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Everything posted by Guested

  1. Forgot to mention that I had picked one up for the Gallery. I will be adding it, but not until the event ends as it is a purchase-required serial number event.
  2. 8-19-2012 Collection archive updated Added: Plasma Gensect Worlds Flying Pikachu (English) German Strongest Pikachu English Strongest Pikachu Spanish Strongest Pikachu
  3. Wow, thanks for the thorough contribution! I've added the German, English, and Spanish Wonder Cards to the Event Gallery here: German Gen V Event Gallery English Gen V Event Gallery Spanish Gen V Event Gallery The Italian and French cards were identical to the previous distributions in Italy and France (apart from date), but I updated the entries to include the German distribution dates as well. I'm very interested in seeing some photos, and I'm sure other users are as well, so when you have time...! And other EU users (or whoever), keep your ears open for any further distributions of this Pikachu happening in Spain, the UK, or any other countries. Thanks!
  4. Thanks very much, nick15, for translating all of those details! That's some impressive work! The website, and all the details that nick15 provided say October 4th, not 6th. This is a good example of bulbapedia not always being a super-reliable source. Not that this site is without mistakes, but bulbapedia tends to make quite a few more in their news reporting. On a related note, a lot of the users who update bulbapedia's event info just get a lot of that info from this site. You do know that this event has happened once before already, in Japan, right? But with the difference being that they were eggs in the Japan event. With six chances to get six pokemon, there are going to be a total of 36 Wonder Cards for this event. It's very likely that the only difference of the WCs of the same pokemon over the six weeks will be the WC ID, though. For those who want to help contribute Wonder Cards for the Gallery, it's possible to grab more than one WC per week on a single game if you have access to a means of managing your sav files (Such as: USB save file manager for retail carts, ROM backup on a flashcart, or emulator that is set up to access the wifi connection) Here's what you can do: Make a backup of your sav file before getting any WCs Download a Wonder Card from the Wifi Connection Extract that sav file and store it somewhere Restore original sav file with no WCs into your game Download another Wonder Card from the Wifi Connection Rinse, Repeat, until you have all six for the week A big thanks ahead of time to anyone willing to help out with the legwork in obtaining these all for the Gallery and collection! And thanks again to nick15 for all the details.
  5. Gen V English Gallery page .pgf"]Worlds Flying Pikachu Download link Thanks, OmegaDonut! I've added an entry for the English Pikachu to the Gallery, and I'll add it (along with Genesect) to the collection zip in the next couple days or so. Filb.de has reported on this event distribution and shown that the German language version had its own WC title and distribution text in German, so this means that unlike last year's Scrafty, there is a WC for each of the six langauges. I believe that the OT would be the same for all languages, so if you have info on this, please help us confirm it. Also, if you or anyone you know attended Worlds and has any of the different languages' WCs, we can add them to the Gallery as well.
  6. Another Pokemon will be distributed at Pokemon Centers in Japan with a theme of being powerful Pokemon for Single Battle use. The Pokemon is/are level 100 and will be distributed from September 15 to October 28 to Black 2 and White 2 games only. The Pokemon is not yet announced, and it may be one Pokemon, or it may be two as they did for the Tag Battle event previously. http://www.pokemon.co.jp/info/2012/08/120817_p01.html?bs001=news Edit: Just caught that the thing says a Pokemon will be randomly distributed, so it looks like more than one will be available, and you can't choose which you get. (Sept 13) Edit: Corocoro leak has pre-empted the official site update. It'll be five Pokemon distributed randomly: Metagross, Dragonite, Scizor, Garchomp, Tyranitar. I'll be picking them up this Saturday when the event begins. Another edit: http://www.pokemon.co.jp/info/2012/08/120817_p01.html Official site update, pokemon will be at level 100 and there will be seven distribution periods (you can get one of the five pokemon during each period, randomly).
  7. Then why did you post this in the Pokegen forum? (moved)
  8. Deleted some posts here. Sorry, I thought I made it clear that we don't need Dream World contributions in this thread for the Gallery, because I can get those myself. Furthermore, this submitted Gothorita was the same hack that showed up on Pokecheck recently. And it was hacked poorly. The book with the serial number has not yet gone on sale, the IVs were unbelievable, and the moveset was wrong. There is a thread where people contribute their Dream World pokemon, but DO NOT contribute hacks please. ONLY submit DW Pokemon you have obtained yourself. Thanks.
  9. http://www.pokemon.com/us/pokemon-news/vg_new_mythical_pokemon-2012-08-06/
  10. And look at the IVs... and moveset.
  11. Pikachu [ 2012 Worlds C-Gear ] .cgb"]Download C-Gear Gallery This is the BW version, available only to US, EU, and AUS accounts. The Japanese version coming later this month will be only for B2W2.
  12. Oh yeah, I guess the "live" date on the PGL is the 7th, but since the books don't go on sale till the 11th... still can't get it.
  13. http://projectpokemon.org/events/jp-dw.php Details posted here, btw.
  14. I've never included the DW events on the list for this thread. I am able to obtain all of the DW events myself, so I use the pkm I obtain with the PPorg OT for the DW Gallery page. However, for this specific event: It hasn't gone live yet. It begins on August 11th. Pretty sure it is Male only. I will be obtaining one of these for the DW Gallery page, however since it is an event that uses a single-use serial number and therefore requires a purchase, I won't be uploading the pkm file until the event ends. I plan on making a basic entry for the event today, then updating it to include the details of the pkm when I get it.... but there won't be a download available until the event ends. The B2W2 DW Pikachu event will be posted as soon as that event goes live, however. Edit: Details for both posted here: http://projectpokemon.org/events/jp-dw.php
  15. We suspect that the in-game event must be activated by actually transferring something from the Dream Radar to your game.
  16. Start your game, load your save file, press the buttons. If you are already in the Pokemon Center, leave and re-enter. If you aren't in a Pokemon Center, enter one. He should be there.
  17. I added the link to the UK site, as well as the individual dates that have been announced so far. UK's will start on September 1st, and Germany's will start on September 8th. The rest currently just say "September."
  18. Uh, the Gallery here also states pretty clearly which games are valid for each WC. There's no need to use that awful bulbapedia site. Ours are already categorized by language, not geographic location, which is more clear for what you want anyway.
  19. Overdue update here. I've also re-compiled the upcoming events list in the first post, so take a look because there are a LOT coming up that could be contributed! Also, if you're able to attend any of the German events coming up, please bring other EU languages of the games along to see if if will be distributed to any other languages other than German. Thanks! 8-5-2012 Collection archive updated Added: Japanese Singing Piplup Italian Strongest Pikachu
  20. Can anyone clarify whether this starts on the 16th or is ONLY on the 16th?
  21. There's a new code to get Special Parts C: X Y L R ← → Y X And it lets you catch a Tinted Lens Hoothoot. I've added one to the Dream Radar Gallery page, and here's a .pkm"]direct download link.
  22. Technically, it's because the event ends the day before B2W2 goes on sale. Why they chose to do that, though, is probably do to trying to drive game pre-orders. With this event, they give Pokemon fans a reason to come into the store, then say "Well, while you're here, why not reserve B2W2?" Demographic-specific marketing. They're targeting people who own BW because they are extremely likely to want B2W2. And Gamestop WANTS pre-orders cause they evidently can't stay in business simply selling games and must always push pre-orders and membership cards/magazines.
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