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Everything posted by Guested

  1. Well, there are now codes to unlock additional Pokemon for Dream Radar. Here's my post from the event contribution thread:
  2. This isn't an update to the collection (yet), but I've added a couple more Pokemon to the Dream Radar Gallery page. It was revealed on Pokemon Smash this week that you could use command codes on the menu of Dream Radar to enable special parts to catch additional Pokemon. Two codes were revealed, so Light Metal Beldum and Regenerator Slowpoke are available. Supposedly there are more codes on the way. Still working on getting the normal Dream Radar Pokemon added to the Gallery, but I'm still missing a Togepi. I might just add the ones I have so far and add Togepi once I get it. Depends on how much energy and ambition I have this week.
  3. Unfortunately, I believe .phl files contain the data for an entire area of the High Link forest, not just one Pokemon. It'd be better to create something original for High Link support.... probably wouldn't even need files, considering how basic it all is.
  4. Are you able to read any of the details such as where, specifically, it will be distributed?
  5. Djidane's Pikachu has been added to the Gallery and is available here: http://projectpokemon.org/events/fr-V.php I'll update the collection soon, as well. Edit: Updated 7-7-2012 Collection archive updated Added: French Strongest Pikachu
  6. Thanks, Djidane! I'll add it to the Gallery soon! Question for Gallery details: Did the event begin on the 5th, or the 4th?
  7. While it was recently confirmed that the Pokemon event at the Japan Expo in France was a French version of the Japanese Strongest Pikachu (also recently distributed in English and Japanese in Singapore), we now know that Italy will also be getting a version of this Pikachu at this year's Pokemon Day event. http://www.nintendo.it/NOE/it_IT/news/2011/migliaia_di_partecipanti_attesi_tantissimi_pokemon_e_grandi_sfide_un_pokemon_day_nero_e_bianco_50184.html The event will take place at Mirabilandia on July 14 and 15. Keep your eyes and ears open for any reports of a Spanish version...
  8. Thanks for the details. Are you able to extract your pgf file from your game? I think/hope Djidane attended as well.
  9. Yeah, that's it. Good man! Let us know, cause I'm thinking about upgrading to the SMS4... and MAYBE to Windows 8....
  10. It works for me, but there's a better USB device mentioned in the thread about this stuff. Can't recall what it's called off-hand.
  11. A couple tried before with the one I uploaded and said it didn't work on their game. I'm not sure if they missed a step somewhere, or if there's something special to activate it, like you have to connect your game to Dream Radar itself to "unlock" it or something.... I'm not far enough to try it either way.
  12. Can it even change its form outside of battle? Or does the form change remain after that move is used in battle?
  13. The Japanese Pokémon Dream Radar is now up! http://projectpokemon.org/events/jp-dr.php I plan on expanding this page to include the full set of regular Pokemon as well.
  14. There's a new Gallery page open! Japanese Dream Radar Right now, the page only has the Therian Trio and the Pokemon from using the Generation IV link, but I plan on expanding it to include the normal Pokemon once I've caught a complete set (I'm about two or three away). Also, there may not be any navigation links to this page on the left right away, so this may be the only way to get there for a short time.
  15. You're better off using Pokegen. I'm not sure how no$gba handles sav files, since I generally use desmume. But you want to make sure there isn't more than one sav file for your game in your emulator's folder. You also want to make sure that the .sav file name is exactly the same as your .nds filename (except for the .sav and .nds extensions, of course).
  16. Guested


    Thanks very much for helping with the Japanese translation! I am studying Japanese, but I don't often use programs in Japanese, so I wasn't sure on many of the technical words.
  17. I think it should be okay. If it looks like it messed something up, just don't save.
  18. You could try using Pokegen to generate a code for yourself. It might be easier to get it into your AR that way.
  19. As people have started to play through the games now, let's use this thread to discuss your impressions of Black 2 and White 2. How does it compare to Black and White? How does it compare to second games of previous generations? What do you think about the new Unova Dex? What do you think about the new move tutors, the Pokemon World Tournament, or the numerous newly available Hidden Abilities? However, please try to post something more detailed than a single-sentence post. Please keep the conversation civil. Let others state their opinions.
  20. With the game's official release, you can now direct all of your small questions/game help related questions here. All Project Pokemon forum rules apply. Please do not ask for cheat or hacking assistance here. Take that to the appropriate Game Mechanics and Research forum.
  21. Thanks for pointing these out. I finally got around to fixing them.
  22. 7-2-2012 Collection archive updated Added: Movie 2012 Keldeo Movie 2012 Meloetta US VGC Nationals Shiny Larvitar UK Wi-Fi Victini More updates coming to the Gallery this week.
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