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Everything posted by Guested

  1. I forgot to post this earlier, but I collected three sets of stickers a while ago. I'll be going to pick these up very soon. Edit: Japanese Gen V Event Gallery Picked them up, more photos: Out of my three eggs, I unfortunately got Bulbasaur and 2 Squirtle. The WC IDs are the same, so this pretty much confirms that you can receive a WC multiple times via IR. Bulbasaur's Defense IV is set to 31, and Squirtle's HP IV is set to 31. I'll try getting a new batch of stickers and try my luck for Charmander.
  2. We just haven't gotten to that yet. Cause there's a lot of them, and it's tedious.
  3. Yeah, I've seen that on a blog recently, but first time seeing the WC image on the left. The blogger is Korean but also collects Japanese events on his Japanese game. He had a picture of the Japanese WC that was on a Japanese game, but had the English title of "Soar to Victory!" And this image you have posted seems to show that same English title on the WC and distro text (bottom screen) but the WC description (which is set by the game data, not actual text) is in Korean, like the Japanese one was in Japanese. SO... The running theory right now is: Japanese and Korean games were able to get the WC, but it was just a copy of the English WC (Pokemon nickname and world region is set by the game, but WC is English). AND European language games each had their own title for their version of the WC. We've seen this in the German one that has been contributed, and reported at filb.de.
  4. Alright, got the Korean Pikachu and the second round of Korean Dragons added into the Gallery: Korean Gen V Event Gallery (Collection zip update will be coming after the EU Keldeos get sorted out.... ie whether ID/OT is the same as US, etc)
  5. Thanks for double confirmation there. As for the flashcarts, I don't know about the DSTwo, but I know many other models have changed designs here and there and some have the micro SD slot on the side, and some have it on the top. Some are easy to hide, some are not. But it's really all moot. It's not any business of the staff how you are playing your game. They shouldn't be withholding the event from anyone for that reason or only giving it to people who reserve b2w2... But unfortunately some stores are... Oh well! Can't really be helped. I'll add the new batch of Korean submissions tonight when I get home from work. Thanks!
  6. Another additional minor/major update: This recent Spanish Zoroark discussion got the attention of one of my lurker friends who actually had one. It turns out ALL of the EU events are distributed in each language, so it wasn't as hard to get as we had thought... just most people didn't know at the time. As for details on the entries in the Gallery, I believe I will continue just noting the dates and locations for the events' home country or ones that are in a middle-ground like Greece. At some point in the future, I may add a short blurb such as "It was also distributed at other European events" or something. Unforunately, the ones contributed by jaysontm that he got from a friend did not match up with this one, so please do not use those Wonder Cards. The real deal is now available here, finally: Spanish Gen V Event Gallery .pgf"]Spanish Summer Snarl Zoroark
  7. Okay, got the Gallery updates done. German Gen V Event Gallery (Keldeo and Worlds Pikachu) French Gen V Event Gallery (Keldeo) Italian Gen V Event Gallery (Keldeo) Spanish Gen V Event Gallery (Keldeo) As for right now, the dates and descriptions in the entries only refer to the US/Canada distribution. I'll wait until the EU distributions begin. If the OT/ID combo is the same, I'll update these entries. If not, then I'll make new entries for the EU versions. I'll also modify them if it turns out that Canada is only doing English and French, not the other languages (it would be great if someone could confirm this). SO, those planning on grabbing the EU Keldeo, please continue planning to do so! Thanks!
  8. Thanks for catching that. It's fixed now.
  9. That's pretty ballsy of her. I've never heard of staff being so pro-active against that. It's not really their business how you play your games as backups are still technically legal in the US. You may not need a better camera, you're just putting your cell phone (it is a cell phone?) camera too close. The resolution seems high enough that it'd be legible even at a further distance.. it's just having trouble focusing on something so close. I'll just put them on the first date of the US/Canada distribution since it is official. Also, are these from a Canadian EB Games? Or a US Gamestop? I heard rumors that while US was getting all languages, Canada would only English and French (which seemed silly, but possible). And you ARE from Canada, right? So let me know if you got this at EB, or drove across the border, just so I can clarify the details. Thanks! And thanks to Mahrla for contributing ANOTHER German VGC event! I'll work on getting this added to the Gallery this morning. Edit: I'd also like to advise people to be very wary of that recently contributed Spanish Zoroark until we can get some more clear details about it. The contributor seems to have added in the missing punctuation mark after we asked about it, but hasn't responded regarding that. At this point, the correct WC title text hasn't even been confirmed, so an edited card is hardly ideal, since it may very well still be incorrect.
  10. If you can get it, please do. Confirmation never hurts. Especially if people end up not being able to get the German ones, or checking other langauges at German events. On another note: We've had all the languages contributed from the multi-language American distribution... BUT, I'd still like people to try and grab these in Europe, just in case the ID number (which usually reflects the start date) is different than America's of 08272.
  11. It can be done, but it won't work that way. The in-game event won't be activated unless you actually get the Ticket as a mystery gift delivery. Also, Pokesav isn't supported anymore. This site hosts and supports Pokegen. The only way you're going to get a working Ticket on your game is to use the pgf file from our Event Database and insert it into your sav file with Pokegen, or with an AR code (which you can also use Pokegen to generate).
  12. Did you just edit in that "¡" ? We don't need edited or created Wonder Cards, we'd like the original so that the correct information is verified. And I don't understand what you mean about your friend receiving it from an emulator, but that doesn't make it sound real. And please upload files as post attachments, not external download links.
  13. Okay, that makes more sense than the Darkrai. But.... are you sure about this? We've seen this WC title before, and the Spanish grammar/punctuation isn't so great. Before, it was generally believed that this WC was not the real thing. Does your friend have any proof of attending the event?
  14. That's very odd that a flashcart didn't work. Especially if other wireless functions usually work with that flashcart. Anyway, thanks for grabbing it and it's up in the Gallery now. Hopefully someone will be able to grab the other languages today! And this is a Canadian version, right? I would also like to check this against any US versions, but I would assume they'd be identical as they have been recently, but sometimes there are text differences. I'd also like to know if all languages were distributed in Canada as well as the US, or if it was just the US. English Gen V Event Gallery Page .pgf"]English Keldeo WC Download
  15. I actually didn't know filb reported on this. My post was mostly just meant to let people know/remind people so that all the bases were covered.
  16. There's a rumor about that this time the US distribution will also have the other European languages on the distribution carts. If you are able to go to a Gamestop today to get this Keldeo, please bring along any/all games of the EU languages (Spanish, Italian, French, German) to see whether or not this is true. And of course, we'd like to add those WCs to the Gallery. THANKS!
  17. As I understood it, the goal with our translation patch, as well as the one for our previous Black and White translation patch was just to translate the menus and functions of the game in order to make it playable.... not the story. From what I've heard, that's pretty much done. We merged with Pokestation because they planned on translating the story more, and wanted to include our more accurate menu/etc translations.
  18. We have one. It will not be publicly hosted by PPorg until the event ends, as it is requires a purchase.
  19. Oh yeah, thanks. I decided to change the order I wanted to say those, but forgot to remove that first "not." Should be fine now.
  20. I'm pretty sure the parenthesis indicate either/or.
  21. http://projectpokemon.org/forums/announcement.php?f=83 Also, read forum announcements.
  22. Hopefully you (or anyone else who goes to Pokemon Day) can bring along the other European language games (Italian, Spanish, French, English) to see if it is also distributed in those languages and collect the WCs for the Gallery, etc.
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