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Everything posted by Guested

  1. OH great! It wouldn't hurt to try English and French, too, if possible. Thanks!
  2. Details regarding this year's Pokemon Day tour in Germany have been announced. http://www.nintendo.de/NOE/de_DE/news/events/event_page_default_52365_52365.html Date - Location 18.08.2012 - Bottrop, Movie Park Germany - großer Tourauftakt 01.09.2012 - Berlin, Hallen am Borsigturm 02.09.2012 - Dresden, McDonald's 08.09.2012 - München, Riem Arcaden 09.09.2012 - Nürnberg, McDonald's 15.09.2012 - Hamburg, McDonald's 16.09.2012 - Hannover, McDonald's 22.09.2012 - Frankfurt, McDonald's 23.09.2012 - Stuttgart, McDonald's 29.09.2012 - Oberhausen, CentrO - Tourfinale The Strongest Pikachu will be distributed at this event as well, so hopefully one of our users in Germany (I know we have a few) can grab this one. If you have access to any other game languages (other than German), please try to get Wonder Cards on those games as well, as it may be distributed in more than just German. Thanks!
  3. You should probably do some things like: Tell us what game you're trying to do this on. Upload a pkm file and show us the code you are trying to use. Can't really help you, otherwise.
  4. http://projectpokemon.org/forums/announcement.php?f=83 Hacked pokemon should not be used for Random Matches. You really should only use hacked pokemon for in-game battling or with friends who are okay with you using hacks.
  5. Try this program. http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?6424-Download-link-and-information
  6. http://projectpokemon.org/events/jp-dr.php Beldum is available from the Radar. Serebii is pretty reliable.
  7. Hope you didn't search too hard.... and.... youtube? The answer is on this site. (Pokegen)
  8. Thanks again! I was a bit overzealous with my copy/pasting when creating new entries. Too focused on dates and filenames... The Porygon mistake was probably cause the DW pkm event was still stuck in my head, and the Cobalion mistake came from me not playing the games in English and being more familiar with the Japanese names... Oops! Everything should be ok now. The ones with blank descriptions required no special action such as a password. You simply had to click on the campaign to get them. So I won't be adding descriptions for those.
  9. Thanks to King Impoleon's contribution, we can add Spanish Karrablast and Shelmet to the collection and Gallery! I've also replaced Djidane's Pikachu with one of the correct date, due to a DS clock error. 7-15-2012 Collection archive updated Added: Spanish Karrablast/Shelmet Replaced: French Strongest Pikachu Still looking for a contribution for the German distribution of the Strongest Pikachu at the event in Paris. Also looking for confirmations of any other language distributions that took place there. The Italian version is happening right now, so if anyone is able to attend, I'd like to encourage you to try different languages there as well. And for those that are savvy on such things, please keep your eyes and ears open for any language confirmations at this event as well. ALSO, these are the only European versions of this event that we know of so far, but please be on the lookout for this happening in any other parts of Europe (English, Spanish, and German are still possibilities).
  10. Okay, got an update today! Pretty significant one, thanks to Shadow_Link's contribution! 7-15-2012 Collection archive updated Added: Korean Shinsegae Entei Korean Hanguk Nintendo Regigigas (pcd) Korean Shinsegae Feebas (pcd) Korean Shinsegae Munchlax (pcd) Korean Character Fair Shaymin (pcd) Replaced: Buggy pgt files for Spanish Entei and Raikou (pcd files were fine)
  11. The C-Gear Skin Gallery is now up! http://projectpokemon.org/events/cgear.php I plan on keeping this up to date with all of the official skins, so you can use this for easy access/browsing. All of them are in cgb format (rather than psk) as that is the format officially supported by Pokegen (it can load either, but only exports in cgb). (a navigation link should be added to the website soon, but in the meantime just use the above link)
  12. Well, this is ready: C-Gear Skin Gallery You can browse the skins here as well as download them individually. All of them are in cgb format (rather than psk) as that is the format officially supported by Pokegen (it can load either, but only exports in cgb). (a navigation link should be added to the website soon, but in the meantime just use the above link)
  13. So, this is finished now: http://projectpokemon.org/events/cgear.php I plan on keeping this up to date with all of the official skins, so you can use this for easy access/browsing. All of them are in cgb format (rather than psk) as that is the format officially supported by Pokegen (it can load either, but only exports in cgb). (a navigation link should be added to the website soon, but in the meantime just use the above link)
  14. And here it is: http://projectpokemon.org/events/en-dw.php
  15. In Australia. It's not live in the US or the UK yet. I don't have an Australian account.
  16. English games are finally getting their version of the Dream World Porygon. It'll run from today, July 12th to September 27th. You can pick it up with a password once IGN reveals what it is. You can also get it in the Event gallery as I'll get it uploaded once it goes live.
  17. Thanks, I'll fix that today. All I saw when I looked at the website was the "Carnival" stuff, but I can't read Korean. Thanks for the detailed info, too.
  18. Wow, how did you get these? And how did you manage to get these but not Zoroark? Edit: And I'm convinced. These'll be added soon. Edit 2: Here are download links in the meantime: (I'll get them up in the Gallery tonight) .pgf"]Shelmet .pgf"]Karrablast
  19. http://s1-02.twitpicproxy.com/photos/full/615332022.jpg?key=20481536 An article/advertisement in the latest Corocoro has revealed Genesect and the fact that it will be distributed by Wifi and Nintendo Zone to Black 2 and White 2 games from August 11th until September 14th. There will no doubt be more details soon with the official announcement. Edit: Official announcement, no new info yet. http://www.pokemon.co.jp/info/2012/07/120714_g01.html
  20. So if anyone sees any reports of the other languages... Also, it's possible this may happen at the Italian Pokemon Day event as well.
  21. If you are able to attend, try bringing along the other EU languages of the games to see in which it is being distributed.
  22. http://projectpokemon.org/forums/announcement.php?f=83 Please read announcements. But for the record, you cannot generate a legit Pokemon.
  23. For anyone wondering.... It's going to be by serial number found in the new National Dex guide going on sale in August.
  24. Which program did you use to extract the pgf? And does the card and Pikachu say the 4th ON your game? (when you view it in-game)
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