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Everything posted by Guested

  1. But the world championships aren't in Korea. Isn't this their Nationals? And I guess they don't like Larvitar...
  2. The trailer refers to the map/region as being frozen. I think it would make sense if that was the way they stop your progress until certain parts of the story.
  3. Have you tried the ones in the Gallery here? http://projectpokemon.org/events/es-IV.php
  4. On June 23rd, Pokemon B2W2 AR Searcher will be made available for download for 3DS for 300 yen. It features games to play with Augmented Reality, and you can send the Pokemon you catch to your B2W2 game. Sounds pretty awesome. Also, the 3D Pokedex will get a National Dex (PRO) update in July, for 1500yen.
  5. If I remember correctly, Ribbons aren't displayed until a certain point in the game. The Contests, perhaps.
  6. It's an event, but it's not quite an official event.
  7. Thanks to marcos9191 for contributing the Spanish Larvitar! It has been added to the Gallery and the collection zip. 4-14-2012 Collection archive updated Added: Spanish VGC Nationals Shiny Larvitar
  8. The official site was updated today to reveal info on the final station distributions. The three pokemon are: Metagross, Salamence, and Gardevoir. Salamence knows: Dragon Dance (egg), Dragon Claw (higher level), Outrage (pre-Gen V or DW), Aerial Ace ™. Gardevoir knows: Hypnosis (higher level), Thunderbolt ™, Focus Blast ™, and Psychic. Information regarding Kyogre's moveset was also updated. Kyogre knows: Ice Beam, Ancient Power, Water Spout, and Thunder ™. Gallery entries have been updated here: http://projectpokemon.org/events/jp-V.php
  9. http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?21038-BW-Event-Massive-Hoenn-Kyushu-Event There's already a thread for this event, and some of your information is incorrect. Not sure where you are getting it.
  10. You can't create a new sav, you can only edit existing savs. But if that is an existing sav, then all you have to do is sav it and go pick up your Pokemon. AR codes are generated with an AR code menu, I think.
  11. Using Pokegen is the best way to go. Using the Mystery Gift function adds the pcd or pgf files to your "album" and activates the event pick-up in game.
  12. Weird, not sure how I managed that one. Anyway, it's fixed.
  13. The information ScientificPikachu added to his post above comes from this month's issue of Corocoro. The games also now have a confirmed release date of June 23rd with a retail price of 4800 yen. Magazine scans: (hotlinked from serebii.net cause I'm lazy)
  14. Thanks to lugialucario for contributing this missing event! (and Djidane for extraction support) I've added it to the Gallery and collection zip (and replaced the buggy Oak's Letter pgt files in the collection zip) 4-11-2012 Collection archive updated Added: French VGC Shiny Eevee Replaced: Buggy Oak's Letter pgt files (all languages)
  15. The new Wi-Fi Victini events have been added to the Gallery and collection zip. Sorry for the delay in getting these up, but thanks to Nintendo1252 and MisterT for getting them up in here right away! 4-11-2012 Collection archive updated Added: German Wi-Fi Movie Victini Italian Wi-Fi Movie Victini Spanish Wi-Fi Movie Victini
  16. http://www.nagashima-onsen.co.jp/data/pokemon/privilege/index.html From April 28 to May 6, players who participate in the new Searcher BW event at Nagashima Spa Land (in Japan) will get a Piplup for their BW game. It's at level 15, is in a Cherish Ball, and has an Event Ribbon. Its moveset is: Featherdance (egg move), Water Sport, Peck, and Hydro Pump (which it normally does not learn until level 43). The OT will be サーチャー More details as they are revealed. http://projectpokemon.org/events/jp-V.php
  17. http://projectpokemon.org/forums/announcement.php?f=83
  18. The two recent events have been added to the Gallery and collection zip! 3-27-2012 Collection archive updated Added: Strongest Pikachu French Mewtwo
  19. Nobody really needed help with this, since Pokgen was released.
  20. http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?6424-Download-link-and-information Thorough, but old news, and not really needed anymore...
  21. Sure. Pretty simple. projectpokemon.org (this site) pokecheck.org www.pokegts.us
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