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Everything posted by Guested

  1. If anyone is still wondering about the date change, this is something that has been done pretty much every time, starting back way before Nigoli and I were managing the events here. Even when there was a special screening or when US cards were leaked early by retail employees, the WC hosted on the site here was always changed to the official starting date of the event, for the sake of consistency. For those wanting a specific date, it is totally possible to change the date of your pkm using Pokegen. For those wanting a WC of a specific date, that is almost pointless when the WCs are identical. The point of the Event Gallery and the Event Database before it was to give people the opportunity to obtain an event Pokemon for their personal use that they would not have normally been able to get. It is NOT for the purpose of trying to trick people into thinking that you have an ACTUAL event Pokemon from a special one-day screening of a movie before the official release. It is especially not for the purpose of trading it to people under the false pretense that it was obtained in person. But saying this isn't going to stop people from doing what they do, but we still won't accommodate such a trivial thing as the date. ESPECIALLY since the date is the most irrelevant point on a pkm. Since it is controlled by the date of the DS system it was received on, the date for any Pokemon can literally be ANYTHING within the clock range of the DS hardware. This isn't a rant, I'm not trying to put anyone down, and I'm not angry or upset about anything. This is something that really hasn't been fully spelled out in a while, so I thought it might be time to lay it all out again. So there ya go. ANYWAYS, Event Collection zip update coming tonight, finally. Edit: I guess I should say that the recent inclusion of the US Larvitar and the UK Victini were both exceptions to this. There was a lot of discussion about whether to include these cards, and we decided to provide secondary download links on the Gallery entries simply because the distributions were SO far apart and marketed for different regions.
  2. Gonna fix this thread title.... B/W2 looks like: Pokemon Black and Pokemon White 2
  3. You should not consider any kind of hacking for official tournaments, as a rule of thumb. Please read announcements, we will not advise on this topic.
  4. Another menu, like the dex?
  5. http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?15282-Gen-V-Event-Collection-and-Contribution-Thread&p=149192&viewfull=1#post149192 Larvitar happened.
  6. Yeah, it's been determined that this Volcarona is identical (PID, IVs, Nature) to the one that kirov uploaded to Pokecheck a while back. Your friend was trying to dupe you, it seems, and THAT is probably why he wouldn't let you extract the pgf. I've updated the Gallery to include links for the new Larvitar WC (GunblazeGriffin) and the second Victini distribution (Kaphotics). These WCs are IDENTICAL to the previous distributions except for the date received, so I've added an extra line to the entries for those that really want a specific version. I'll be adding these to the collection zip this week, along with making some other updates to the Gallery (as well as some error fixes pointed out by Lady Ariel that I have not had a chance to get to). Here are some quick download links: English Gen V Event Gallery .pgf"]US Nationals Larvitar .pgf"]UK Movie Victini
  7. If you need money, you could always add a bunch of Nuggets to your bag, then sell them.
  8. Guested

    Battle Box

    Being able to edit that is just asking for trouble. I personally believe that this should never be something that should be open to edit.
  9. All of the areas have had Gen V Pokemon added to them, but ONLY for the DW for B2W2 games. So it might be a good idea to clarify those when adding them to the list.
  10. That's why there's a way to report bugs. Also, that's why Pokegen automatically makes backups of your save file every time you save.
  11. That should be how... I wonder if you have to have actually have it sent from the 3DS Dream Radar for it to activate that interaction and allow the mirror to work.
  12. I suspect that is the case, but I cant confirm it one way or the other yet. I'll look into it.
  13. I'm not sure, I don't have the mirror yet. I was under the impression that even the ones from BW could change form. Did you get the item for real? Or add it into your game with pokegen?
  14. Okay, I managed to get Landorus tonight! The Event Gallery page for Dream Radar will get done next week, but in the meantime you can grab some pkm files for the Therian Formes as I've already gotten those three ready to go.
  15. I'm planning on getting up a Gallery page for the Dream Radar, similar to what has been done for Dream World Events. I won't be able to get to it until next week... BUT... In the meantime, here are a few Dream Radar pkm that you might be interested in. .pkm"]Therian Forme Tornadus .pkm"]Therian Forme Thundurus .pkm"]Therian Forme Landorus I'll also be updating the Event Collection zip next week to include Keldeo, but you are still able to downlaod it here.
  16. The process is extremely similar to Dream World, so they will be pkm files.
  17. I should have Landlos tonight. Also, it seems that after you've gotten Landlos, if you put Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, HeartGold, or SoulSilver into your 3DS while you play, you can catch Dialga, Palkia, Giratina, Ho-oh, and Lugia. I'll check this out tonight as well. I've also found a way to use my sav to get a new set of the Dream Radar pokemon, similar to what was done for the Dream World Event Gallery, so I should be able to upload those tonight as well.
  18. Not yet. I got Thundurus this morning, though.
  19. There's no visible place where the Pokemon wait for you, but you have the right idea. After "Sending" the data from the 3DS side, the Pokemon and Items wait in a kind of limbo place in the DS cartridge until you go to the Unova Link -> Nintendo 3DS Link, at which point they get sent straight into your box/bag.
  20. That's why the 2s are in parenthesis.
  21. The problem isn't needing a new OT, I've got that. The problem is getting a second set of the pkm that aren't the ones from my personal collection. But I'm working on it. At the very least, once I've captured all three for myself, I can restart my save for the Dream Radar, and I THINK that'll let me catch them all again.
  22. I'd like to, but not from my personal collection. If I can figure out a way to get a second game going with a "PPorg" OT, or even just a way to re-roll the stats of the ones from my game (if people wanted even that), then I will. The thing is, this falls more under the category of PokeWalker or normal Dream World Pokemon, rather than being like Dream World events. However, one could ALSO argue that this is similar to My Pokemon Ranch, of which we have an entire collection. So... we'll see?
  23. Well, if you are using only Pokegen for all of this, it wasn't designed to be able to do what you want to do, nor do I even think it is capable. Since you are doing this on a Gen IV game, you may want to try using Grovyle's Mystery Gift Editor program which you can find with a quick search of this forum.
  24. You shouldn't be able to edit anything after putting the .pcd file into your save.
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