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Everything posted by Tbird

  1. http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?9359-Riolu-Aura-Sphere-Now-s-Pokemon-SoulSilver-HeartGold-Action-Replay-Codes and http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?7733-Pokemon-Soul-Silver-and-Heart-Gold-100-US-%28UPDATED-US-CODES-AND-EASIER%29 For future reference, the RAM section contains all AR codes that this site has. You should pretty much find every code thus far in either of those two threads.
  2. You'll be completely walled ... they are levitating ghosts.
  3. Really bad I think Mismagius will quite happily set up on this and destroy you faster than you can tuck your head in preparation of the soon to ensue Tbolt. Gengar will do pretty much the same. Rotom will trick a scarf on you and watch you struggle, while things like dragonite and gyarados can happily Ddance in your face. D nite more so if it's packing Draco meteor. And the thing is, as most blastoise pack rapid spin, spin blockers such as the aforementioned will switch in and completely wall you. Also, with the given EVs and nature you're not accomplishing much. Something like brave would be better suited. 4 Evs in special attack when your not running any special attack also seems a bit weird . Really, these two turn moves are so easy to predict that you very rarely see them used. Earthquake and aqua jet could work quite well, for instance. Blastoise didn't get special treatment in his offences so really you would want to be running Max Hp and alot of attack power to even hit anything for a considerable amount of damage. Dig and Earthquake both provide the same coverage... Just earthquake is stronger and doesn't need to waste a turn . ALSO... with seismic toss running writhe, 90HP subs aren't much really .
  4. Well Yellow for Previously stated reasons ^ ^ ^ Aside from that though, I was absolutely captivated by Silver -> Crystal. Great new (at the time) graphics. MOAR GAME TO PLAY. New awesome pokemon. Gah, what wasn't to love about GCS, apart from, of course Gyara getting nerfed . Though with that, Chansey and ultimately blissey became a whole lot less broken . I gotta say Crystal really for that. Yellow gets the nostalgia factor, but at the time, there was no nostalgia, because it was the present . Ultimately HGSS is by all accounts a better game... But I don't know, GSC was the first, if HGSS had been the first time we saw Johto then it would have taken first spot probably. Now the choice between Silver and Crystal . Plus, had GSC never been made, I'd never have had Noctowl/ Lanturn/ Aipom -> Ambipom and the other likes.
  5. That one would be the 2008 Nzone one. Search the forums for Grovyle's Mystery gift editor, download the WC from the site and open it up in that program, you can then turn it into an AR code.
  6. I recommend using the search feature. It'll be in these forums somewhere.
  7. Give this a whirl. L+R to activate: 94000130 FCFF0000 B2101140 00000000 E00009A0 00000190 005F0148 005F0149 005F014A 005F014B 005F014C 005F014D 005F014E 005F014F 005F0150 005F0151 005F0152 005F0153 005F0154 005F0155 005F0156 005F0157 005F0158 005F0159 005F015A 005F015B 005F015C 005F015D 005F015E 005F015F 005F0160 005F0161 005F0162 005F0163 005F0164 005F0165 005F0166 005F0167 005F0168 005F0169 005F016A 005F016B 005F016C 005F016D 005F016E 005F016F 005F0170 005F0171 005F0172 005F0173 005F0174 005F0175 005F0176 005F0177 005F0178 005F0179 005F017A 005F017B 005F017C 005F017D 005F017E 005F017F 005F0180 005F0181 005F0182 005F0183 005F0184 005F0185 005F0186 005F0187 005F0188 005F0189 005F018A 005F018B 005F018C 005F018D 005F018E 005F018F 005F0190 005F0191 005F0192 005F0193 005F0194 005F0195 005F0196 005F0197 005F0198 005F0199 005F019A 005F019B 005F019C 005F019D 005F019E 005F019F 005F01A0 005F01A1 005F01A2 005F01A3 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 D2000000 00000000
  8. Thank God ... Though even so, some of the argument can be blown out of the water, seeing as it was confirmed that sketchers were only Beta art. However. The rest of it is pretty convincing. From what I can see, either these are fake, or Gamefreak got hella lazy.
  9. As far as I'm aware, Omastar outspeeds sceptile in the rain. Secondly, Bronzong can switch in on it and put it to sleep, whilst Qwilfish can pwn it with poison jab . But realistically, Sceptile tends to stay down in UU, for fear of Scarftran and other fast sweepers/walls that can stall it out or just out right kill it. It's a shame but it's true . Gravity isn't a bad idea at all, the pokemon that it'd be put on would be 'Zong, however the moves it has are moves that it needs really. While Zapdos can indeed be a problem, I can faux pp stall it's Tbolt with Gardevoire, if i can get a Sp. Def drop out of psychic then hydro pump coming off of Kingdra will take it out, and it wouldn't have to worry about the Tbolt coming in as I'd have passed wish. If all else fails, after being worn down Zapdos will fall to Qwilfish Explosion, be slept by bronzong for a switch in ... or just hurt the team until it falls.
