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Everything posted by theSLAYER

  1. Oh sorry, I missed that part about the trade. Well the thing is, the upside is that the Shellder matches the correlation of an in-game mon, so it *could* potentially be a Jeremy mon. But the downside is, given it matches the correlation of an in-game mon, anyone could have caught a Shellder that matches the known details, then just swapped on the correct OT, TID, SID. So it's usually a good sign if it's a Jeremy mon that matched the details + was on a site/link like, for the past 10-15 years.
  2. I'm not going to look at all of those, because chances are we've already vetted them. The ones that we have available, are here: So if your copy differs from these, not the real deal. As for Slowpoke, Shellder and Sandshrew, I would take another look at them. Tho chances are, they are not the real deal. Jeremy's mon are all in-game mons, and to simplify the technical aspects, they have certain characteristics that one can tell that the copies in circulation were hacked. It's possible those 3 are of a similar situation, since we've browsed the net for such files. Edit: We've seen this Sandshrew and Slowpoke before, they were dismissed as fake. Looking into Shellder again. Edit2: What's the original link for your Shellder?
  3. It's a server based game. For most server based games, all you have control over is clicking respective buttons, which the action would then be sent to the server, then the server returns the result. So unless the server accepts any command, or that the API the phone uses and the server uses has been leaked, then; the game cannot be hacked. (Basically, it is not as if a save is stored on your phone. Cannot perform save hacking like mainline games) Also, as a matter of warning, do not "share" the place where you 'paid for an injection service'.
  4. I'll advise against that. You might have faulty event flags to begin with. I'm under the impression that in order to do what you want, I want to import back the old save flags.. Which might be faulty, and may cause other crashes down the line.
  5. @Moonlight seems reasonable enough. Since it's not you thinking "oh my mon was only legal on older copies, so my save has to go through an older version to be legal bs", I don't mind showing you where. (if it was for one of those misunderstandings, I would try to clear it up..)
  6. Mind telling me why you need an older version?
  7. So I got info regarding this. It's not that Wiimmfi's wonder card is special or anything. What is important is the act of receiving it. (or alternatively, injecting it into the correct spot, which can be done with BlackShark's code) The person who shared these screenshots with me used the premade Lock Capsule above (instead of the Wiimmfi one), then received it via Slot-2 Distribution. Despite it being a regular looking card in code, it still became the fancy looking card, with the View Lock Capsule status text being there. edit: For the record, the PCD above didn't do anything special. Didn't utilize a special type or anything. Just switched the type to item mode and set the distributed item to Lock Capsule.
  8. I'm guessing you missed my edits in the previous post. (to be fair, I think I was editing when you replied.) Anyhow, it appears I was right: PKHeX was trying to assign it an encounter/gift that uses no PID type, due to your Pikachu having no PID type. (Based on your Pikachu, it appears you broke PIDIV because you edited all the Pikachu IVs to 30) The issue goes away when I make the PIDIV valid. (this was done on your Pikachu)
  9. upload the file. Tho looking at your screenshot only first one treats it as a Pichu (the levelled up one). The second one treats it as a Pikachu (the non-levelled up one). Anyhow, I'm under the impression that this is due to your PIDIVs being incorrect (PID Mismatch), and PKHeX is trying to assign a proper encounter/gift to it. (look at the underlined encounter type. only one is pichu. And look at PID type, it should not be None) Perhaps report back if it still reports this, after the PIDIVs issue is fixed.
  10. Consider using this plugin with your PKHeX.
  11. yeah that happens when you turn too much codes on at the same time. I had something somewhat similar happen to me in FRLG a long while back. I think all my items became balls, including key items. It's nice to have infinite items in Key Items bag, but it replaced some crucial key items, which were a pain. Beyond what was already said about using PKHeX, if you can't get your save to use it (tho most older ARs should have a save dumping feature?), consider looking for a code to wipe your bag.
  12. That error message covers a lot of different user issues. It generally means 'you're using the wrong file with PKHeX'. That's the only thing in common between you and the OP. In the OP's case, it's because they were trying to extract a save the mainstream route while using a repro cart. (Repro cart needs different ways to extract saves). In your case, it is because your save size isn't configured properly in your emulator settings. Your solution would not work for the OP, and the solution to OP's problem would not work for you. Still, this is rather out there, but I hope people with MyBoy settings issues similar to yours would see your post and resolve the issue on their own. :3
  13. it can. How? Read the entire guide.
  14. @Hugo_Molpe the patches exist here. No need to reupload them.
  15. Then use a save manager (like JKSM or Checkpoint) to dump your save. https://projectpokemon.org/home/tutorials/save-editing/managing-3ds-saves/
  16. that's the wrong way to get a save file. Do you have custom firmware installed on your 3DS?
  17. Depends on what you want. If you wanna go in-game redemption every time, then the advantage is injecting the wonder card into Mystery Gifts. If you want it to go faster every time, then injecting the gift directly into your PC or Party is faster. This is kinda out there, but if you want to swap your team halfway in the E4 with gifts, injecting straight into the PC/Party is faster (and it's not like you can access the delivery person in E4 anyway). So whether something is an advantage, kinda depends on what you want..
  18. Doesn't look like you saved twice in-game. I used the red line to denote a break in 2 halves. Each Gen 3 save contains 2 save blocks. First save block is thorough trash, second save block has data. This is indicative of only saving once in-game. I did it properly on my end and it worked: By the way, just so you know, randomized Pokemon would appear illegal.
  19. @DaseR You do realize PKHeX sets the redemption by based on your PC clock right?
  20. where did you get the save file from? Is it from your SD folders, and named 00000001.sav?
  21. as long as there's no weird characters in any names, then it should all be fine.
  22. As long as it's not an entry with weird charactered name/nickname/OT name, it'll mimic the in-game transfers accurately. As far as we know, besides HOME tracker (created for Bank->HOME), there's no data stored anywhere else in relation to transfers.
  23. Nah, that seed throws you a perfect IV immediately if you weren't searching for shinies. It's just to show the tool is working. I mean you could change the seed for different results, there's just no guarantee you'll find something as soon as you hit Search >< Also, my previous reply was edited. Do refresh the page and check it out.
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