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Everything posted by Guested

  1. ReignOfComputer attended the Pika Pika Carnival event in Singapore today and grabbed both WCs for us! The Collection has been updated, and you can find both WCs in the Event Gallery. 5-11-2012 Collection archive updated Added: Pika Pika Carnival Pikachu ENG Pika Pika Carnival Pikachu JPN (Grouped with Strongest Pikachu, a bit down the list)
  2. It SHOULD be wireless. Do you have a flashcart?
  3. The facebook page for Maxsoft, an electronics distributor in South East Asia has posted this blurb for a Pikachu distribution at an Isetan department store in Singapore, during the "Pika Pika Carnival." The event runs from May 11th to the 20th. Interestingly, it will be obtainable on Japanese games AS WELL as English games. It appears to be a repeat of the Strongest Pikachu event, based on the moveset and hold item. https://www.facebook.com/maxsoftonline
  4. Okay, lots of new events to add to the collection with this update. The English Wi-Fi Dark Explorer Darkrai is live, as you see, and that's been added to the collection and Gallery, along with the recent Powerful Tag Pokemon (Ninetales and Chandelure) from Japanese Pokemon Centers, another set of the third Kyushu Super-Powerful distribution, and the WC from when the Master Ball was re-distributed at the Tohoku Pokemon Center after its opening. The Events in the Gallery are grouped by similar event, so the Darkrai won't appear at the top of the page, but rather down with the previous Swiss version of the event. (You can always CTRL+F on the Gallery pages to search for the specific event you want... sorry there's no fancy navigation) 5-9-2012 Collection archive updated Added: English Dark Explorer Darkrai Japanese Powerful Tag Pokemon - Ninetales and Chandelure Kyushu Super-Powerful Metagross/Gardevoir/Salamence (Kokura) Japanese Tohoku Master Ball
  5. Read this. Also, downloaded/imported/whatever-you-want-to-call-it does not equal legit.
  6. It seems Chandelure having its SpA set to 31 is correct, but the Ninetales might not be correct. It looks like Ninetales should have its Def set to 31. Still waiting on another report for confirmation.
  7. If nothing gets sorted out right away, I'll be able to attend this event on Sunday, so we'll at least know for sure by then.
  8. It's possible that the files are bad, but it's also possible that these "competitive" pokemon, distributed with a very specific (very strong) strategy could have been distributed with set IVs at 0 in order to prevent a wide spread of powerful pokemon. We're looking into it.
  9. Actually, official information refers to the games each as a "2." Not "Black and White 2" but "Black 2" and "White 2." FYI.
  10. The only moves that can be relearned by the Move Relearner, are the ones that appear in the level up list. http://veekun.com/dex/pokemon/lugia
  11. The Pokemon Global link will be down on June 5th to accommodate a renovation for B2W2. It will include new pokemon for the Dream Isles, new decorations, as well as new areas that are easier to access/progress depending on Pokemon type. The limit set before accessing the DW again will be reduced from 24 hours to 20 hours. A new Report feature will be added that will keep track of your GBU and tournament rankings as well as your GTS trade history (a new GTS site will also be launched). There are also special promotions planned for users who register a BW game as well as a B2W2 game, a B2W2 Tournament, C-Gear skins, etc, as well as the start of Season 6 of the GBU. The news report also includes a warning that the update days will also be included in the rule for 100 consecutive days without play (if you don't play DW for over 100 days, your berries will be reduced to one, and turned into Dream Points, evidently). http://ja.pokemon-gl.com/renewal2012/
  12. Okay, the Wi-Fi Mewtwo events are running. Nigoli got them up in the Gallery pretty quickly, and I've now added them to the Collection zip, so you can get them at either place. 5-1-2012 Collection archive updated Added: German Mighty Mewtwo Italian Mighty Mewtwo Spanish Mighty Mewtwo
  13. They actually haven't said whether or not it's a separate program. The old version will be removed from the eShop, but not from the systems of people who have already downloaded it.
  14. I'd take that information from 4gamer with a grain of salt. While it's logical that the information shown could be correct, other news sites (famitsu, for example) have reported incorrect event information before. Edit: The details have reportedly come from a press release, but whether or not the screenshot was a part of the press release or made by 4gamer is unknown. At any rate, I can attend this event so we will find out the definite details first-hand.
  15. The collection zip has been updated to include all of the recent Kyushu event pokemon that have been rounded up, along with a new batch of pokemon from the Nagasaki station, and the Pokemon Center Fukuoka Kyogre. These contributions have come from a few different sources, so if you have information about these events that conflicts, please report it. But everything so far checks out with the information I have. 4-28-2012 Collection archive updated Added: Fukuoka Kyogre Kyushu Super-Powerful Milotic/Ludicolo/Walrein (Nagasaki, Sasebo, Saga, Miyazaki, Kokura) Kyushu Super-Powerful Sceptile/Blaziken/Swampert (Nagasaki) Kyushu Super-Powerful Metagross/Gardevoir/Salamence (Miyazaki, Nagasaki) Also, while not DIRECTLY related to the Event Collection zip... In Gallery news, the Japanese DW Porygon promotion has now ended. Since this was an event that required a purchase and the use of a one-time use serial number, it wasn't posted in our Gallery until after the event ended. A pkm file of this Porygon is now available in the Japanese Dream World Event Gallery.
  16. If anyone is wondering about the circular thing on the page, it's a type-grid for super-effectiveness. If you trade one of these Pokemon to B2W2 and show it to the staff at the Centers between June 23 and July 16, you'll get this thing as a present. I've also added some entries for these Pokemon in the Gallery. http://projectpokemon.org/events/jp-V.php
  17. Nice work, this is very well organized. I'm sure this could be very useful to many people. I'm going to move this to the Black and White forum and sticky it.
  18. Well, doing this would be useful, as we have absolutely no information about your situation.
  19. Read our rules and don't hack to play on wi-fi.
  20. So basically... their version of Nationals, yeah? County is so small, I guess they don't need more levels like Regionals, etc. Wonder why they're skipping out on Larvitar, and I wonder if this is just NOK going off on their own with this Volcarona, or if this will be distributed in Hawaii as well? How weird...
  21. Can you... read all the Korean stuff? Or are you just looking at the logo with "World Championships" on it? Cause I can't read Korean. It's possible they're just using a different logo system than other regions and it's the National-level competition of the World Championship series... which would make most sense, since we know the World Championships are in Hawaii this year.
  22. Yes, we were aware of this before posting the Wonder Card. If a move is not specified on a Wonder Card, the game automatically fills it in with what a Pokemon at that level should know (in the case of a level 50 Metagross, it is Hammer Arm). The re-ordering comes from the game putting the moves in their numerical order.

    <p><p><p><p><p><p>My availability is different than most people's because of a big timezone difference, but if it can work out, then ok.</p></p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p><p>If it's on Pokemon Online, then no.</p></p></p></p></p></p>


  24. That's the order the moves were announced and the order they appear in the wonder card. The game re-orders them based on move number. I may or may not change this.
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