  10. Ok sceptile problems, Moltres will resist it nicely, but as you say it doesn't want to switch in really. So firstly I recommend running donphan over steelix, it makes for a great physical wall, and if you're running moltres you really want to have rocks out of the way. It's either that or you run blastoise over slaking for your defensive needs. Another good option would be scarfed venusaur over hitmonlee, problem there is, it's not as strong and it doesn't deter from the fact that Moltres is exiled to the first segment of the match. Personally, I would give donphan a go over steelix. Counter Miltank... Hmm, I don't likt it a whole lot. However, Curse/Milk Drink/Heal bell/Body slam is a beast of a set with scrappy. Somewthing else you could do is run Lanturn over slowking. While Slowking has that instant health thing going on, lanturn boast equivalent rights as special wall, whilst having health in the form of electric attacks aimed at moltres. Running discharge/surf/sub/filler Will allow you to paralyse the more specially enclined foes, and shuffling between Moltres and lanturn should be able to wear the foe down. They all but have perfect synergy. Personally I don't like mach punch on a scarf set, they seem to cancel each other out. For instance, you rarely find Espeed on a DDancer. If you put Blaze Kick over mach punch, you can then revenge sceptile if worst comes to worst. You could probably also stand to lose some speed eves and pop them into special defence. the hitmons generally do have good special bulk so you may be able to live a leaf storm. If it's too much of an investment, then forget about it. I dunno what else there is to say really. I mean, you COULD stand to lose the moltres and go the route of a speedy Spiker/ Rocker. Alas, It would seem Moltres is your guy, so keep it if it works. Oh one more thing. You could try to will o wisp over the sub on Mismagius. Reasoning being the sub is mainly there to protect from status; and you already have heal bell. However, pursuiters sucker punchers are all going to be gunning for mismagius - Absol, hitmontop, spiritomb all spring to mind. All of them are going to hate Will o wisp, and all will be against mismagius at one point or another.
  11. Tbird


    Welcome to the site Chilly I imagine that post should be ok so long as it pertains to the rules of the site and the forum in question. Nice to meet you and I hope you enjoy your stay .
  12. Personally I don't wanna go posting too much I think i said my bit on the other thread really. However, something you said has caught my eye so I'll debate this point whi'cha The problem isn't really a matter of caring. I mean, do you really think a lot of people cared for some of the pokemon that they used. I sure as hell don't care for registeel but I use him a lot. And the same can be said for things like lanturn and forretress. We are shown great sets out of a select few pokemon that are shown little more interest to, so we all use them, because they have been written about. But then when it comes to pokemon like victreebel and nintales, we see two/three mediocre sets and think 'bleh I'll move on to the next pokemon.' I mean, if there was a huge ass article with a lot of different sets then these pokemon would get more of a looking, and these niche spots that they can provide wouldn't be so hard to find because these pokemon got given the same treatment as the top 10 on the OU board. Of course there is always the problem of "this pokemon can't do ANYTHING" ... I don't expect a pokemon like magikarp to be given a 10 page essay on different ways it can use tackle. But when there is such a vast movepool as that of victreebel (Teeter dance + stun spore/ Sleep powder + swords dance/ Two high attack stats that could work with a scarf/ stockpile... etc etc) In all honesty, I am thankful for smogon... I would still be flat on my arse if it wasn't for their articles. However, in the starting phases I just used what had a lot of writing behind it. Because let's face it, if it has a tonne of writing it has to be more important. I think new players shouldn't be brain washed by this, I don't mean to say smogon as a site is a huge propaganda nazi spewing machine, simply that by the way they write they attract people to certain sets more than others, when these sets might niot help the individual, and if the indivdual is a noob, how is he to know this? But then I guess that leads to the argument that if they can learn from these mistakes it'll make them better battlers, and that frankly noobs shouldn't be spoon fed EVERYTHING. I dunno, I think more care and attention should be given to those pokes that aren't as high on the laderboard, this way new counters and sweepers are found for a much more diverse metagame.
