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Everything posted by Tbird

  1. Everything is so broken. I wanted to post some thoughts... But that's all I can think of right now . Someone grab me a coke, some popcorn, put some jazz on and let's watch this metagame break right in two.
  2. <p><p><p><p><p>Happy Birthday Para <img src="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png" alt=":)" srcset="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" /></p></p></p></p></p>

  3. Ok ... wow... all 156 revealed. I won't update the OP any further... because damn, that's a lot of pokemon. I guess I'll post some of my thoughts on a few pokemon however. (Any stats posted are in HP/ATK/DEF/SP.ATK/S.DEF/SPE) The Starters
  4. Well if you wanna test it against me just PM and we can try it out . ...Please... I'm bored out of my mind
  5. I hope the changes you take on board become beneficial in some form... I mean that's the reason we rate right? It's definitely starting to look more ... polished? I dunno but it's looking good none the less .
  6. I know you're yet to do your threat list but it's getting late and I'm antsy to get my rate on . What I see with this team is that you have a really strong defensive core but little utilisation of it. A roserade lead could bring in some Tspikes for your bulky mons to work with while the opponent cries in pain. If you went that route Torment Tran would seem to be a cool idea, with a rotom form. Similarly, while you're not being hit hard, you're not dishing out a whole lot either. So maybe you could try to reconfigure some EVs To make them bulky sweepers. I know your swampert enjoyed that role, but honestly the teams in dire need of a lead, and until you find one to replace scizor, swampert really wants to be there. With flygon on team, scizor's luster is somewhat lost too. CB BP will always be damning, but at the moment that's all he provides with extra scounting privileges. So if you're looking for a spinner, then forry could take the place quite happily, who can also rack up more entry hazards. I don't know, the team looks solid, but doesn't look like it can dish out enough. I also get the feeling an offensive core of Infernape/Suicune/breloom could be problematic too. Erm. I guess the last thing I would say, is that I would utilise that great defence you have by adding to the team a spinner and a spin blocker and a Tspiker. Forretress + Rotom + Roserade or Tentacruel + Gengar w/ the swampert lead. But as you said, finding the room isn't easy EDIT: If you're keeping scizor atleast give it technician
  7. So: * #638 is a Steel/Fighting-type Legendary * #639 is a Rock/Fighting-type Legendary * #640 is a Grass/Fighting-type Legendary Are they our trio then? I feel sorry for the rock fighting if so... pwned by both its brothers .
  8. Different languages, different events, all many of things.
  9. Better late than never I suppose Well... Bobulous, welcome to the site and enjoy your stay!
  10. Yep I like this a lot . However, you are going to need things that can stop the like of Jirachi and Machamp. Jirachi won't care a whole lot that you're at +6 attack, it will simply flinch you into an early grave. Similarly, Machamp will dynamic punch you into confusion. Dynamic punch a lone won't be a problem, however the confusion will be. W/ BD and SP, you're basically at +3 when you hurt yourself with confusion, and that is going to hurt a fair bit, so watch out for stuff like that. The way to remedy this would be to pack a rotom/gengar and heatran on the team with snorlax. Another option is outrage for more neutral coverage (really, this set will never be hitting steels), however, the confusion again won't be pretty. If you got for body slam, I would recommend running Someone that can lure in Will o wisp, such as gyarados or tyranitar, and a Heracross. Allow scarfcross to take the burn to activate guts, and night slash away at gengar and rotom at + 1 atk and +1 speed. It's probably too much set up. Similarly MAKE SURE SUICUNE/ SWAMPERT/ SKARMORY ARE GONE. It's all well and good getting to + 3 in both defenses and + 6 in attack, but as soon as you rest, they will roar/wind you out.
  11. No I don't mean that at all, link battles ... everything is for here. This team just looks a lot like an in game team. Competitive battles, be it simulated via shoddy or link battles, are welcomed here. However, this team just appears to be an in game team trying to compete. Cyndaquil, remember this: Anything works in game, Don't expect it to work competitively though. I will gladly help you make a competitively viable team if you'd like, but this team, I'm afraid will have to stay pitted against the likes of the in-game E4. People don't use their in game teams for competition, as many people's favourite pokes that they would use in game, get slaughtered on the competitive battleground.
