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Everything posted by Tbird

  1. Tbird

    Staff v Members 2

    -70 ... boo ... boo at you all!!
  2. Tbird

    Staff v Members 2

    - ... er 61 now ... we're doomed again
  3. I'm torn with it, if I had have had this program when I first started then I probably would have won a lot more and probably be a better battler now. However in saying that, a lot of sets I have made are, well biased I guess but in my opinion, pretty damn good, and thus they wouldn't have come to be. I guess the problem is just that, really. Like everyone else has said, it only gives the popular sets more fame and quite openly disregards the use of anything else. @ sebata's last post. Surely as battlers we should be making it HARDER to be uncreative. Because I know that if you've ever rated a team, you'll see that sets that shine from the norm are usually those that someone has put individual thought into and actively tested. Whereas a bunch of smogon copypasata generally looks full of holes, overdone and already countered before it was even made. So I say make it harder to be uncreative, provoke creative thought and... well you know all that general stand up against the system hippy jazz. In saying that though, I do really like the program, and I find some use out of it without it being counter productive, as I can add my own spin on the sets once I have taken them from the program. It just provides me a nice template instead of having to type and tick everything in; which is the program's initial goal any way I would assume. I guess what I would add to the program if it was possible would be a way of colour coding moves that a pokemon can learn. I dunno, something like red being a reliable stab, moves that can be combined to form common combo attacks being coloured one way (for instance parafusion moves being coloured in yellow)... But that is a lot of unneeded work for what the program aims to do. Why in god's name do I always make posts this big when it's not needed
  4. Tbird

    Staff v Members 2

    Well if you did it in a calculator I'm a just jump aboard your post and bring us down to ... -44
  5. Try uninstalling it and redownloading or something . Personally I can't get that to happen on my comp with just drag dropping. Maybe someone else can shine a light on this lol.
  6. Hmmm that's odd. that's never happened to me. What exactly are you doing, just drag and dropping?
  7. Tbird


    ShoddyMaster you're not banned, however you did get kicked last night due to spamming if I remember rightly. Welcome to the site though, and I hope you enjoy your stay .
  8. Hehe I think I'll give this a go Name: Dracotana Evolves from: A baby pokemon of stature Ability: Intimidate/ Vital Spirit Type: Dragon/ Fighting Species: Mystic ... fighting... thing Moveset: Base stats: 80 HP/ 114 Atk/ 73 Def/ 94 Sp Atk/80 Sp Def/ 95 Spe BST: 525 Size: 6ft 2 weight: 185 lbs Appearence: Pokemoned up version of this ... Yeah this is why I don't wrok for gamefreak
  9. Ledian is following me around the most. It is the best looking follower to have. And it's a hell of a pokemon! >: )
  10. Tbird


    Hi Zenith and welcome to our forum . We pretty much have a forum for anything poke related here, as you can see, even if some are more active than others . Post away, and I hope you enjoy your stay .
  11. Oh sorry, I misunderstood. Yeah there is a thread looking into something similar at the moment, here. However, as far as I'm aware, it's all but impossible to differentiate between a naturally caught and external engineered .PKM (so long as the creator made it perfect, and the program itself is able to make it perfect, of course).
  12. Tbird

    <p><p><p><p><p>Bobulous smells! <img src="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/tongue.png" alt=":P" srcset="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/tongue@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" /></p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p>*Run Away*</p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p>In all seriousness though, we still got one more match to do so make sure you're online tonight .. or today... Whenever it is for you lol.</p></p></p></p></p>

  13. <p><p><p><p><p><img src="http://i4.ytimg.com/vi/ok8qhSufGUE/default.jpg" alt="default.jpg" /></p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p>..It's taking over the world, man!</p></p></p></p></p>

  14. Tbird


    Welcome to the site To reiterate what Gin said ... Come join us on shoddy . If you're looking for event pokemon and the like, the site has a whole database of event items and pokemon, which can be found on the front page. Or go to the event section on the forum to see if it's been upload/ request one (though that's best done in the request section ). See you around.
  15. Tbird

