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Everything posted by Guested

  1. Still not quite sure what you mean, but these are already in Gen IV format. They shouldn't have to be edited at all.
  2. 10-14-2012 Collection archive updated Okay, here's the additions for recent event releases and contributions. Added: Plasma Genesect (English, French, German, Italian, Spanish) Korean Dragons, Weeks 5-6 Japanese Single Battle Strongest Class Pokemon, Periods 2-5 I'd like to include a reminder that we are still missing Wonder Cards for the French, Italian, and Spanish World Chapmionships 2012 Flying Pikachu as well as last year's Scrafty in those languages, plus German. If you know of anyone who attended these events with those language games, perhaps you could contact them. Also still missing the Shiny Volcarona from Korean Nationals.
  3. It is most definitely legal. xfr grabs the WC files directly from the server. They never reached a game, so that is why there is no date on the cards. I've uploaded them to the Event Gallery (with dates) so you can grab them from there if you like. German Gen V Gallery French Gen V Gallery Italian Gen V Gallery Spanish Gen V Gallery (Collection zip update coming very soon)
  4. Thanks to Nintendo1252 for that timely contribution. Black 2 and White 2 are on sale in the US and the event is indeed live. Genesect has been added to the Gallery and can be downloaded here: English Gen V Gallery Page .pgf"]Genesect Download link I'll now be getting to work on adding in the recent rounds of the repeating events in Korea (Dragons) and Japan (PC event). Sorry for the delay on those. Edit: Weeks 5 and 6 of the Korean Dragons have been added to the Gallery page, and that wraps up this event. Thanks to Nintendo1252 for staying on top of this event and grabbing all of the WCs every week. The recent distributions of the Single Battle Strongest Class Pokemon Center events have also been added to the page. A collection zip update will be coming after the EU Genesect WCs have been obtained. Japanese Gen V Gallery page Korean Gen V Gallery page Edit 2: The US Dream World Lucario event has ended and since that was a serial number event, I hadn't added it to the Gallery. It's over, so it's up on the page now. English Dream World Gallery page Edit 3: Also got the new C-Gear Skin added. C-Gear Gallery page Edit 4: Also forgot to add Japanese DW Pikachu. Here it is: Japanese Dream World Gallery page
  5. 9-16-2012 Collection archive updated I added in the backlog of updates into the zip collection. If I've missed anything since the last update, let me know. Added: Summer Keldeo (English, French, German, Italian, Spanish) Worlds Flying Pikachu (German) Korean Dragons, Weeks 1-4 Korean Summer Carnival Pikachu Spanish Zoroark Japanese Adventure Camp Fossils Japanese Kanto Starter Eggs Japanese Single Battle Strongest Class Pokemon, Period 1
  6. Thanks to those who have contributed EU Keldeo (and those who still plan to do in the future) so we could double check them. Thanks to Nintendo1252 for grabbing the Korean Dragons every week. I've finally added those into the Korean Gallery page. Sorry for the delay on that, I hope everyone who wanted the new ones were able to simply grab them from this thread. Here are some photos from this weekend's Pokemon Center event. Massive turnout. They moved the distribution to be in an outside patio area, and there were at least 100 people in there... most playing Fes Missions or Entra Link stuff. Pretty awesome. I've included pictures of some of that (though not all, cause people were spread around quite a bit) and me downloading my first Pokemon of the day, as well as a few of the "Battle Cards" you can get for showing your Pokemon to the staff. Pretty neat things. Working on a big ol' update to the zip right now, as well as updating the event info on the first post of this thread.
  7. Yeah, thanks for that double/triple/howevermany-confirmation. We knew from some UK ones previously, but it's nice to get other languages confirmed as well. I updated the dates on the entries in the Gallery to include the dates/locations of each languages' home countries (and US). It'd get way to crowded if I listed ALL EU countries' details in each entry.
  8. Yup, I'm behind on updates. I'll get them up within the next day or two, and I'll definitely get a collection zip update going this weekend. I'll be attending the Pokemon Center event as well, so those'll be coming Saturday.
  9. For BW, it may be more for undoing all of that and re a catching Landorus. Or doing it without the other two, I guess. Has anyone tried getting Landorus from the Ar Searcher function in POkestock and seeing if that lets you get the mirror? People were saying that using just the pkm from the Gallery wasn't working.
  10. Abundant Shrine stuff. First one says something about the Kids' form... which most likely indicates whether or not the kids have appeared there or not. Haven't tested it myself, or even done that part of the game (unless it's referring to Black 1/White 1), but that's what I assume. Second one is Kids' talk/speech... which most likely means whether or not you've talked to them yet.
  11. I spent a few hours messing around with this yesterday and I can read Japanese, so trust me. What you have in those screen caps are not the Keys, by are the modes and options you can choose, some of which must be unlocked with Keys. You can see what keys you have in the top menu o Unova Link (Key Communication). Your keys will unlock your features, you can communicate and use your keys to unlock stuff on someone else's game, but you cannot send keys. The websites that have covered this function have not done a very good job of explaining it, mostly due to a lack of ability to research it. But it's all spelled out quite clearly in the instruction manual (but in Japanese). The Keys are not an item that go into your inventory, but they are items that go into that Key Communication menu.
