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Everything posted by Andibad

  1. dear oxnite, you can fix broken link? is seems someone want download you mod but is was deleted by mediafire.
  2. 1. is need manual search using narc explorer or tinke 2. used emulator and debug them, dump RAM or see on RAM viewer. 1. narc explorer or crystaltile 2 or tinke 2. since is not named, is just numbering, please check one by one.
  3. hm alomomola is mola fish (you can found too inbali island, is on my country), is not related to luvdisc so is not evolved into mola fish *ignore this comment* change evolution into alomomola ? ok just change evolution tree on pokemon stat (you can ignore that but you must sure about effect if you not change it), after that change evolution line. if you want fix some egg move on both, just change egg group if is not same, change evolution tree on both. after that check on moveset on both pokemon, and egg move moveset is up to you. since is just change evolution, you not need change important data so is safe to change.
  4. because is not on ncgr format. so you can't find them? okay i will help you a bit: a/1/1/5/104.bmd0 --> texture inside this file.... (a/1/1/5/ is containing opening battle, like you battle with zoroark is on here too on 3d models, VS , dark ball, light ball, badge you get it, ... ect) that alder fly ?..., you not sure i will show you a name list inside that bmd0 : in same narc file, i was found a sprite is gym leader from HGSS, so i thin BW is based on HGSS NOT DPPt ... since on this narc i was found plently that sprite on not right place so is not deleted ._. so you can found them on HGSS too. i give my secret data about that: - a/1/1/5/104.bmd0 --> alder fly action - a/1/1/5/108.bmd0 --> white fly action - a/1/1/5/112.bmd0 --> white fly action with some sprite is on front and back - a/1/1/5/59.bmd0 --> black fly action - a/1/1/5/67.bmd0 --> black fly action with some sprite is on front and back - a/1/1/5/88.bmd0 --> team plasma logo if you was see my data, please give a credit, if not i will not share another my data to public. don't ask me how to edit them, i not answer that question, sorry i no want it for fake video.
  5. some program is need some component like old program , most from that need comdlg32 or something that not found on you computer.. is you strife? you can search on google with that file you will found them also how to install ocx , just googling i just not remember all step v_v
  6. is just problem on color depth, try using 4bpp or 8bpp.
  7. 1. you wrong section, post on here (rom editing help section), Rom research and development is just post a tools and a data, not a question thread. 2. don't create same question, please search again.. is no too depth. 3. not see "http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?17891-B-W-Type-Weakness" and "http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?10074-Editing-the-effectiveness-and-resistances-of-types-in-HG-SS"? if you not found "answer" please don't create new one. just waiting or replay on that thread. i just dislike someone create new thread without check another thread is same topic =,=
  8. you must using xdelta GUI on inside zip archive file for patching using *.xdelta file about xdelta gui you can found on filetrip... if you still not found on that archive also why you using that nickname ... ? wkwkwk
  9. you must know: 1. ncgr/nclr --> main sprite data 2. narn --> sheet frame animation 3. ncer --> position/ cell 4. lz11, -->compression if you don't know about that, i won't help you. Guide step by step is useless if you still ask about this...
  10. pichu, 2share is seem banned my ip, since is always null if i click download link, i was trying used some proxy is still null. =( can upload on another file hosting, since fileserve and 2share is seem not working on my country (is forbidden to download but is still can access them)
  11. Fix them? lol is ASM hacking like drayano say "ASM hacking", is need (must) know about C programming and algorithm skill for solve that and create new logic to control these engine, is not just changing variable, is need hardcoding on system, example "pokemon BW is have algorithm to avoid crash if is detect (if is not correct data or system is not correct parameter) it will show error message". don't be to learn, no one to doing that for you if someone was found is not directly to share to you or maybe not to share to you . someone is doing that for community, or/and showing he/she technique on hacking pokemon games only so is not for you lol. i don't know why newbie always not enough, is need more like hacking mapping, hack engine (these stuff are not done/ not complete), This does not appreciate someone was share about changing variable or some information is was easy? is not easy and need time to checking and correct them. don't trying make these people to create a hack game for you or researching for you, is it is disturbing and does not appreciate at all since most these newbie is not giving a credit to original founder or creator. if you get bothered, i say sorry, i just say, don't trying waiting someone, is waste you time, if you want that, please learn by yourself , don't trying waiting someone was create tool/found how do that , nobody create them without advise.