  12. There's a thread for in game teams: http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?2335-Take-2-Community-Discussion-In-Game-Teams
  13. Just because I like to stick my oar in... @ Devoid Dratini -> Dragonair -> Dragonite ... followed by Legendary birds Larvitar -> Pupitar -> Tyranitar... Followed by legendary beasts Beldum -> Metang -> Metagross... Followed by legendary kings Gen 4... Off Ball Dark Dragon -> Dark Dragon -> Dark Dragon... Follwed by legendaries. I'm sure you can see the pattern there... Also, with the "New beginnings" thing they are going for, I imagine they will follow the same pattern as before. Similarly, if a legend is to evolve, then the legend can't be that great if it has to rely on evolution to be good. Anyway, OT, I'm glad to see some awesome new type combinations... Most seem to just be given to the legendaries, but if they are all littered all over the place, then I will be a happy birdy. I am however pissed off at ANOTHER fire fighting. God all mighty GF, change the damned track.
  14. Tbird

    <p><p><p><p><p>Sure thing, I'm in now <img src="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png" alt=":)" srcset="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" /></p></p></p></p></p>

  15. Yeah I forgot that small discrepancy. In any case...But still, it keeps who it needs to keep at bay, at bay.
  16. Tbird


    Hey Rich, welcome to the site . If you're into competitive battling make sure to drop by the our server on ShoddyBattle . Most of us there are pretty casual battlers and not really into all the recording/ other nonsense. Feel free to post a team in the RMT section too . See you soon.
  17. Well it would appear Johto is the best by a clear 16%
  18. Tbird


    Welcome to the site Yellowtoad. I don't suppose you fancy telling us a little about yourself? If you're looking to pwn some people with a pikachu make sure you stop by the Project Pokemon Shoddy server . Enjoy your stay.
  19. OP updated with everything from the passed month. a lot of new abilities and attacks and pokemon. Get discussin'! I'll be back later with my take on the recent events.
  20. Oh God if the middle ones were correct ... that means it's more likely the final evos will be too ... Damn it . Bleh I don't even know what to think now.
  21. I have read the thread a couple times and I still don't get it or what you're proposing to do. I mean what will this accomplish? From a competitive point of view I can already do what you state you want to do. Say I make a team in shoddy and I want to use the same team on Pokemononline. I can export my team to text and paste it directly into pokemononline and it'll accept it. If I wanna post the same team on a forum, ANY forum, it'll be regarded as acceptable and well formatted from any single forum. As for the IV's, I understand it's an example, but they are never exactly hard to understand . I guess I'm missing the point because I don't see the need for it nor have I ever heard an outcry for it. EDIT: I just read one of the replies over at BMG. And I think I got even more confused really. It seems that what you're proposing would also eliminate the need for a Japanese player to go to google, type in a text and then hit the translate button, so that he can communicate with an English speaking forum? If this is the case, then really I can't see much of a need for it still. Gimme some layman's terminology and some sort of light to shine on my bafflement lol. Because if I have got this right then it would appear to be a waste of time. But I can't speak for the rest of the community(s).
