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Everything posted by Guested

  1. I've updated the Collection to include the latest events, and they can be found on their gallery pages as well. The Italian Larvitar was not obtained in person by Nintendo1252, but we can check it against bluesun's when he contributes his. 6-3-2012 Collection archive updated Added: Japanese Powerful Tag Pokemon - Whimsicott and Lucario French Wi-Fi Victini Italian Nationals Shiny Larvitar
  2. I just got back from the Pokemon Center for the latest Tag Pokemon distribution. I can confirm that the screwy arrangement of level values on the Lucario card is, in fact, correct. The one I got today is the same way. Anyways, here's some photos from the event, for those interested, and I'll be updating the Gallery and Collection zip with recent contributions in a little while.
  3. I've just gotten back from the Pokemon Center and picked up the Tag event pokemon, so I can verify that the Lucario that Nigoli got is correct. This one is screwy on the official end of things. "Level" is set to 100, and "Egg Level" is set to 50. The resulting produced Pokemon still come out at level 50.
  4. There's no use arguing about it now. Ultimately, the files end up public, so might as well just make them public submissions. I'll be doing an update today after going to the Pokemon Center event today, anyway. If anyone is super-eager to check out this Italian Larvitar, here is a DL link for now. Italian Nationals Larvitar I'll update the Gallery page and Collection zip later today. Hopefully bluesun will contribute his Italian Larvitar from the UK event, and then we can double-confirm.
  5. It's pretty much the same situation as the Zoroark that you asked about earlier. The wondercards were identical apart from the pre-set part of the flavor text on the WC which instead of saying "Thank you for coming to the store" said "thank you for playing pokemon." The Pokemon were entirely identical.
  6. Ah, I see. Yes, that's fine. The date can be easily fixed if we want it to match the Italian event's date.
  7. http://projectpokemon.org/forums/announcement.php?f=83 Please read forum announcements.
  8. Apart from the date, the two Zoroarks were identical. If you are that concerned, you can use Pokegen to edit the met date on the pokemon.
  9. Yes it does. The cards which do not have shiny prevention and cards that are set as shiny are noted. Entries that have nothing mentioned cannot be shiny.
  10. Not a big surprise, but the OT gender and ID number were confirmed on Pokemon Smash today. They showed some clips of Meloetta in action in order to show the forme change and the Relic Song sidequest, and showed the status screen in the process.
  11. Here's an animated promotional video for the games. It was supposed to be released on Thursday, May 17th, but was leaked out today (Wednesday). It's.... pretty dang cool. Fun surprise near the end, too. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xquxz9_pokemon-black-white-2-anime-promo_videogames
  12. The official site has updated with the info about the Meloetta distribution, so I've filled in some details in the above post, and a Gallery entry. This Meloetta will unlock a new Musical download on the PGL. It can also get the move Relic Song at a cafe in Castelia City (which is used to change its forme), as well as something additional in B2W2.
  13. Thanks for the files and details! Edit: Both the Gallery and Collection have now been updated with these two Korean WCs. 5-14-2012 Collection archive updated Added: Korean Thundurus and Tornadus
  14. The World Tournament feature (that deal with the old gym leaders and champions) has one piece of information on it that all the other fansites seem to have missed. Luckily, I pointed it out to the big guy that everyone copies from (Serebii). There is a small blurb saying that you will be able to download more special trainers to battle, so this could mean the trainers we see are special trainers (and the tournament is normally fought against regular trainers), and/or we could be seeing more trainers added to this game mode over time.
  15. Yeah, we've told Codr. He'll fix it eventually. The game orders the stats differently than what you'd think the order should be.
  16. Yes, Nigoli is correct. If anyone still had any doubts, I've gone to the event today and can verify that the files we already have are accurate.
  17. If anyone is interested, I picked up my movie ticket today and it comes with a neat little brochure about the movie(s) and event.
  18. The tooltips about what each field do are IN the program, as you hover your mouse over them. Sorry, but seeing that you are encouraging people to use bulbapedia as their reference, I'm closing this. No one should be encouraged to visit that site as they often have errors, are now owned by some kind of evil media company, and the staff had a secret child porn forum in the bulbagarden forums (among other dubious behavior).
  19. Didn't think a tutorial for this program was needed, other than people who don't know how to access their save file (as the program has built-in tooltips). BUT you may want to change your terminology, as by accepted definitions it is not possible to make legit pokemon. Edit: Aaaand... what's the purpose of putting base stats in as EVs?
  20. Hm. You're right. I might have read it wrong the first time, or this might be another error with the MGE program. I'm actually getting conflicting reports on which one it should be... BUT. At any rate, tomorrow I'm attending this event myself, so we'll have it all sorted out within 24 hours.
  21. Scans of the latest Corocoro have revealed that Meloetta will be distributed at the Pokemon movie this summer. It will be at level 15, knowing the moves it should at that level (Round, Quick Attack, Confusion), and it'll be holding a PP Max. Other details not yet confirmed, but there will probably be an official site update soon. Edit: More details have been confirmed. [video=youtube;bkxDCobkfxQ]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bkxDCobkfxQ Level: 15 OT: えいがかん ID: 07142 Ability: Serene Grace Nature: ??? Moves: Round Quick Attack Confusion Item: PP Max Pokeball: Cherish Ribbon: Wishing Ribbon Location: Pokémon Movie 12 Date: 07/14 ~ 09/30 Game Distribution: Black, White, Black 2, White 2 Distribution Type: Wireless Official Site news article Event Gallery entry
  22. Thanks for the heads up. If you could get your hands on the text for the OT (seen in the images), that'd be really helpful for getting some Gallery entries up ahead of time.
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