved those 2 in G/S/C i think i like the shiny forms of leafeon and glaceon more they look better then the originals
  17. is there a way to add new trainers in pokemon platinum like cynthia, cyrus, dawn, your rival and other trainers? i'm not good in rom hacking/editing so if anyone knows a easy way to do it (if its posible) i would be verry happy (if this isnt the place were i post something like this i'm very sorry, its my first thread here )
  18. mine is Kyogre and sky forme Shaymin i think they are both verry usefull and saved me a bunch of times when i was starting to lose a battle and then they ownd the enemy party
  19. i can get the dutch regigigas if i can go to the pokemon day (i need to see if my friend is going so i can get a ride over there ) the dutch regigigas and pokemon day event is on the 29th and 30th of august (i really suck at english )
  20. mine is not that full so here my code is 0602-7285-7098
  21. Espeon with her great sp.attack power i one-hit KOed everything but umbreon was pretty good to his defense was just what i needed during the final battle (i was a lot weaker than him)
  22. i'm getting the 2 games on my r4ds and when they are in europe i'm getting the original soul siver (becaus i got silver first back then) so i'm first going for dialga and palkia and on the original game for girantina (i allready have 3 girantinas so thats why i'm getting him last)
  23. i think i'm going to get them both on my flashcard but when its finaly in europe i'm getting tthe original game i just cant wait for games to come out to europe when i know when it allready out or know when its out in japan
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