  22. Sand Blind Preface... so to speak: Well this is my LC team .. as you can see. I've been getting interested in 'other tiers' quite a lot lately because I had been limiting myself to OU and UU, so things were getting a little boring. Firstly I tried out ubers and it's going ok .. I'm not great but hell I'm not great at any tier lol. I may be spreading myself too thin but hell, at least I'm having fun It's a whole new world and a lot of fun. I'm noticing small and odd discrepencies from the jump from OU to LC... and well they are welcomed surprises really. Anwho, as for the actual team. I started looking over the LC rules and noticed that sandstream wasn't banned, as I thought it would be due to its damage out put per turn .. alas I was being silly as it takes a percentage, not a defined amount. So I ran with the idea and here's what happened. (as for the lame ass name, I figured I'd just play on snow blind due to the team ... I know ... you're in stitches of laughter.) I needed a lead to give me sand, should I actually have a sand team, and as hippopotas was the only one going I figured why not ... I mean I felt so spoiled for choice. The next thing I needed was someone who could function in the sand. I also wanted to try sir larvitar out, and thus he became my physical sweeper. Already I noticed that water was going to be a problem for me. It's a sand team, so that's going to be one of my weakness. I simply searched 'water absorb' and voila here mantyke arrived. She provides much needed ground immunity, water immunity AND she's not half a bad Special sweeper either. Not only is she convenient, but I've always wanted to use Mantine competitively, so I guess I get second best. The choice of gligar came quite easily really. I knew that thus far I wasn't really abusing sand. The sand was just kind of there doing its thing. Now, Gligar gets the lovely sand veil ability, and provides more ground immunity for larvitar should things kick off. And provides more electric immunity for mantyke, should larvitar be down. So I kind of started to get the feel of finding things that can abuse the sand really well. And at this point I wanted to get the most out of the defensive gifties given by sand stream. Also, I wanted to rack up some more entry hazards to hurt things ... basically. I also wanted a Tspiker (and you'll see why very soon). Between Mantyke, Omanyte and Gligar, I have pretty nice defence For my last spot I wanted a few things. I wanted someone immune to fighting, so that narrowed it down quite considerable. I wanted someone speedy and powerful, that narrowed it down further. And well, hiowever I got to gastly I got there. He works much like his OU parent. Being scarfed he can revenge a lot of things, and with his attacks he has a lot of coverage. And provides a not-really-needed-but-nice-bonus in form of hypnosis. Looking a little ...but not much deeper Lead [HGSSSPRITE]449[/HGSSSPRITE] Popo (Hippopotas) (M) @ Oran Berry Ability: Sand Stream EVs: 212 HP/36 Atk/212 Def/36 SDef Careful nature (+Atk, -Def) - Stealth Rock - Roar - Earthquake - Slack Off/Rock slide/Protect Hippopotas... The only lead that can be in a sand team so, really, this lead is all but self explanatory. The given EV's give me a nice Atk stat of 14, it's not brilliant but it can hurt stuff for sure (OHKO dratini after sand + rocks in anycase). 26 HP 12 Spdef Means I am able to live a HP grass off of wingull, and roar it out next turn after the oran activation. Earthquake is standard stab, and roar hits the things that EQ can't. Rockslide is the move that SHOULD be used here, but with Hippopatas' nice bulk it can help in toxic stalling more phsycially enclined foe, protect does the same, however, it doesn't recover, but come sin handy against the fake out leads. --- Physical Sweeper [HGSSSPRITE]246[/HGSSSPRITE] Edgar (Larvitar) (M) @ Flame Orb Ability: Guts EVs: 36 HP/248 Atk/36 Def/188 Spd Adamant nature (+Atk, -SAtk) - Rock Slide - Earthquake - Crunch - Rock Polish Oh.. Wow. That's all that can be said here really. He's a demon, that's all there is to it. after one Rock polish he hits a very very acceptable speed of 26, backed by a monstrous 25 Attack. A fun thing I found out is Burn only deals 9% damage, whilst giving me a choice band effect... Aint that something . He also gets the lovely SpDef boost from the sand which always welcomed, and lets face it, he's not exactly frail to begin with. He is really the soul purpose of the team. As for the moves, Rock polish is necessary really. Ddance can do good, but a whole host of scarfers revenge him... which is never good. Eq and Rock slide, great coverage really. Rockslide is there over stone edge, as with more speed, there's more chance for a flinch. Also, better accuracy. Crunch, again