  12. Thank you pichu, for you was "almost" load a nsmb is enough for me same here, i have mid-exam too btw i see you screenshot, is awesome, i hope you can help or join to link (on pokemoncomunity) for mapping, because just edit on hex is need more time to see that complex structure =| so is easy to forget on some point.
  13. i don't know lol you not provide a complete detail about you DS, flash cart and r4? lol why? i don't know since you not provide more detail than this. i post a image is just example, yeah i know onixe is for white only for a while, i was test this game is working on my r4 clone. =D
  14. ... you just need clean ROM is matched on onixe rom based. just using ds-scene tools for checking is a clean ROM from official number ... and is trusted database for listing of NDS Release. and i don't know onixe is used what release and ect... my based ROM always used : Btw i have many release group so not worry if is not correct (is just example only) using ds-scene for checking you ROM is clean, yeah if you don't know about checksum
  15. @Kyo: please search again... you just lazy to find. Thread about move / attack data on: http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?15629-BW-Move-Data a/0/2/1...
  16. about sseq or another audio format you can check http://gbatemp.net/topic/305167-the-various-audio-formats-of-the-ds/page__hl__sseq__fromsearch__1. for converting i suggest using a new midi to sseq converter http://gbatemp.net/t301382-ds-code-sseq-player-and-new-mid-to-sseq-converter . About i can replace DS music, yeah i can. some my success experiment or some practice about some tutorial on net, i always upload on my channel (youtube). Tools: - awave studio (is shareware, changing instrument, edit event on midi file) - anvil studio (for edit/repointer instrument (if not change swar file)), for replacing swar for no i don't know also team fail still research 3D mapping BW. But some tools for reinsert is available on filetrip or another hack forum. - flstudio (shareware, bad this software no have ability to changing instrument since i don't know how to change on this software ) - SSEQ2MIDI (needed) - MIDI2SSEQ (needed) - SWAV2SWAR (optional) i was found many tools for that but flstudio + anvil studop + awave studio i used. EDIT2: i just forgot about VGMTrans is just for preview extracted into midi+dls and for analyzing structure of sseq + sbnk + swar
  17. For reinserting music on Pokemon BW is not too hard for me, yeah i used team fail guide on gbatemp and on pokemon community. yeah the main problem now is : - resetting instrument on midi (sseq), maybe is most people confused for that part. and for looping now is easy if you using anvil studio... for editing midi is can on anvil studio too or Flstudio. anyway i hope this mod is can success as another mod , i just waiting final version i just bored playing HM and another mod anyway onixe you have plan to changing effect on every move ? i mean you have plan to change it? all sprite effect are on a/0/0/6 with spa format
  18. @Blaquaza: rar / 7z / zip / tar / gz / zipx (is for power zip 2011 format) all are archive format by deafult supported by seven zip, winrar, ultimatezip, wezip, and another tools... you just click right on you mouse > open with > select winrar/winzip/ ect, you can see on http://www.softpedia.com/get/Compression-tools/ , oh yeah peazip is powerfull too) also this tools request net framework .. 4 (if you using win XP, you must install net.framework 4 ... - i don't know is support win XP...), and a-map is using delphi so is different IDE...
  19. nice respond ==" by teh way, why you not search in some thread in here and gbatemp ... my name is not "andy", my name is "andi" ... well precious tool?