  12. That would be because the AR codes unlock all of the menu options as well as give you all the keys. I think what most people would really want would be the ability to have the options unlocked... not just the keys.
  13. You can't get a Tree Hollow Key on a Black 2 game. Turns out, getting a key will unlock the option on your game. But I'm not sure if simply HAVING a key (via pokegen or however) will unlock it. I'm not sure yet if they are intertwined like that. Regardless, the important thing is that you cant naturally get the Iceberg/Tree Hollow/Assist keys on Black 2 nor the Iron/Skyscraper/Challenge keys ob White 2. And it is impossible to have Tree Hollow Key on Black 2 by any means as it is tied to the version of the Rom, as is Tree Hollow with White 2.
  14. Unlocking the Keys wouldn't really do much for you on an R4. The Keys just give you the ability to unlock the menu selections on another's game. So you could only make use of the keys if you were putting the sav into a retail cart with the intention of unlocking the options on another retail cart via IR. However, we are working on a way to edit which options are unlocked on a sav file.
  15. Okay, I've updated all of the entries to include information about the distributions in Europe. Thanks very much to everyone who found info about dates and which stores Keldeo would be at!
  16. It didn't start a day early, .... it started at the time events always start.... which technically in the US is the night before the scheduled start date. I'm too braintired to do the math, but the server turns on when it's midnight at somewhere in the world.... Anyways, the ID no. is set to represent the 11th, but that just means they changed the official start date to the 12th AFTER they already decided on the ID. Perhaps it was doin to coincide with some Mewtwo stuff going on sale, or the movie airing on TV? I don't recall what was happening or when... but maybe it's that. As for the date... if you are THAT particular about it, you can always change the date on your Pokemon using Pokegen after you pick it up from the guy.
  17. Actually, that's whether or not the card has been used or not, as we were discussing. 0x4A-0x59 is the range for OT, and it looks like if it's all FF, then it uses the player's OT (at least from looking at the eggs' WCs).
  18. So we know that it is something on the pgf file that determines this. And I think it is PROBABLY this 0/1 byte.
  19. If it IS the thing with the pgf, it is not a new thing as it also appeared with Victini, etc. But it could also be something set on the distro ROM side. I just noticed the pattern, that's all. B2W2 pgfs are identical to BW. So yes.
  20. No, the game keeps a list of WC IDs you have obtained, regardless of if you have deleted them from your album. You would have to delete them from the hidden list using Pokegen. This is possible, but the pattern of restricted and not restricted Mystery Gifts seems to fall in line with the 0 and 1 thing I pointed out. If this restriction also applies to WCs distributed by local wireless, this could be tested.
  21. IR means Infrared (so, an in-real-life distribution, but not wireless) I just skimmed a random selection of the Kyushu events as well as the Groudon/Kyogre from the Fukuoka PC, and those all had 1, which would keep them restricted to only one download (which follows my theory). The distribution cart did NOT give my game a fake ID. The 95 ID number IS saved in my list of WCs on my sav file of my B2 game, and 69 from Keldeo IS saved on the list on my Black sav file. TFE was Local Wireless, so was definitely limited to 1 per event/school. The website for the egg events says that you CAN get multiple eggs on the same game cart. The website for the Fossils says that you get one per time that you participate in the event, but does not say either way about limiting it to one per game. (However, these have 0, so would fit my theory of being non-restricted).
  22. Must have. Edit: Must not have because Requiem reminded me of the Kyushu events, which were also IR but definitely WERE restricted to one-per-game. Unless there's something in the pgf data that allows it to be obtained multiple times. <-- Must be this. I haven't taken a close look at these, but I'm pretty sure there wasn't anything like that found before. Good cards to analyze would be these and the Fossil pokemon WCs. Edit: At a quick glance, I see that these egg WCs and the Fossil ones have the card used/unused byte (0xB4) as 0. Usually, this is 1 (for unused) and 3 (for used). However, we've seen this before in the movie pre-order Victini as well as the movie pre-order Keldeo (also Searcher Axew). Oddly, though, not on the Birthday cards (I can personally verify Keldeo, these eggs, and the Birthday Audino). SO, what this COULD mean is that if it is set to 0, it is allowed to be obtained multiple times, whereas 1 puts a block on it (???). And that would mean that you only get one Audino on your birthday, but can get multiple Victini/Keldeo for however many tickets you bought, multiple Eggs for however many sticker sets you collected, multiple Axew for however many times you do the Searcher activity, and multiple Fossil Pokemon for however many times you do the Adventure Camp activity. ^ Just a theory. It could just be that IR is not restricted. (or that it is related to something else completely) Can't test this as I don't own an IR distribution cart, and I have no idea if this byte would affect distributions via wireless. <--- could be worth researching.
  23. Okay, I've got the WC for the Eggs for Bulbasaur and Squirtle, but didn't get a Charmander. Going to try to get a new batch of stickers and try again. They have the same WC ID, so this means that you can get the same WC multiple times if it is by IR. Bulbasaur has its Defense IV set to 31, and Squirtle has its HP IV set to 31. Japanese Gen V Event Gallery
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