    <p><p><p><p><p>Whey ...lucky?... You <img src="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/tongue.png" alt=":P" srcset="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/tongue@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" /></p></p></p></p></p>

  16. Use the Legality checker . If it's a hack it will tell you. Simply drag and drop the .pkm into it .
  17. Your new raindance team has literally 2 physical moves . There are a lot of specially defensive pokemon that you won't even be able to tt even be able to touch. Any specially defensive toxic staller completely ruins the new team. As it stands, turn kingdra into a DD sweeper so you have some physical power going. Gorebyss isn't doing anything that say ludicolo or Floatzel aren't doing so you can replace her with someone who has better coverage. And you never want a rest talker on a rain dance team. Rain dance give you 5 - 8 turns to rip holes into the opponent. Once the rain is gone, all you have is a team of faily frail water pokemon, so don't waste your turns using rest-talk. If you want a defensive pokemon there, go the swampert route, so that you can have a general wall and someone who can take the electric attacks. Something like RD/Hydro Pump/EQ/Yawn(or roar) could work really well. Also, you are going to have a real problem against any team that utilises toxic spikes, so you either need a rapid spinner somewhere, or a poison type. Nidoking Provides an excellent -out-of-nowehere mixed sweeper, Qwilfish works amazing in the rain and provides your team a great physical sweeper, toxicroak can utilise the rain with dry skin and become an amazing sub puncher, SD OR NP sweeper, hell he can be ran like Mixape if you so choose, with NP (or SD)/Cross Chop (or vacuum wave) / Dark Pulse (or Sucker Punch)/ Sludge Bomb (or HP Ice/ or Ice Punch/ Or stone edge). Infact I really reccommend Toxicroak on your team, It's very very versatile and provides your team with some coverage that it otherwise Lacked. On the Rapid Spin front, you have Kabutops who is probably the most devistating RD SD sweeper. Was there anything particularly wrong with the old team? .
  18. Send a PM to one of the supermoderators or administrators. But think about it first, do you really wanna delete it?
  19. Tbird


    Welcome to the site, Raven . I can see from your post on the music thread that we're going to get a long just fine haha. Hope to see you around (the competitive battling forums... or shoddy ) Enjoy your stay
  20. ^ ^ ^ I've not heard that in years ... hell of a cover Clear Enough? - Mammal ♪Have I painted a portrait or picture that's clear enough♪
  21. I like it Fancy posting the EVs though? (and pssst you don't need to use tags to get the sprites, you can type in [sprite]POKEDEXNUMBER[/*sprite] without the *. Or [hgsssprite]POKEDEXNUMBER[/*hgsssprite]. For shiny ones, just do [*shinysprite]POKEDEXNUMBER[*/shinysprite]. You can also do icons and overworld sprites with icon instead of sprite and OVRSPRITE)
  22. [HGSSSPRITE]047[/HGSSSPRITE] Sub-Liechi Sweeper Parasect (M) @ Liechi Berry Ability: Dry Skin EVs: 252 Atk/4 Def/252 Spd Jolly nature (+Spd, -SAtk) - X-Scissor/ Bug Bite - Substitute - Agility - Brick Break/ Aerial Ace --- Most viable in UU really. And even then it doesn't stand a great chance. Sub down till Liechi is activated, grabbing an agility on the way. Putting Parasect at a grand total of 433 Atk and 348 Speed. Best on teams that can lay multiple entry hazards and don't mind having parasect dragging them down. Best bet is to come in on a slowbro's Surf and hope for the best . Can work on rain dance teams with the dry skin ability allowing it to make more subs if need be. It's two points shy of outrunning positive base 100's so Twave support may be necessary too . X scissor is primary stab, depending on who you want to hit, fliers or steals, Brick break or aerial ace are secondary options. Similarly swords dance salac can work too, sacrificing speed for power.
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