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Everything posted by theSLAYER

  1. theSLAYER

    802 Marshadow

  2. @Shellyz if you're uploading saves, please upload them under User Contributed Saves, thanks!
  3. that is because those are my saves. the only data from you is the box data. well, the saves I provided you are only a fraction on the mons. To reclaim the rest, you gotta perform trial and error. (my message above about altenating 0x00 and 0x20 thing) In any case, you definitely have to play the game over for other stuff, such as progress. Alternatively, take someone else's save, and change all the trainer details to yours. Yeah I kinda wish that wasn't the case. I've tried overwriting all the pairs of 0x20 to 0x00 and copy and pasting over some parts that look fine-ish, but still nothing. If we were to verify then copy over every byte, it would be possible to end up with something that looks kinda like your save. (tho do remember, your TID, SID, OT, Gender and any other important trainer data is gone, since your first 0x100 is pretty much garbage). In any case, it would be less effort to replay 500 hours, then to check every byte by byte, and see which byte allows the game to load
  4. My bad, I got confused by my own comparison windows. I meant Blastoise I don't need the files. Was just asking whether you have a working copy of it >< I had to perform trickery on the data to try to get it to decrypt. 0xFFs are normal, if they're at where they're supposed to be. What is not normal is having absolutely no 0x00 in your save. Which I figured it was all replaced by 0x20. The way decryption works is, every bit of data has to be unchanged, in order for decryption to work: However, there are times where 0x20 can appear 'naturally'. How would I know if that value was meant to be a 0x00 (that got replaced to 0x20), or was already a 0x20 ('naturally' occurring 0x20, not a replaced 0x00)? Here's an example where using trial and error, and keeping a 0x20 unchanged, and modifying the other to 0x00 led to your Charmander: charmander.ek4 Anyhow, here are two of my saves, each populated with your boxes. One of it only has pairs of 0x20 changed to 0x00, and the other has every 0x20 changed to 0x00. As a result, there would be some Pokémon that appear in one but not another. (As seen in the image with 2 windows of PKHeX above) Pokémon Edición Platino dañado.sav Pokémon Edición Platino dañado ver2.sav The Charmander I provided earlier is one of the mons that are not covered by both versions of the saves, because it has multiple singular 0x20s, where one is natural and one is replaced. So if you want to salvage those mons, you gotta dump them manually and replace the bytes and see if it decrypts via trial and error. Edit: Also, your extracted PKMs won't work in PKHeX, because pokesav dumped the sanity bytes (normally 0x0000) as 0x2020. [because that's how they're saved in your save. It merely copied the incorrect bytes over.]
  5. @Lt. Lynx am I right to assume that Ivysaur wasn't extracted by Pokesav? (the decryption previously failed, and I had to change a single 0x20 to 0x00)
  6. I guess Pokesav just auto corrected 0x20 to 0x00, or just outright ignored those bytes. I too found a Donphan but it required changing 0x20 to 0x00. Your save is filled with a bunch of 0x20 that shouldn't be there, and a bunch of random data that is all over the place. It just looks like Pokesav is ignoring everything that is not used by the program, but in reality your save has a bunch of nonsense data is other areas. So just give up on this save.
  7. Nope it's not just a header. Stuff like Trainer name and TID were there. I was also trying to find the party data, and it appears like this: I'm trying what I can. BTW, were there any blank slots in your party? You remember any PID they were supposed to have? edit: "PokéSav still reads them flawlessly" - that sounds like a lie. I don't see any proper data structure reminiscent of a pokemon.. Well, the save is a big mess, and beyond saving. Since you managed to extract the mons, I won't have to put in effort to try to convert data and look for mons.
  8. @Lt. Lynx yes, because Pokesav is known for the being the authority of save data /s Elaborate on what you did to "damage the save".
  9. The shiny Xor needs to = to 1. It's either Ctrl + Click on the shiny button.
  10. Version 1.0.6


    PKHeX plugin to find and edit content of Berry plots in Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald. (In the image, the plot that the character model is facing, is the berry plot that is being focused on.) FYI: The e-Reader berries are not 'real' berries, in the sense that they don't have their own data programmed into the ROMs. They just usurped the slot for Enigma Berries. So if you have those activated in your save, and wanna plant them, just plant Enigma Berries. Originated from: attempting to resolve a glitch. As such, no immediate plans for other games. How to use Put the plugin into the plugins folder in your PKHeX directory, then access it from the Tools menu. Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald are supported. Note: Win 10 might block DLL files downloaded from the internet. In that case right click the plugin file, go to properties and check "unblock" (as seen here). [You may have to unblock, reblock, then unblock again to get it to work] Example of how to unblock: Credits Kaphotics for PKHeX. BlackShark for his meticulous work with the Feebas Locator [Full disclosure: I've never made a PKHeX plugin before, so had to look at his work to figure it out] All the wonderful team members involved in pret, for the amazing work regarding disassembly for RSE, which contained all the important structures. RodrigoTR and Mark_Eire, for providing support for giving the locations and getting all the images for various screenshots of plots.
  11. Just to be clear, you're not trying to make it roam before you defeated E4 right? In your original scenario, E4 was defeated and it was once roaming right?
  12. Thanks for reporting. Do you have a "before roaming save" and a "after roaming save" that is directly after the before roaming we could use to document it?
  13. So the matter has been resolved. Anyhow, I'm gonna use this to document my findings until I get I get a separate page done.
  14. good plan, hopefully you get a cheap one in working condition :3
  15. You're gonna have to install Homebrew on your Wii. (hack your Wii). Only after you do that, are you able to run the homebrew. Instruction on how to run this homebrew app (after you hacked your Wii) should be in the about me description of the page I linked.
  16. I think you may need homebrew on your Wii, but there's a method to dump your GBA save via the link cable from the Wii. https://github.com/suloku/gba-link-cable-dumper/releases/tag/0.2
  17. VC - stands for Virtual Console. The thing on the 3DS. Nothing do with the issue you have on hand. Also, just to ask, you got a Wii and also a link cable?
  18. It's probably stored as a full encrypted Pokemon file (an ek5). So if you already know where the PID is, just rip out the section (the size of an ek5), save it as a ek5, and see if PKHeX would read it. Also, this tool rips out all pkx in your ram (if you need it):
  19. mind showing me a picture which exact plot you're referring to? I can try to work it out in my free time.
  20. I don't know how the berry planting system works, but if you have a save that is before planting the berry at that spot, and a save directly after planting a berry at the spot, we may be able to try to work something out.
  21. that's not the issue you're having. For what issue they are having, they still have proper functioning saves, just in the wrong size. What you're getting doesn't even qualify as a save. It's just garbage data.
  22. yeah the GB/GBC games needs memory batteries. Gen 3 games didn't need memory batteries. RSE only had batteries to keep the RTC running. No idea what a SI file is. It's just this small file: Maybe we need to scour the net to check anyone that got Flash Boy working on their FRLG game.
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