  20. ::is for starter pokemon event only:: *i know about item on ground/pokemon/ect but is not my data, i get it from drayano, ask to drayano for this...* is from my message to netalzero : is my comment on abacus thread: (http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?16264-Several-B-W-Questions&p=131085&viewfull=1#post131085) i just not remember all, about another data but i was post it on somewhere (not remember where ). also i too busy to search that my document about a/0/5/7 on my main hard disk..... sorry i can't tell more and some data is sensitive for me so i decide not leak it to anyone... remember: - is cannot hold item, if you want it, you must added a script "hold item". - is cannot change into alternate pokemon, i not sure about this , i think is possible if you added a script.... - level is on end line so you can added script after level script byte ... Ok i will tell you all about a/0/5/7 "IF" i have free time... so don't wait until i tell you. until now i busy. you can search it on old thread, it will help you out...
  21. well if you just post a changelog, i suggest you a pastebin for that. http://pastebin.com/ or using personal website, blog.... for huge change log ... like my site is http://elfuun.tk/
  22. Map hacking is begin. . . . . Thank you Lol i post my comment on my mobile phone. but size is 20 KB sure?, i think is no really map hacking :v i not sure about this also i can't download them from 4shared is always nulls, i was using link premium generator, my browser and minopy all are not working to download this file. so is....
  23. Try used another pokepicDS build. or using crystaltile or tinke.......
  24. Same Question and you impatient, please search again, and don't trying create same question/ Thread is same topic :v http://projectpokemon.org/wiki/Editing_Platinum_Sprites
  25. Why not using PRC? i can modified my mod for can read you mod ROM, i just need hex offset for stat pokemon, attack data, evolution data, wild pokemon data only why not see and experiment, http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?13804-Pok%E9mon-B-W-Wild-Pokemon-Editing is was telling all anything about alternate form from me . for change alternate form is just +8 only unown ID number is 201 (C9) so on HEX is C9 00 MM XX you just added +8 on second byte so for unown B is C9 08 is will become unown B. is just lucky, i still remember it. Also i can help you but i have many homework so i busy on my college well i still can online until now is the list for unown alternate form (all are on DEC, not on HEX) : +0 201,Unown +8 2249,Unown (B) +16 4297,Unown (C) +24 6345,Unown (D) 8393,Unown (E) 10441,Unown (F) 12489,Unown (G) 14537,Unown (H) 16585,Unown (I) 18633,Unown (J) 20681,Unown (K) 22729,Unown (L) 24777,Unown (M) 26825,Unown (N) 28873,Unown (O) 30921,Unown (P) 32969,Unown (Q) 35017,Unown (R) 37065,Unown (S) 39113,Unown (T) 41161,Unown (U) 43209,Unown (V) 45257,Unown (W) 47305,Unown (X) 49353,Unown (Y) 51401,Unown (Z) 53449,Unown (!) 