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Everything posted by Tbird

  1. Hey ray, Welcome to the site . As both above have said pokegen is definately more user friendly, and if you're new to all of this then it's probably the best program t use to get you ontrack. However, if you're looking to understand how it all works (using hidden values, PID and all that jazz) then use Pokesav. There are tutorials littered all through the forum as to how it works, and tutorials on youtube showing how you set it up. As for if it works on Linux or not though, I can't say I know . You could see if this, this, or this works . Enjoy your stay .
  2. It looks good to me . Now go out and have about 20 battles with it, and then come back and post some descriptions under each pokemon telling us how they are working out for you and where you think the team might need help (not just what they are supposed to do - it's fairly obvious that kabutops with SD is going to be 'used for sweeping' ). It makes it a lot easier to help someone out if they have tested the team and seen personally where their holes are. So now all you got to do is look for the holes .
  3. No speed tie Starmie is base 115 speed jolteon is 130... it's a beastly little thing .
  4. No I understand you completely I hate cutesy pokemon too, but the idea of it doing all that makes me wanna use it anyway, until everyone else uses it in which case I'll probably stop using it ... because well I am dumb like that . The first thing I will be doing when shoddy updates its system for gen V pokes is taking away the God damn victory signs... They wind me up .
  5. I don't know. My interest has actually .. well stayed the same and it was quite high anyway. The fire typing is pretty awesome, fire makes for a great offensive typing, and with psychic it hits neutral on every type (not including dual types). But if we take into account the typings, and obligatory moves that the types learn a set like this: Victini@ life orb/Expert Belt Naive Nature Victory Star 232 Atk/28 SpAtk/252 Sp - Fire blast/Flamethrower - Psychic - Hidden Power [Ground] - Boost Move/Filler move (fighting preferably) This kills Pretty much every steel type, steel tryping magnezones down, CB scizor is down (resisting BP is a god send) + skarm/forry , Infernape is killed if it lacks stone edge, Lucario is pwned outright (so long as it isn't the agility variant), Heatran is OHKO after rocks by HP ground, Celebi has a high chance of being OHKO after rocks, as is jirachi (so long as they don't get in a CM). I mean really a pretty big list of top hitters in OU are destroyed by this thing, and if it were to get a strong fighting attack, then blissey, snorlax, Ttar and a whole new list of heavy hitters are taken out of the equation ... and this is with only 28spatk EV's . Of course if he doesn't get a fighting attack, then the leftover Atk EVs could happily get shoved elsewhere ... I would probably go the HP or defence route if it gets CM, and put an expert belt on it to make HP ground pretty solid on Ttar. This is also assuming that it doesn't get Flare blitz, which would then make it even more deadly attacking off of both ends of the spectrum. If it has Flare blitz then slapping on a Expert belt to feign a banded set could be pretty awesome, or even a scarf set for a mixed wall breaking revenge killer... Gah too many options . Swampert and Gyara laugh at it, but if this thing gets calm mind, after a couple boosts even those'll be wondering what in god's name is happening. Hell it could even get the elemental punches like jirachi - that's Gyara finished, as with an expert belt, the intimidate drop won't matter too much, so long as rocks are up. (72.6% minimum w/ Life orb - for sure OHKO with expert belt [this being with 232 Atk... starting to look perfect no? ]) ... Ok after doing these calcs I am pretty excited about victini . (based on base stats 100 across the board)
  6. And this: I think this could possibly be Hotoboo's Evolution. It looks pretty similar in any case.
  7. All this speculation and victini is a fire/psychic type. Did NOT expect that at all. He's gunna hate Ttar regardless of his role now. Psychic and Fire don't present victini many favours on the defensive side, however, he's going to love Killing Scizor/forretress/Skarmory/_Steal type_ lol. Which is all good. Because of this I think we may be getting a wall breaker out of it, though unless it gets something like flare bltiz or super power, It's notgoing to be able to get past blissey ... Hmm, mixed bag I feel. Your thoughts? EDIT: The ability is 'Victory Star'... who didn't see that coming? I imagine this could be something mouch like meguroko's over confidence possibly, seeing as the name is 'Victory'. However if it boosted attack it would be over confidence, maybe this is something similar but for special attack? I suppose we won't know for sure until the next corocoro.
  8. Pretty gripping .. until the biker music started playing .
  9. No, Swampert doesn't benefit from the rain at all (other than stabbed surfs of course). However, it can be a good user of rain, being immune to thunder, however sharing a grass weakness, and a 4x one at that, doesn't make it a great choice at all. You want three pokes to get rain up (minimum - at least 2 with damp rock) three (minimum - at least two with life orb or some form of attack enhancer) that benefit from the rain in some form (bare in mind things like kingdra, omastar and ludicolo are all good Rain dance setter uppers AND sweepers at the same time). That's what I would say you need bog standard...ly. So if you can find room for swampert after that, or inside of that then go for it .
  10. Fire pig and sea otter's second evo have had their beta artwork revealed .. leaked... Tsutaja's is yet to be.
  11. Yeah just make sure you actually try it out though before you decide if you want to use it or not.
  12. Kingdra over gyardos would be a really good idea. Luvdisc over celebi .. not so much. Lanturn over celebi would work and keep the electrode lead. Celebi is your healbeller, Lanturn can do this too, and makes for a very nice special wall, something like Lanturn@ Damp Rock/Leftovers Calm Nature 40 Hp/ 216 SpAtk/ 252 SpDef -Rain dance -Heal Bell -Discharge/Twave -Surf Could work really well. Rain dance won't be up forever, so if you can paralyse some of the games faster sweepers, it makes it easier to pwn them when the rain goes. Heal bell is for ridding yourself or burns and para, as you know, and surf is your obligatory rain boosted stab attack. If you decide to run Twave over Discharge then a would say feel free to take some EV's out of Spatk and add it defence. Omastar over venusaur... well here is a grass type for the team, so you kind of want to keep that going, so I would suggest ludicolo over venusaur and then a physical sweeper like Kabutops to replace dragonite. But really just take a look at different sets for pokemon that can swift swim, and try and keep it balanced between physical and special, you may well have the most dominant specially offencive water core of doom, but blissey takes no worries in eating that up. Really most pokemon can be viable in the rain. Like bring the sun out and most grass types can suddenly become beasts. Take a look at things that you like and really test them out.
  13. Bob I'll try for you in a sec . Just clarify you want hall of origin first, followed by tru? EDIT: "Later, after the the player visited the Sinjoh Ruins with an event Arceus, they can take the Arceus from the Hall of Origin to one of the ruins in the Ruins of Alph and be transported back to the Sinjoh Ruins. In the revisit, Cynthia has returned to Sinnoh, and the player can go to the Mystri Stage to obtain one of the dragons they didn't obtain before. " http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Shinto_Ruins Still want me to try?
  14. Tbird