  13. So basically this is just a thread for a bit of nostalgic fun-ness. Just specify your Top Memorable pokemon and why they are memorable to you. Here's mine: Clefable; RBY - I super trained the hell out of it on one of my run throughs and pretty much devastated the whole game with it. Charizard; RBY - I am a charizard fan boy people.. it's true. I remember training it to the middle of the night and beyond with a little torch over my game boy. Oh yes, back in the day when we were too cool for the lights of a self lighting console . Originally I had red, so I figured Fire would be the apt starter... I damn near started again when I faced Brock though... Butterfree; RBY - My saviour and the pokemon that allowed me to see charizard for all its worth, Butterfree with its confusion and ability to beat Brock gives her a spot in my most memorable pokemon. Nidoking; RBY - It could do sooo much and work so well . It was the first pokemon along side charizard to never leave my team from the moment of catching it as a Nidoran. I believe I ran a pwn worthy set of Surf/Strength/ThunderBolt/Horn-Drill >: D Pidgeotto; RBY - Well who isn't this memorable for? Everyone knew about this and caught it... Everyone other than me WHO NEVER CAUGHT IT . It's only been recently that I have managed to actually catch the slimy little bird. Who knows, if I had have caught it, Pidgeot might have made this list. Tauros; RBY - This pokemon was a demon to catch ... and with good reason! It pwnd things, that's what it did. My first physical sweeper I suppose . Tauros = win Alakazam; RBY - The same as Tauros really. However, I remember super training this particular kadabra and I wish that Tauros and Alakazam had have been on the same team Shiny Totodile; GCS - The Pokemon I stole from my brother as he slept... Oh I am a lovely big brother. Haunter; RBY - Haunter is planted in my memories due to his aiding me in damn near making one of my friends cry. Ladies and gentlemen I pressed B on his gameboy after trading it with him. He didn't take it too well . I believe that is IRL Trolling . ...So yeah, What about you guys?
  14. It's been dead for the bulk of the day
  15. In the PID box, just put everything that I set in and it should work so long as you have inputted your T/ID, S/ID and Trainer Name. There may be a small problem here though. If this is the case, beside the IV number that you have typed in, choose "1" from the drop down box to the right of ATK and SPE, then put "2" next to each other ID.
  16. Yeah Pokegen is a lot easier to use from a new point of view. So long as you follow me above steps and the steps from my first post on this thread you should be absolutely fine. If you get stuck though, feel free to ask. Good Luck!
  17. Ok so this is how you do it. For elekid you follow the process that you did with starly, however, you must click "egg" in the first box, and follow the egg steps that I illustrated for starly, as I don't think elekid is a catachable pkm in platinum. I hope that helps Below I have attached the starly I made whilst making the tut. If you load that into pokegen, and just change your SID/ID/Trainer Name, redo the PID, then you'll have your starly. Add here's the code for said starly (though this won't work for you as we don't have the same S/ID/ T/ID Trainer Name etc. This is just to show you how it works. Starly.pkm
  18. If it starts with a 0 it is 4 - technically.
  19. Yes the SID is only four digits long . Now, tell me the pokemon you are trying to fix and I'll show you how to make them in the next post . I'll need to know S/ID, your trainer ID, the desired nature and moves . The IVs too if you want it to be exact. If not, I will just give you IV's that are legal.
  20. Yes changing the SID will make the pokemon obey you and stop it from gaining extra EXP. If the task seems a bit too daunting I can give you a quick tut' on making your pokemon, if you'd like?
  21. Hehe I wish it was that easy Fundamentally all you need to do is give the pokemon in question the same secret ID as the you, this will like you to the pokemon and thus it will obey you. However, if you want it to appear that you caught it and that it is an exact replica of the pokemon you had via trade, you'll need to do all the long winded stuff. I know it's pretty daunting at the moment, but once you've done it a couple of times it should take no time at all in the future.
  22. Silly question; but have you installed the disc?
  23. I think I can be of some help here . 1) *What you need to do is use a code to find your Secret ID, that can be found in most places on this site, or at any general cheating site. 2) *You need to find a code that tells you your pokemons IV's, I think there is an IV checker code somewhere on the site. Just use the search function in the forum to find these two codes. 3) Use the above codes 4) open up Pokegen Read through the thread, and familiarise yourself with it. 5) recreate the pokemon, this should be fairly easy but if you need help I'll be more than willing to do this. It's best to create the pokemon in the box, as to not destroy any existing pokemon. 5b) -Optional- run the pokemon through the legality checker, to make sure the pokemon is a valid one. though if you don't care about legallity then forget this part. 6) In the bottom left corner, there are certain things you need to tick, this is the game, and the trigger buttons. Select your game and your desired trigger buttons, and then hit 'generate to code' 7) Open up word or something, paste the code, and then input the code into the AR Manager. 8) Put the codes on, open the game, hit the triggers and voila, there you go. ** As you know, the secret ID is important so that you the pokemon obeys you. Secret ID is teh thing that determines this, and this changes between each player. For the IVs these are necessary for running a legal PID/IV Nature algorithm. This makes the pokemon you have classified as 'legal' (I.e appear non hacked). While that sounds complicated pokegen will do all the hard work for you, all you have to do is type in your players ID/ Secret ID, the pokemons IVs and ID and nature, and the program will find a legal algorithm for you. This may seem long winded, but if you learn how to do this now it saves you relying on other people to make pokemon for you. If you struggle at any point, feel free to ask me or any of the hackers, AR-ers for help .
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