55497,Unown (?) For location file id number : 101,Route 1 102,Route 2 103,Route 3 106,Route 4 107,Route 5 108,Route 6 (Spring) 109,Route 6 (Summer) 110,Route 6 (Fall) 111,Route 6 (Winter) 115,Route 7 (Spring) 116,Route 7 (Summer) 117,Route 7 (Fall) 118,Route 7 (Winter) 123,Route 8 (Spring) 124,Route 8 (Summer) 125,Route 8 (Fall) 126,Route 8 (Winter) 131,Route 9 135,Route 10 136,Route 10 (Badge Gate Check) 137,Route 11 138,Route 12 139,Route 13 140,Route 14 142,Route 15 143,Route 16 147,Route 17 145,Route 18 93,P2 Laboratory 12,Relic Castle (B1F) 13,Relic Castle (B2F) 14,Relic Castle (B3F) 15,Relic Castle (B4F) 16,Relic Castle (B5F) 17,Relic Castle (B6F) 18,Relic Castle (B6F Pathway) 19,Relic Castle (B7F) 20,Relic Castle (B7F) 21,Relic Castle (B7F) 22,Relic Castle (B7F) 23,Relic Castle (B7F) 24,Relic Castle (B7F) 25,Relic Castle (B7F) 26,Relic Castle (B7F) 27,Relic Castle (B7F) 28,Relic Castle (B7F) 29,Relic Castle (B7F) 30,Relic Castle (B7F) 31,Relic Castle (B7F) 32,Relic Castle (B7F) 33,Relic Castle (B7F Ryoku) 34,Relic Castle (B7F Volcarona) 35,Relic Castle (B7F Stairs) 36,Relic Castle (B6F Stairs) 37,Relic Castle (B5F Stairs) 38,Relic Castle (B4F Stairs) 39,Relic Castle (B3F Stairs) 40,Relic Castle (B2F Stairs) 41,Relic Castle (B1F Stairs) 42,Relic Castle (1F) 146,Undella Town 94,Undella Bay (Spring) 95,Undella Bay (Summer) 96,Undella Bay (Fall) 97,Undella Bay (Winter) 0,Striaton City 89,Giant Chasm (Spring) 90,Giant Chasm (Summer) 91,Giant Chasm (Fall) 92,Giant Chasm (Winter) 132,Challenger's Cave (B1F) 133,Challenger's Cave (B2F) 134,Challenger's Cave (B3F) 88,Trial Chamber 2,Icirrus City (Spring) 3,Icirrus City (Summer) 4,Icirrus City (Fall) 5,Icirrus City (Winter) 127,Moor of Icirrus (Spring) 128,Moor of Icirrus (Summer) 129,Moor of Icirrus (Fall) 130,Moor of Icirrus (Winter) 119,Celestial Tower (2F) 120,Celestial Tower (3F) 121,Celestial Tower (4F) 122,Celestial Tower (RF) 104,Wellspring Cave (1F) 105,Wellspring Cave (B1F) 74,Victory Road (1F Center) 81,Victory Road (1F Left) 79,Victory Road (1F Right) 75,Victory Road (2F Center) 78,Victory Road (2F Right) 76,Victory Road (3F Center) 82,Victory Road (3F Left) 80,Victory Road (3F Right) 77,Victory Road (4F Center) 83,Victory Road (4F Left) 86,Victory Road (4F Right) 84,Victory Road (5F Left) 85,Victory Road (6F Left) 73,Victory Road (Outside) 87,Victory Road (Top) 44,Chargestone Cave (1F) 45,Chargestone Cave (B1F) 46,Chargestone Cave (B2F) 47,Twist Mountain (2F Spring) 48,Twist Mountain (2F Summer) 49,Twist Mountain (2F Fall) 50,Twist Mountain (2F Winter) 51,Twist Mountain (1F Spring) 52,Twist Mountain (1F Summer) 53,Twist Mountain (1F Fall) 54,Twist Mountain (1F Winter) 55,Twist Mountain (B1F Spring) 56,Twist Mountain (B1F Summer) 57,Twist Mountain (B1F Fall) 58,Twist Mountain (B1F Winter) 59,Twist Mountain (B2F Spring) 60,Twist Mountain (B2F Summer) 61,Twist Mountain (B2F Fall) 62,Twist Mountain (B2F Winter) 99,Village Bridge 112,Mistralton Cave (1F) 113,Mistralton Cave (2F) 141,Abundant Shrine 1,Driftveil City 98,Driftveil Drawbridge 144,Lostlorn Forest 114,Guidance Chamber 8,Pinwheel Forest (Outside) 9,Pinwheel Forest (Inside) 7,Dreamyard (B1F) 6,Dreamyard (Outside) 10,Desert Resort (Route 4 side) 11,Desert Resort (Relic Castle side) 63,Dragonspiral Tower (Icirrus City side Spring) 64,Dragonspiral Tower (Icirrus City side Summer) 65,Dragonspiral Tower (Icirrus City side Fall) 66,Dragonspiral Tower (Icirrus City side Winter) 67,Dragonspiral Tower (Outside Spring) 68,Dragonspiral Tower (Outside Summer) 69,Dragonspiral Tower (Outside Fall) 70,Dragonspiral Tower (Outside Winter) 71,Dragonspiral Tower (1F) 72,Dragonspiral Tower (2F) 43,Cold Storage 100,Marvelous Bridge
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