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Everything posted by Guested

  1. If you read the entry on that page, or in this thread, it says that this event begins on July 14.
  2. Can add Shuckle and Blue Shards to the list as well. For each round you play, you can use your normal Parts for free, or pay 100 Dream Orbs to use Parts that make more Pokemon appear or Parts that make more items appear. (They gotta be unlocked, though) There are also permanent upgrades that you can buy (increase number of clouds per round, increase Beam power, increase time limit), as well as consumable items (like increasing your time limit, or making the Pokemon stop moving for a bit).
  3. No, Fire Fang doesn't cut it. That's why you either put it in a position where its fire-type moves or attack stat can be boosted and use Fire Fang, OR just run something mixed with something else physical that isn't a Fire type move, and then use the special stat for something like Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Lava Plume, or Heat Wave for a fire attack. 95 in Special Attack isn't terrible.
  4. Guys. I don't know why no one has understood this yet. Flareon doesn't want Flare Blitz! A Pokemon that fragile with such low HP does NOT want a massive move with recoil. It just can't handle it.
  5. You could always clone it and then just trade that one over to B2. I want it to have Secret Sword, but I'm not sure if I'm a fan of the new form or not...
  6. So there hasn't been a ton of coverage on this little game yet (I know it's only the end of the first day), so I thought I'd share some info I got from playing it. I'm not sure if this was ever stated in any news before, but the Pokemon you catch have their Hidden Abilities, and Gen V Pokemon also appear. Pokemon I've caught so far: Munna Sigilyph (currently using in-game) Drifloon Riolu Tornadus I've also gotten a few items like Leppa Berry, a few Revives, and a couple Red Shards.
  7. I'm leaving shortly to go pick up my Keldeo. I'll be stopping back in to pass the file along to Nigoli who wil get it up in the Event Gallery asap (and then I'm off to go to a DIFFERENT store to pick up my copy of Black 2).
  8. http://projectpokemon.org/forums/announcement.php?f=83 Please read announcements.
  9. I'm not sure about this Blaziken. With a quick inspection, the data matches the other Blazikens, but the WC ID doesn't match the information I have (which is, admittedly, incomplete). We're still trying to work out what's up with the remaining ones, but this one just seems a bit off to me.
  10. The Japanese strategy guide also says that Munchlax CAN learn Superpower from a Move Tutor.
  11. The design was done that way because so many people still have ancient computers with low resolution and Pokesav's layout wouldn't fit.
  12. He was referring to how Chlorophyll would have been really awesome on a Bulbasaur with Weather Ball on a Sunny Day team.
  13. I don't know whether or not the translated versions of Pokesav ever added AR support properly for different regions, but I can tell you that it wouldn't be the first thing buggy about it. I highly suggest you stop using Pokesav, ESECIALLY the translated versions. Personally, I don't see why you think the layout of Pokegen is worse than Pokesav, but it'll do your AR stuff just fine, and with more options.
  14. A new event for Black 2 and White 2 has been revealed on the official Pokemon site. http://www.pokemon.co.jp/ex/atsumeyou/ If you collect stickers of all four Gen I starters (Bulbasaur, Squirtle, Charmander, Pikachu) found in certain merchandise, you can take them to participating stores to collect an Egg for your Black 2/White 2 game. The egg is one of the three main Kanto starters: Bulbasaur, Squirtle, or Charmander, and is a random distribution. It says it is possible to get multiple eggs on a single game cart (but you would have to collect another set of stickers). The goods containing the stickers go on sale starting June 23rd, and the Egg distribution runs from September 1st to September 30th. Each Pokemon has their normal abilities, but have special moves. Bulbasaur: False Swipe, Block, Frenzy Plant, Weather Ball Charmander: False Swipe, Block, Blast Burn, Acrobatics Squirtle: False Swipe, Block, Hydro Cannon, Follow Me
  15. Got some details from the official site now: http://www.pokemon.co.jp/info/2012/06/120615_g01.html?bs001=news Level 15, OT is リサイタル, Ability is Torrent, Hold Item is Metronome, Classic Ribbon, Cherish Ball Moveset: Sing, Round, Feather Dance, Peck
  16. A new event will be taking place at Nagashima Spa Land resort in Japan this July. From July 21st on (no end date yet specified), players who participate in the Pokemon Adventure Camp will be able to randomly receive one fossil Pokemon on their BW or B2W2 game. The Pokemon are: Omanyte, Kabuto, Aerodactyl, Lileep, Anorith, Cranidos, Shieldon, Tirtouga, and Archen. Each Pokemon will know an Egg move, be at level 15, and be in a Cherish Ball. http://www.nagashima-onsen.co.jp/spaland/pokemon_adventure.html/
  17. The English version is back online again. It is being advertised in the UK this time, with a scheduled distribution from June 12 - 26. It's identical to the previous English distribution.
  18. Okay, thanks to Bluesun's contribution, I've updated the file in the Italian Gallery, and replaced the old Larvitar in the event collection zip with the new one. If you downloaded the zip (or just the pgf), please re-download it in order to have the correct version of the Larvitar. The date on this pgf has been changed to reflect the date of the Italian event, for those who are particular about such things. I've also added a note to each Larvitar entry in the Gallery to indicate that each language was also distributed at each European National Championship event.
  19. Putting the pgf on your save = setting them up to be "recieved." They will be shiny this way. If you get the eggs, then trade them, they will not hatch shiny.
  20. Okay, well I'm removing the Gallery DL link for now, and I'll replace the one in the Collection when a correct one shows up.
  21. Whoops, you're right. I've fixed the link. But how do you know the card title is wrong? Do you have any reference for that? I haven't seen the card title for this one anywhere else.
  22. Posts contaning bickering have been deleted. As for the topic related to the bickering... This thread is for contribution of pgf files. It is true that Dream World events do not have pgf files, but can only be backed up as pkm files or the EntraLink forest file that PokeStock uses, HOWEVER... A full collection of all US and all Japanese Dream World events can be found in the Event Gallery. An ADDITIONAL set of the Eeveelution Dream World event pkm files can be found in the thread which is in a link in my signiature. We currently don't need more DW contributions, but there is a separate thread where they CAN be contributed, if you would like to.
  23. This thread is just for contributing pgf files, not pkm files. If you have the pgf file for this event, please feel free to contribute that here.
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