is stab. However, Keeps Abra and Gastly at bay. --- Special Sweeper [HGSSSPRITE]458[/HGSSSPRITE] Capri (Mantyke) (F) @ Wise Glasses Ability: Water Absorb EVs: 76 HP/36 Def/196 Spd/200 SAtk Modest nature (+SAtk, -Atk) - Hydro Pump - Ice Beam - Hidden Power [Flying] - Agility MAntyke is really one of the Go to pokemon on the team when all else fails. She doen't mind getting slapped by an energy ball due to that astronomical Spdef, She has no qualms coming in on a fighting type attack, and seriously pwns stuff after taking a small dent. Wise Glasses was chosen over life orb simply because she is built to take some beating, and I didn't wanna tarnish her survivability by taking a chunk each turn. WiseGlasses works well enough so I have no complaints. After an agility she hits a lovely 26 Speed, and attacks off of a nice SpAtk of 16. Hp Flying is for things like croagunk and paras that think they can abuse Mantyke's Hydro pump for their own selfish needs, while Ice beam give nice coverage and hits dratini. Also, with the water absorb ability, she needn't worry about rocks, as sooner or later a water attack will be aimed at her. --- Sand Abusing Sub Passer ... Oh yes [HGSSSPRITE]207[/HGSSSPRITE] Bill (Gligar) (M) @ Brightpowder Ability: Sand Veil EVs: 156 HP/236 Def/76 Spd Impish nature (+Def, -SAtk) - Substitute - Earthquake - Roost - Baton Pass Gligar is the first sand abuser on the team with wonderful Sand Veil. Brightpowder just makes things even worse for the opponant, while substitute just ruins moar fun. In all seriousness though, this guy hurts; albeit not directly. Once Gligar is out he'll do one of two things depending on the circumstances, Toxic stall while rope-a-doping around the opponents failed attacks - should there be Tspikes out. And if they are not, then his main goal is to pass a sub to someone so they can set up ... Namely larvitar, but anyone will take the sub really... Because well ... It's a nice gift . Usually, people would run Toxic/Sand Attack or Rockslide here, but I figured my team needed help setting up their boosts, and Gligar provided just the way for that. Roost is for that lovely instant recovery and loss of flying type, as you all know and EQ is for Stab. --- Hazards [HGSSSPRITE]138[/HGSSSPRITE] Trilo (Omanyte) (M) @ Oran Berry Ability: Shell Armor EVs: 236 HP/36 Def/236 SDef Calm nature (+SDef, -Atk) - Spikes - Toxic Spikes - Surf - Protect Bulky as hell... Need I say more? Now, really in most case toxic spikes are what I want to get set up. as a lot of the team revolves around the stalling element. The team functions pretty much perfectly without Tspikes, it just gives me another avenue to play with if they are out. I put spikes in over SR, as SR should already be set up, if they're not set up then they will be. Surf is for stab, and protect is for scouting purposes, it's always easier to know what to do next when you know what someone would like to do. His favourite time to come out is when SOMETHING he isn't weak to gets launched, like an expected quick attack. He, can eat those up all day long, And basically just start spamming those hazards. --- Sleep Support/ Revenge Killer [HGSSSPRITE]092[/HGSSSPRITE] Lomax (Gastly) (M) @ Choice Scarf Ability: Levitate EVs: 104 HP/200 Spd/200 SAtk Modest nature (+SAtk, -Atk) - Hidden Power [Fighting] - Hypnosis - Thunderbolt - Shadow Ball Gastly. Gastly is .. Ghastly? Bleh. For a revenge killer he works really quite well. The EV spread is just a generic EV spread, 200 in Speed and Spatk get him to a nice 25 and 20, respectively. His many immunities ... All three of them do give him nice times to come in and hurt someone, realistically speaking, after SR a couple of Sand, anything can be killed by Gastly. People are one toxic away, or hasty CC away from getting hurt. Generally speaking he provides Lead support for the likes of Meowth and Aipom. The Storm breaks the sash, and Gastly can then do the rest. Similarly he can come in for larvitar/Omanyte when a fighting attack is launched and start punishing folk for getting in the way. Hypnosis Puts things to sleep that are otherwise problematic, and also aids in setting up. --- So there you have it... My first LC Team. Feel free to rate in which ever way you feel fit. I know there aren't many of you competitive folk out here, so probably far less LC players, but if you're out there come give me a rate . Thanks for taking the time to have a read/skim/scan/W/e
  23. Read the thread lol England, as far as I'm aware, uses the same codes as US. EDIT: if you are still using the trigger from the OP, it's been stated above to use select as the trigger, so that could be your problem. Try this before you try messing with the code.
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