    new here

    I'm sure you two can welcome someone better than that Anywho welcome to the site . I don't use photoshop, I am pretty nifty with editing pictures and the like, not so much pixel art and all that business, but touching up my photography and/or making something funky out of it . It's been a while since I did that though . As for sport... I couldn't care less for it, the only time I need to hit something, run or kick something is if there is a semi naked man in my house wielding an axe ... and even then, two of the three will suffice . Enjoy your stay .
  15. This isn't really a great replacement. There are much better physical sweepers that are a lot faster, If you want to go the physical sweeper route, gyarados or dragonite would go really well, and would provide another grround immunity. Dragonite more so as it doesn't get hit so bad by electric. Ddance/Outrage(or dragon claw)/Aqua tail(or waterfall or earthquake)/roost could work really well. However if you go the EQ route you'll be walled by skarm. Gyarados can run a similar set that's really effective Ddance/waterfall/Earthquake/Icefang(or taunt or substitute).
  16. Shallow - Porcupine Tree The best English prog band... scrap that; best British rock band period. Ooo song change during the post Modern Chemistry - Motion City Soundtrack
  17. Silly question... But do you have room in your party for it?
  18. Hey and welcome to the site . Can't join too many forums . As for as the hack goes, post the patch and I'm sure people'll give it a look, if you're over at pokecommunity I imagine you already understand the rules of the ROM section, but give our rules a look over . Enjoy your stay .
  19. There's not an update as far as I know, however, if you replace line B2111880 00000000 with B2110DC0 00000000 Once you have exported the code, it wll then be usable on (U) games .
  20. That's right Mr. Celebi .. Lure him into a false sense of security >: )
  21. Ok I'll help you the best I can Easily done . This code turms your money into your SID: 94000130 FFF30000 62111880 00000000 B2111880 00000000 DA000000 00000086 D6000000 00000088 D2000000 00000000 Hold start and select - you must have 5 digits of money, so go give your mum some money if you're over 5 digits. Serebii - Look at all legal movesets and how they are obtained. Go to the events page on there to see which pokemon hold what etc etc. Forget hexadecimal, come back to it when you have a bit more experience just getting used to making legal pokemon the easy way. This is done two ways -Pokegen - this tool is like pokesav but takes out the need of understanding hexadecimal. It works on drop down box basis. Making a normal pokemon is easily done and mostly just comes out of using common sense. (for instance you won't find sudowoodo In the water). For making it pokemon that have been palparked, you make the pokemon legally as it would appear in the predecessing games, then change the location met to pal park (You'll see what I mean when you make it). A little word of wisdom however, it is ALOT easier if you just make the pokemon into the egg then hatch the egg. This way egg moves that you put on the pokemon will be legal, and when it hatches the pokedex will verify that you have caught the pokemon, and update itself accordingly. If you don't hatch the pokemon then the pokedex won't be updated. (think of it this way, if you teleport into a room, no amount of cameras will capture you entering the room, because they haven't seen you enter... understandable?) For making event pokemon that are obtainable in the game you're playing, go to Events section (Here you can also find every pokemon in .PKM form, these are to be loaded into PokeGen and edited as you see fit) on the website, grab the event you want (the green guy one for picking it up in the mart) and load it into this tool > > > Mystery Gift Editor. Instrusctions should be in the thread how to use it. With pokegen, so long as you follow it through properly and with common sense, you should always be able to make the pokemon you want and so that it is legal. If you get stuck with pokegen make sure to read the tool tips. Or come back and ask and anyone here'll try to help best they can . We all got to start somewhere, I hope this helps . I've gtg for a little bit so hopefully someone can do a better job than me .
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