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Everything posted by Tbird

  1. <p><p><p><p><p>I believe I just died of laughter <span style="color:#FFFFFF;">TROLOLOOL</span></p></p></p></p></p>

  2. 1 .... we were at 10 .... what the hell
  3. 7 ... Wraith I will spam :L's atchoo if you persist.
  4. Almost. With Pokégen instead of having to hand type all that junk you just use drop down boxes. E.g instead of setting the pokeball value to caught in 01, you literally open up the pokeball drop down box and click Masterball (or whatever). I'm probably not doing it justice... it is however a generally easier solution to all of your .PKM needs .
  5. Might be a silly question, but did you download the patch with the save fix?
  6. Your'e using the (J) ID part of the code - Second line - B2110DC0 00000000 If you're playing the Japanese game then that's fine if not, replace the second line with this B2111880 00000000. Pokesav doesn't have a (U) output for HG/SS, so whenever you generate codes via Pokesav, remember to fix the second line. Or... alternatively, As above, just use Pokégen
  7. Tbird

    Hello :3

    Welcome to the site, Kellz. If you're at all interested, take a look at the other various aspects of ROM/ Save editing via the same sub forum as the translation . It's kinda boring but interesting stuff, some people like that sort of thing, so yeah take a look. /ramble... Enjoy your stay, see you around.
  8. If you've got your save backed up on the computer you can use it. Here's how to do it if you haven't already.
  9. <p><p><p><p><p>Hi, Pokemaster. How's it going?</p></p></p></p></p>

  10. <p><p><p><p><p>Trolled...</p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p>... From afar.</p></p></p></p></p>

  11. I'm a luck guy all the way. I gamble a lot, I win and I lose. A dude falling and not dying just means someone somewhere else did fall and die. The thing is, the more miraculous a situation looks the more exposed to it we'll be. And why? Because stories like that give good ratings to the guys with camera/pen in hand covering it... If some dude falls down a well and dies; find his ass in the obituary - not the front page. And you can never rule out how we as humans have a need to see the magic occurring in the world. A magician's work means nothing if he's in a room of cynics. But I guess that's no real answer. Where I stand on it is that if there's a chance of something happening, that means it has to happen eventually. The chance of a guy being three inches away from death is remote - granted, but it had to happen at some point. But of course... statistics mean nothing to the individual. If I'm sat with a flush and a straight draw, with two high cards to the board on 4th street with 4:1 on a call, that means I have got 21 outs and I've got roughly 45%~ chance of winning the hand on the river and getting a lovely pay out at the same time. If some donkey beats me with 2/7 off suit, hitting a 2 on the river ( 7%) that doesn't mean some divine hand guided him... It simply means that he doesn't know how to play and the cards aren't going my way today. And I guess in life none of us know how to play the game... We just make do with the cards we're given and hope in the end we've done the right thing. I don't care for science nor religion. There's no denying that both bring a whole lot of good to the world. The holy bible might just be fiction, but one can never deny the power of fiction - hell look at the impact it has had on the world for the passed 2000 years or however long it's been around. They both bring people hope for something. One brings the ideal of a better life on earth while one boasts eternal paradise. I don't buy into either of them. With science, you learn something at the end of your school life, when you take it to college you have to relearn everything because the playing field has already changed in a matter of months. However, Science brings visible proof... to a degree. With the bible... Granted it's constant... It's the same as it always will be. But I can't take the word of a book written by man to explain something beyond man. Occasionally, though, that frame of mind breaks when you see something that you nor anyone else can explain - and then good old religion pops into your mind, and religion has a great way of covering its tracks and answering doubts. But I don't like that. I don't like things to be fool proof. To me it takes away from its validity. A police man will never buy into a perfect air-tight alibi, and I feel the same way about religion. At least science notices its fault and changes itself accordingly - but in saying that, that also means we shouldn't believe what they tell us at this point in time because a decade down the line, what we thought we knew will ultimately be made redundant. ... I digress . Luck is where my heart lies. But who knows, maybe someone is planning everything out for us. Maybe there's no reason behind anything and we can all live contently nihilisticly. But I guess we'll never know. And if we die and that's the end? We still won't know. So just sit back and enjoy whatever you're given or whatever you believe in. If it makes you happy -> do it. If it doesn't -> then stop .
  12. But can those TMs be passed down if it isn't a TM in the game they are breeding in? :S:S
  13. It SHOULD be checking PIDs . That's the thing that determines whether a pokemon is legal or not . There's bound to be a thread here explaining why, if you can find it read it . With regards to the dream world ability; set the pokemon as an egg and let it hatch; because dream world abilities can be passed on via breeding so that should fix it. Really, anything is viable from an egg so long as the PID works with it, so your best bet is to just set them as an egg. Anyway, try that and see if it works.
  14. My advice to start off with is read -%288-29-09-Update-Illithian%29"]This.
  15. The problem here (I think) is that the pokemon you have caught have their jap name due to that being their name in the save file, whereas the translation effects the ROM only. So what you have (in a sort of way) is the pokemon with nicknames; I imagine the name-rater guy, wherever he is, will fix that for you. Otherwise you're stuck with Jap + Eng names for the time being .
  16. Well 'just changing' the IVs is really a big thing. If you've not changed the PID to correspond with the IVs, ability nature gender etc etc, then the pokemon will be illegal. At this moment, I don't think there is any way to create a legal PID as we don't know how B/W creates the PIDs and what not. It may or may not be the same as D/Pt/HG/SS. However, if you're using pokesav once you create the IVs, there's a PID generate button or something similar (it's been a while since I've used it) so open that up, and find the corresponding algorithm to what it is that you want (it should say something like |Adamant|Male|Ability2|_Number_| Just chose the one that matches what you're looking for.)
  17. I'm having a bit of trouble patching . I get an error saying: "Xdelta3: not a VCDIFF input: XD3_INVALID_INPUT" What am I doing wrong ? EDIT: Is it something to do with the file type, because I just tested patching something else with a .xdelta file type and it worked fine, but with the .patch I get the error.
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